10 - I Wasn't Worth The Truth

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(First ever Unraveling cover!! [now used as a side picture] made by @Teacup76)

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Chapter 10: Ryan

            I turned the dial up as music began to blast through my speakers. A smile was going to permanently stuck on my face from now on. At a red light, I felt my hands reach to feel my lips as I flashbacked to what had gone down on the beach. It was truly unexpected, yet so right and so perfect. It was something I had never felt before. She continued to make me love in a way I’d never imagined.

            Beeps from angry bald men behind me startled me as I realized the light turned green. I hit the gas harder than I had intended to before grasping back to reality. Geez, guess those men haven't ever felt a kiss that made sparks fly. I found my way home as I spotted my dad's Chevy sitting still on the driveway. Strange. I usually never see him after he leaves work at seven am and comes back at one am.

            I shut off the ignition, parking it across the street. I walked towards the front door with uneasiness. Maybe he got kidnapped. Maybe they want ransom. Why my dad of all people? Well, we are a rich family.

            I opened the front door using my key before I slowly crept into the house as if I was stalking the place out. I spotted my dad who was knocked out in front of the television which was playing a marathon of all the Star Wars movies. Relief washed onto my face. So maybe he wasn't tied up to a chair after all. A few half-empty beers lined the coffee table and this morning's comics were stuck onto his button down. I decided not to bother him in his sleep (beer + Star Wars, the only movies he's ever hated, = not a happy person).

            I walked up the marble staircase and into my room that could be someone else’s small apartment. Okay maybe we weren’t just rich, but the money is something both my dad and I could care less about...it reminded us of the past which we rather not re-enter.

            I sat on my bed for a moment to breathe; I didn't usually have the time to do that anymore when I'm pressed to get straight A's and to find a way to lead the team to a world series victory. Now with Julie in the picture and me wanting to spend every second of my presence with her, I don't know if I would still be alive after this semester. I decided to clear my mind with just plain old surfing the net for better study tips and more winning game plans. Or I could blow a day off and try to find Jewels online. The second one sounds better.

            I rolled my eyes at my own remark and blew up Facebook on my new Mac Air that I recently got from the mall. I began to type in Tangerine, but stopped myself, smirked, and rewrote Julie Auburn. Thousands of results popped up: girls from Washington to Singapore, few cute ones, some middle aged women, and a couple from juvie, but none were my perfect girlfriend. That's really weird; I thought all living teens on this planet had a Facebook account. I decided to try my luck on MySpace, but nothing there either. Twitter? Tumblr? YouTube? AOL? Anything? None. Zip. Nada. I looked through photos posted by people I knew she knew, but there weren't any. Wait.

            I stopped at a picture that was from three years ago on this girl Scarlett’s page who was a mutual friend of Kendall's. He probably just clicked all the friend requests he got anyways; he had over five-hundred friends and last time I counted he had close to fifty. Anyways, back to the real reason I'm searching through Kendall's "friend" list.

            The two were smiling as the sun fell into the background. That sure looks like Julie, but the caption read: “Best friends forever: Scarlett Collins and Harmony Adams”. This Harmony had a different name and she looked different. Her hair was black instead of the striking brown it is now. This person's style was bright warm girly colors, but Julie Auburn has a more toned down look with lots of bold dark colors.

            They could be two different people to the world, but to me they looked almost identical. It was that smile and twinkle in her sparkling eyes. That smile I knew by heart and it wasn't something someone else could replicate; it was a special unique part of her.

            I typed in Harmony Adams into the search line on Facebook as the same girl popped up near the top of the result list. The same photo was on her icon. I scrolled down; the last post was a little over two years ago:

            Nothing makes sense anymore. Yesterday, I thought I was living this perfect fairytale with my family, my amazing best friend I've known since forever, and the boyfriend I never imagined would be mine.

            Now I'm sitting here with nothing. No one but me. At first, I was planning on maybe jumping off a bridge. I mean who needs me anymore when the people that mattered most just left me. But then I decided this was God giving me another chance. To not grief, but move on stronger.

            So to my parents, I say I miss you forever and a day and screw the idiotic man who was drunk enough not to care that he has damaged my family. To my best friend, I say I'm sorry, but you never could understand and you never would. And to my boyfriend...wow. Daniel, you decided to crush me so hard. I mean you knew I was already broken down from losing everything and I do mean everything, but you didn't care. You never cared. I wasted a year with you that I'll never get back.

            But something good came out of all this: you taught me that if you don't want to be broken-hearted, you have to be the one breaking the hearts. So thanks Daniel; you've turned me from sweet innocent Harmony into a big time player. Happy? Have fun in Cali. Hope you don't get the chance to screw up another girl's life. This will be my last post as Harmony Adams. Have a nice life Facebook ~

            Oh my god. This has to be the same Julie...right? I mean all I have of proof is a smile, a mention of being a player, and an ex boyfriend that had the same name, but doesn't that mean something, anything? I tried wrapping my head around this idea. Why would she change so drastically based on someone else's change of heart? I wouldn't be a different person because I broke up with Abby, but what if she had a reason? I mean her parents are dead, she's left her "friend", and her ex went MIA. Maybe she just wanted a clean slate to get away from it all and being someone different was her answer at the time.

            “I'm so freaking confused!” I accidently screamed a little too loud. Once I calmed down a bit (which was a big understatement), I tried to find answers, searching through anything, but all the pictures been deleted and her friend list was empty. This girl had turned into a ghost never to be seen again. My hands fell onto my head as I tried to make sense of this all. She couldn't be two people could she?

            Then, I realized the only person who knows the answer was Julie herself. I needed the truth, no matter how painful it was for her to tell me. I instantly grabbed my phone, listening to the dial tone on the other line. Jewels answered on the third ring.

            “Miss me already?” She laughed.

            “Yeah.” I felt myself smile. All accusations of her being two different people had vanished just by the sound of her laugh...for a second before I gripped back into reality. “Julie, who are you?”

            Her laughter was cut short and filled with a sense of confusion. That made two of us. “What do you mean?”

            “I've been trying to find you online and all that's popping up is a girl named Harmony Adams. She's has so many similarities as you and I just thought-” My voice stopped, carrying on the last word. “Jewels I just want to know if you are Harmony.”

            Then the last thing I had expected happened: the line on the other side was cut as the emptiness filled my phone. She hung up on me. I knew my answer now, but I didn't know if that was a good thing.


I know it's super short, but I'll try to write more next time(:

The song is Sunday Morning by Travis Garland.


Isabella <3

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