Author's Note

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Author’s Note

Unraveling is done!! :D Wow, I never thought I’d say those words. I can’t believe that I’ve finished writing Unraveling Harmony. Honestly, this has hit me with complete surprise. I’ve never finished a book before, but Wattpad and all of the fans, readers, voters, and commentors motivated me to continue with the story And I finished it on the day I started! It came back full circle.

First I’d like to thank my best friend Joyce. She was the one who had encouraged me to post this story on Wattpad and her support has been unbelievable. I love you my 3am buddy! Also thank you to my other friends: Sam, Emily, and Eva. You guys are just amazing and I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

To all of you who have read this story, voted, or commented: I can’t thank you enough. I wouldn’t be where I was without each and every one of you.

When I started this story, I did set a goal for myself: get a hundred votes and at least 5,000 reads. Clearly, I surpassed that and I wouldn’t have been able to do that without all of your support and patience. Almost 20,000? Seriously, you guys continue to take my breath away. I’m overwhelmed with emotions that I got to accomplish these goals.

I know the updates where inconsistent and my chapters were sometimes short and horrible, but you stuck with me till the very end and I appreciate that you’d spend your time with this story and me.

This experience has been so surreal. I’m going to miss writing about Harmony and Ryan ): I honestly loved writing this book as I hope most of you loved reading it. And that means only one thing: there will not be a sequel. I’m sorry. I just think it ends perfectly with the epilogue. I might however write a short story about the relationship of Scarlett and Kendall, so if you’d like to read about it, tell me! :)

Anyways, just thank you again. I love each and every one of you.


Isabella <333

Unraveling HarmonyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora