11 - Paradise Crumbling Down

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Chapter 11: Julie

            OH. MY. GOD. This couldn't be happening. I was still holding onto the phone; my fingers barely above the end call button that I had just pressed a few seconds ago. How? Oh my god, how the hell did he figure it out? I thought I erased everything from the past. Did I really forget to freaking deactivate the account? I slammed my hand into my bed covers. I had to know. I ran out of my apartment and into Cassidy's.

            “Hey Cassidy, can I use your laptop?” I smashed all of the words together. “Thank you.” I cried, responding for her as she was busy with one of the other renters. I went into the backroom and quickly searched up myself on Facebook. Sure enough, it was still the same as I left it two years ago. I was so broken and hurt from so many people that I didn't even stop to delete the account, the only real link back into the past.

            I started screaming out all the swear words I knew and in different languages. I glanced at the bottom of the page for recent views and it looks like he was the only person...the only one who knew my dirty little secret.

            How was I going to fix this mess? Well first thing's first. I thought to myself, hitting the deactivation button as I watched my profile dissolve into darkness. I took a deep breath, calming down after my little meltdown. Think Julie think.

            I tried pacing back and forth in the small seven by seven room. For as long as I paced, I could've dug a tiny trench. I pulled out my blackberry and searched through my calls. He hasn't called back; he knows now because I had given him the answer when I hung up. I kicked the filing cabinet next to me which was not certainly the best idea. I sat back in a nearby chair, my foot throbbing in pain, as I tried to come up with a ridiculously good excuse. Here goes nothing.

           I picked up my phone that was limply being held by my hand over the bars of the chair and dialed the first six numbers. I took a couple of deep breaths before pushing the last number. The dial tone was so deafening at the moment because I was about to lie to Ryan...again. If he knew that I was a big giant fake, our relationship would crumble.

            “Jewels?” The voice on the other line called out. He sounded so hurt and confused.

            “Ryan, please hear me out.” I pleaded.

            “Why-why didn't you just tell me from the beginning? Why are you trying to be someone else? Was our whole relationship just a lie? Such a perfect lie if you ask me.”

            “Ry, I didn't mean to hang up, but Harmony Adams was my friend's girlfriend. She-she ODed two years ago when he broke up with her.” It was partly true; Harmony Adams was friends with Daniel before she became his girlfriend. I'm still good and alive though, while Harmony Adams on the other hand was stripped away to be replaced by a Julie Auburn. Cue the tears. I told myself as water spewed onto my top. “I'm so sorry. I just haven't heard that name in a long time and-I'm sorry.” I said through sobs.

            “Julie. Julie. I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that and I didn't mean to jump to conclusions.” Ryan replied, suddenly full of worry.

            “No it's okay. You didn't know.”

            “She just looks so much like you. Did you want me to come over to comfort you?”

            “No that's fine; I think I'll be okay.”

            “Okay, I just want my girl happy again."

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