22 - Shattered Lies

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Chapter 22: Ryan

            “Don't you dare lie to me.” Her voice was tinted with irritation and a hint of disappointment. I wasn't going to fire back at her because she had every right to be pissed at me. We both thought the secrets were over since it was what tore us apart the first time around, but here I was holding onto a daunting one and having to lie to the one girl I didn't think I would have to just to keep the truth hidden.

            “Harmony-” I started, but the sentence just hanged there like a thread dangling mid-air. How was I supposed to end it? Oh just to let you know, my ex is pregnant and I'm the father. So how about we plan our next date? That would earn a hang up and a break up, not to mention possibly a slap in the face and a kick in some other places, if you know what I mean.

            “The first sign of a lie is when the person hesitates.” She snarled when the silence became too much for her.

            “Harmony please let me explain. Give me a chance.”

            “Huh, the last time I checked, when I said those exact words you didn't hear me out. Why should I make an exception with you?”

            “Because I have a legitimate reason.”

            “And you couldn't have told me that, say, the past three conversations we had when you flat out canceled on me? No, you thought a simple 'oh can I get a raincheck?' would solve the problem.”

            “Harmony I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I haven't held up a decent conversation with you these past weeks. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to see you for so long. I'm sorry that I didn't give you a good enough reason when I canceled. I'm sorry that I'm probably the worst boyfriend in the world at the moment. I'm just so sorry for giving you all these doubts about where I am, but I swear it wasn't because I wanted to hurt you. I couldn't ever hurt my tangerine. You've got to believe me Mona. Please.” Who knew I could get this sappy?

            “Then why didn't you just tell me the truth to begin with? Why don't you trust me?” Her voice fell to a hushed whisper.

            “It's not that I don't trust you Harmony, it's just there's a lot of personal things going on right now that I need to take care of and that you wouldn't want to get involved in.” I tried reassuring her.

            “True, I wouldn't want to get involved with your cheating scandal.” Her anger picked right back up in her tone instantly as if it never had left. Confusion washed over me.

            “Cheating? Harmony, you think I'm seeing other girls? I would never cheat on you. Ever. I love you.”

            “If you loved me, you'd tell me the truth. Stop trying to twist the reality and making me believe in some crap story you just thought of the top of your head! I saw you Ryan. This morning and you weren't alone!” My eyebrows crinkled more.

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