2 - The Art Of Fate

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Sorry it's been awhile (: This chapter took four rewrites to finish, but I'm done! xD

 Enjoy ~

Chapter 2: Ryan

"I can do this." I whispered to myself as I walked closer and closer to the small feminine silhouette sitting on a park bench opposite of the playground where little toddlers were running wild. Their laughter and happiness melted away the pain, but one look back at her made the hole in my heart even bigger.

I stopped short of the girl; her face was turned away from me. There was still time to back out and spare the grief we both would be feeling. She turned as if she had sensed someone was watching her attentively, but her face was soon filled with relief that it was me, washing away any resemblance of a half-second fear. Little did she know I was about to break her pretty little heart and she'd probably would've wished it had been anyone but me sneaking up at her.

"Hey." Abrielle's voice rang into my ears; her sweet angelic voice that panged pain inside me, but I kept my ground. I never knew guys could reach this phase of being so emotional; I guess I was just an exception. "What did you want to talk about that you couldn't do over the phone this morning?"

I hesitated, choosing my words carefully before responding. "Abby, we-"

"Can't be together anymore." She finished my sentence so swiftly that I was taken back.

"Was it that obvious to you or do you have some physic powers you never got around telling me about?" I chuckled nervously, trying to be comical. She returned a weak smile; my humor not breaking the sorrow that was starting to build up inside her...not this time. Her dark blue sapphire eyes were now a shade I've never seen before: regret.

"I've known for a while, but I just don't know why. I know you like the back of my hand. We've been through so much together in the past year and you're willing to through that all away? Why?" She whispered so softly, it was almost devoured by the cool breeze picking up. I tried reaching for her hand, but she pulled away. "Why Ryan? We were so perfect."

"That's just it Abby; we were perfect. We aren't anymore." I took her hands again and this time she didn't budge. I carcassed her left cheek, placing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You can't look me in the eye right now and tell me you didn't cheat on me with this Noah Pearson guy."

Her eyes soon filled with tears as she gripped my hand and fell stiff. It was true. All this time, I had denied it because I was too love struck to notice I had let my guard down too far. I had given all my trust to the one girl I thought could treat me right, but I guess I was wrong. "I'm so sorry."

"Why?" I responded; it was my turn to ask the one word question.

"Stupidity, frustration, confusion, jealousy. It was one time Ry, just once. All I did was kiss him twice and I couldn't go any further than that because it felt wrong. I wasn't thinking; I was just so upset that day because my parents had just divorced and that Melody chick was doing some hard-core flirting with you and you didn't seem to mind. I'm your girlfriend Ryan! Was." She corrected before going on. "I wasn't just going to stand there and watch her fling herself at you. That night, I had to get away from it all and Noah was just there. Ryan it didn't mean anything though; I swear. I had regretted it the moment after. If I could take it back, I would and you know that. I love you." Silence filled the distance between us as I let go of her hand and stared away from her. She tried to come closer, but I just moved father away from her. "Please say something." She pleaded.

"I guess it hasn't sunk in that you'd cheat on me; like I was just a mere faint memory when you decided that I wasn't worth anything to you anymore."

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