21 - A Rising Suspicion

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Long overdue update, but here it is!! =)

Thank you for helping Unraveling break 5000 reads! I feel so accomplished (;

Anyways, Comment, Fan, Vote, Enjoy ~


Chapter 21: Harmony

            “Get out there girls!” Coach's voice boomed through the locker room and I hurriedly finished lacing up my sneakers before going up onto the field with the others. Since my lovely tardy, I've been impeccable with timing and have yet to be late again. (Which seriously wasn't even my fault the first time around.)

            I spotted Tammi from behind, lugging the team's bats and balls, and smirked. Okay so it was a little harsh laughing at someone else's misery, but it wasn't like she held back when I was being humiliated. Coach made her ball girl (and a benchwarmer) for the next three games because she kinda went off when Coach wouldn't put her in the last one. Maybe there was a reason she wasn't playing since she sorta can't hit to save her life, but she hasn't yet caught on like the rest of us. I think it was pity that made Coach let her join.

            Anyways, I know two wrongs don't make a right and I shouldn't be making fun of others even when they ridicule you, but hey it's high school and you're hearing the thoughts of a teenage mind. Maybe I'll be thinking nicer thoughts when I run off and join the nunnery. Shaking my head at the nonsense talk I was having inside my head, I started stretching in midfield, waiting for the visiting team to come.

            “I’ve got to stop snacking on those Oreos Ryan’s been buying me.” I murmured with a laugh. It’s just been pure bliss since we’re back together. I don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to be healed from the wounds Daniel had left me with, but the hurt is unnoticeable now with Ryan around. He brought a box of band-aids and patched up my broken heart, stealing it along the way.

            “Harmony?” I glanced back to place a face to the voice before realizing it was Jessica.

            “Yeah Jessie?”

            “Coach wants to see you in the dugout.”

            “Okay thanks.” She nodded her head before taking the mound and warmed up her pitches with the catcher. I walked back down onto the diamond and met Coach at the benches.

            “You wanted to talk?” I asked nervously. Usually when Coach wanted to talk to someone, it's either for a scolding or to share good news...and it's rarely anything celebratory, judging from the tears some shed after they have a chat it up with her.

            “Why so anxious Adams?” She chuckled, catching onto my uneasy voice. “I'm not that scary.”

            “Of course not Coach.” I replied, pausing after every word, which confirmed my still nervous state.

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