5 - Wishing It Was All Real

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If anyone has noticed, I tend to change the chapter titles ALOT...sorry about that. I have a hard time finding good ones(:

Anyways, Comment, Vote, Fan, Enjoy ~

Chapter 5: Julie

Floral knee-high dress. Check. Black wedges. Check. Lip gloss and mints...just in case. Check. I closed the door of the run-down motel room, turned around, and sighed. Tears began filling my eyes, but I shut them down. It was going to ruin my mascara that I just spent forever to apply. I missed them...so much. I hated being alone because when you were, you ain't nothing but alone.

Julie you're not going to become all depressed just minutes away from your date. Lighten up. Think of the pain of guys you dumped. Think of a happy puppy. Think of shaped clouds in the sky. Just think of something.

I walked through the dark empty night to Scarlett's house. Hugging my dark trench coat tightly, I sucked in a sharp cold breath. I don't know why I was doing this. Lying wasn't a really good thing to build a relationship on...but then again I haven't really had a steady one in a long time, so what do I have to lose? Ryan will just be like every other guy right? Something deep inside me was against this whole thing, but everything else was stacked on top of it and overpowering my guilt.

I stood there in front of her house. Knowing Scarlett, she was probably stuck in her room, blinds closed and head buried in history books while her father was out on "business trips", but we both knew he was going out with girls half his age since the divorce. I used to be Miss goody-two shoes too, used to be studying and having slumber parties with my best friend since third grade, but I grew up from all of that, now trying to maintain a 'C' average and getting wasted at parties where guys were always trying to feel me up. Sometimes I imagine myself still up there with her every time I come to use her house as a pick up place for dates, wondering what went wrong and how our friendship had become so fragile that it fell apart in the end.

I sat on the steps, the cold slowly seeping onto my skin as the thoughts circle around in my mind. Finally, his car pulled out in front and I could sense he was all smiles getting out as he took in the sight of me. I know, I could be hard to resist.

"Fancy fancy aren't we?" I teased, as he led me to his sleek black corvette. He laughed while I was trying to hide the smile that was starting to form on my face. He held the door in for me before getting into the driver's side.

"Yep. I totally went out to spend sixty grand to get some hot wheels just to impress you."

"I would've been very honored."

"As much as I wished I did, I couldn't lie." Wish I could say the same. "My dad let me borrow his ride."

"No persuasion needed?"

"Nah. He let me when I told him I was taking a beautiful girl out tonight. He was just happy to get me out of the house because apparently to him, all I do on Friday nights is sulk in my room and play Call of Duty."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing." He chuckled. "But when you played it for twenty hours straight, it gets extremely boring. Enough about me though. Besides being so pro at baseball and playing violent video games, what else do you do with your wonderful life?"

"The usual. Sports, school, music."

"Do you play anything?"

"Guitar." I said bluntly.

"Do you write songs?"


"Is that all your going to tell me?"

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