25 - Flight Risk

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Chapter 25: Harmony

            “Now boarding flight 709 to Los Angeles, California.” I dug my fingers into the airline ticket I was clutching onto, closing my eyes tightly. Maybe if I said abracadabra and then opened them in the next three seconds, Ryan would be standing in front of me. But when I did, all I caught sight of was a brunette madly texting on her cell phone and an elderly man flipping through a golf magazine.

            What did I think? That saying a magic word would instantly erase the lies, the fights, and my decision to just end things? I felt tears sting my eyes, but I held them back as best I could; I've done enough crying these past few days.

            I should've gone back and forgave him. I should've told him that we could work it out. But I didn't because I would just be inviting hurt back inside of me and I didn't have enough strength to do so. Wasn't I hurting without him though? I was, but it was lesser than what I would've felt if I had stayed.

            As I continued to have an internal argument with myself, the intercom called my flight number out again. How did I end up here? All my mind could regain was walking out and every second after that was just a blur. I did remember fragments of what happened after driving a well enough distance from the Ryan's house so that it was too far for me to turn back and change my mind.

            Pulling onto the curb (safety first, especially if you were emotionally distressed), I dialed one of the only three numbers I knew by heart; one being Cassidy and the other being the boy. Nothing felt more disappointing than being let down by the one person who swore would never hurt you.

            “Hello?” An unfeminine voice answered and at first I had thought I had punched the digits incorrectly, but then the voice become less unfamiliar when I realized who it was. I could hear Scarlett in the background fighting with the boy who was currently taking her cellular device hostage.

            “Kendall, stop freaking tickling me and give me my phone!”

            “Not a fat chance.” He said through the line though the words weren't directed towards me.

            “You're such a doofus you know that?” Her vibrant laugh made me smile a little bit. They were too darn cute and I was glad I had set them up. She better be thanking me now because when I had pulled the blind date on her, she literally wanted to dangle me out of her second story window.

            As they continued to playfully argue, I decided it was time to break up this mushy couple fight. It was adorable, but I think I'm about to hit my breaking point on the romance crap.

            “Hey Kendall.” I sniffled, trying to maintain my composure. I tried to muffle up my cries (I hated sympathy...oh hey look! We're back to the list of things I hate!), but Kendall noticed quickly.

            “What's wrong Harmony?” I tried to muster up words, but all that came out was a bunch of sobs. I could overhear Kendall pass the phone to Scarlett who then intended to blow my eardrums out by questioning me in an unbelievably loud voice. Rule number one when talking to Scarlett Collins: never press the phone to your ear. Period.

            Somehow I managed to get out that my relationship with Ryan was over because in fifteen minutes flat I saw her get out of her navy blue Jetta and walked towards the Volkswagen. I couldn't move from my spot; scared that if I go even an inch forward more, I'd lose the one person I couldn't afford to.

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