14 - Don't Know Why I Still Love You

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Chapter 14: Ryan

            “Another shot please.” I waved the waiter and he slid another drink across the counter. I gulped it down hastily before slamming the cup onto the table. Staring wary at the four empty glasses lined in front of me, you probably would think I'm either drunk, high, or both.

            I'm not drunk for one thing because I'm chugging shots of root beer (I'm eighteen and a good boy), but I don't think I can tell you I'm not high. Maybe it's the root beer in my system, stirring inside of me. I was coming off like a delusional, overly zealous teenage boy sitting by the bar in a quiet diner, making me clearly the odd one out. Or it could possibly be the breakup with Jewels, Harmony, whatever the hell her name is, doing this to me. I loved the girl but it was all just a perfect lie.

            “Riley, send down one more.” Instead of sliding it which I've been catching with ease thanks to my baseball reflexes, he hand delivered it.

            “Okay, Ryan.” Riley started to say. He has clearly been putting thought into this. “Why are drinking yourself silly with Jonni's supply of root beer at two in the morning?”

            “Well this is a twenty-four hour diner.”

            “Yes, but did you have to come in the middle of the night?”

            “It's early morning to be exact.”

            “So not only are you draining our root beer, but you brought your sarcasm along with you.” He chuckled to himself. “Something is bothering you to come in the ‘early morning.’” He emphasized with a sarcastic note.

            “Nothing really. Just wanted some root beer that's all.”

            “And you couldn't wait until real people actually wake up to drown yourself in five glasses?”

            “It was a craving, alright?” I replied sharply and annoyed that Riley was bothering me when I clearly wanted to be alone and enjoy my little pity party by myself.

            “It's Julie isn't it?” I sucked in a breath and he took it as a yes. “You found out about Harmony didn't you?” He continued on.

            “You knew?” Surprise filled my voice. I thought she'd keep this charade to herself.

            “She was the one who told me about her plan after she spent almost two hours trying to clear herself with Daniel through sunny side eggs and the works. Guess you're not the only one who comes here after a breakup.”

            “Why didn't you stop her from doing this? Doing this to all those other guys, doing this to me?”

            “Believe me man, I tried. We spent another three hours bickering if she out of her mind. I mean, changing her whole identity? It still sounds pretty insane.”

            “What made you give in?”

            “Harmony came fully prepared with a plan, knowing I'd instantly flipped. Told me she was going to tell the principal that Harmony was in some foreign exchange and that Julie was going to take her place.” Exactly what her ex-friend Scarlett said. “She just didn't want to play the broken hearted girl again and she hit me with those big brown puppy dog eyes of hers, knowing it was my weakness. You know Harmony when she's sad. Just makes the whole world sad. I saw her this past week. I knew something was wrong, but she had you so I didn't intervene. You may not know this, but she really did love you.”

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