24 - The One That Got Away

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Chapter 24: Ryan

            “Harmony?” Coming out of the bathroom, I was met with an empty living room that held a terribly loud silence. It was way too quiet and soon bells starting going off in my mind, alarming me that something was wrong. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but a split second later, I assumed the worst. The letter. Holy crap. Now I was beyond anxious.

            “Harmony?” I repeated into the nothingness, but there was no response. I swore under my breath as I began skipping every other step, trying to get to my room before she saw the letter, before I ran out of time to save us. But as I pushed open my door, it was already too late. The paper that practically sealed my fate was lying on the ground, thrown in frustration, and a girl streaked with tears was sitting on the edge of my bed. I moved a little closer, but my footsteps were halted by a voice.

            “Don’t.” I stood where I was as she tried hard to recollect herself. She wasn’t just a mess. She was broken and I did this to her; the one boy who swore he wouldn’t hurt her failed to keep his promise and crushed her in the end.

            “Please let me explain.” I made a hesitant step towards her, but she was already getting up and pushing right past me. Before she could walk out the door, I pulled on her arm, sending her body crashing into mine and her eyes staring back at me.

            “I don’t want an explanation Ryan. I want you to let me go.” Harmony said with a calm voice. She was done with the screaming and all the fights. And by the looks of it, she was done with me too.

            “I can’t do that. I don’t want to lose you.”

            “That’s not your choice to make anymore.”

            “Please stay Harmony.”

            “And watch you lead me on while your ex is about to give birth to your daughter? I’m not the kind of girl to stick around while my boyfriend is strapped down to another person.” I tried to speak again, but she cut me off with a hand and shot me a look of disgust. “No words can save whatever we used to have. It was already gone the moment you lied to me, but me being the naïve girl I am couldn’t see that until it was too late and I got hurt myself.”

            “I was going to tell you Harmony. I was just finding the right time to.”

            “What about when I asked you what that letter meant to you? What about before I made out with you? What about, let’s say, the second you first learned about Abrielle’s pregnancy? All those times seemed perfect to me.” Her voice elevated.

            I couldn’t find a good response to that so I just kept my mouth shut. She was right and there was no reason to argue with the truth, something that I wasn’t familiar with these past weeks. Harmony breathed in deeply. “I don’t want to fight with you anymore Ryan because there’s no use. I don’t want to work this out either because there’s no use. We just weren’t meant to be I guess.”

            “Don’t say that Tangerine.”

            “Every time we try to get it right, someone always ends up getting hurt and I’m tired of feeling this way.”

            “I can’t promise you that our love is going to be perfect from now on, but I can promise that I’m not going to stop trying.”

            “Why? It’s over. We’re over.” She broke from my grasp for a second, but I grabbed her before she could exit the door. “Just let me be.”

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