Lord Lucan

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Lord Lucan

Thanks to @hrb264 for this conspiracy.

This conspiracy has to do with Richard John Bingham, 7th Earl of Lucan, or as he is more commonly known, Lord Lucan. He was born on December 18, 1934 into aristocracy, the son of George Bingham, 6th Earl of Lucan, and Kaitlin Dawson. He was an evacuee during World War II but served with the Coldstream Guards in West Germany after the war. He loved gambling and eventually became a professional gambler. Supposedly, he was considered a possible James Bond, especially since he loved Aston Martins and racing boats. He married Veronica Duncan in 1963, with which he had three children. The marriage became estranged, he moved out and ultimately lost an ugly custody battle. Because of his gambling losses and his marriage problems, he began to spy on his wife.

This is where it gets creepy. On November 7, 1974, Lucan supposedly bludgeoned the nanny, Sandra Rivett, to death in the basement of the family home and then attacked his wife. He called his mother and asked her to gather the children and then drove to his friend's house in Uckfield, East Sussex in a borrowed Ford Corsair. Ultimately, he left there and was never heard from again. The car was abandoned in Newhaven stained with blood and a bandaged lead pipe like that found at the murder scene. The coroner's report named him as the murderer, an unprecedented move that isn't done now.

Of course, his disappearance elicited many sightings and theories, none of which have been proven to be true. Keep in mind that this was a titled Brit. Some bounty hunter claimed to have found him, but it was a hoax.

The blood samples found at the murder scene matched the blood of the victim and Lucan's wife. Hair samples matched his wife's. There was no blood on the pipe found in the abandoned Corsair's boot.

What I find weird about this case is that the police found Lucan's wallet, passport, glasses, driving license, money and other personal items at the row that he was living in. Why would he run off and leaves these things?

This case sounds fishy, and it could be that this Lord Lucan didn't commit the murder. But if that were the case, then who did? Where did Lucan go? No one knows for sure. Strange case indeed!

Thanks for reading.

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