7 - I Don't Deserve You

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Chapter 7: Julie

          Watching the snow trickle down from above, I created distinct footprints in the ground as I trudged my way through the white-covered streets to Caffeine Serenity, a coffeehouse by Colby High.

          It hadn't been remodeled since it's opening in the late 1980's, which probably accounted for the lack of customers. It just was so out of place amongst the other more modern stores lining the road. Anyone person with a right mind would instantly pass the place, opting for the Starbucks across the street instead. I probably would have done the same thing.

          I didn't know what had drawn me to such a rustic shop two years ago. After the accident and the friendship fallout, not to mention the break-up that left me shattered, I guess all I wanted at the time was to be alone and while driving aimlessly around town the warm lights illuminating off the crème walls and the lack of people inside made me park my car and walk into the building. I've been going once a week ever since.


          The bell chimed from above, signaling my presence. The only people in the room was a middle-aged woman reading the morning newspaper off to the side, a girl in her late twenties furiously typing on her laptop in the corner, two truckers that smelled of gasoline and cigarettes chatting near the window, and a employee that I didn't recognized, but boy was he fine.


           His once bored expression turned into a flirty smirk as he realized who had just walked in the doorway. Approaching the front counter, he flipped his dark hair once as if it was going to impress me.

          "Well hello there." His low voice captivated me and a wink was sent my way.


          "Charles? What happened to being bald and that rocking goatee?" I laughed.


          "Haha very funny. Charles works the night shift now."

          "And you're his replacement?" I said, taking this time to check him out. His navy tee hugged the abs that it covered and the faded blue jeans hung on his hips. A pair of glasses framed his blue eyes.

          "Yeah and by the looks of it, you don't really mind that Charles is gone." He teased, noticing my traveling eyes. I blushed on affect. "How may I help you?"

          "Small mocha latte. Half and half please." I said, leaning over a little closer so he could get a mini preview down my top.

          "Coming right up." He said after a moment, trying too obvious to cover his faint red cheeks. I sat against the counter, fluttering my eyelashes every time he looked my direction.

          Then the shame hit me like a rainstorm. I was dating Ryan, the first person who actually cared for me. Player Julie. My conscience reminded me, but I pushed those thoughts away. I've cheated on so many guys in my life that I have lost the feeling of guilt, so why was Ryan bringing that back? Why was he so different than all of the rest?

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