17 - Right Back Where We Started

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Chapter 17: Harmony

            “Valentine's day...sucks.” I murmured into my dark brown locks that were slowly losing its color as the natural black began to peek at the roots. I haven't dyed it recently which might be a good thing. I was done with Julie Auburn after all.

            I walked aimlessly over the diamond and into the grassy field. Plopping myself down, my eyes wandered into the clear skies above. I closed my eyes as the sun's rays radiated off my cold body covered only by a thin crewneck and flare jeans sporting holes. Sighing because it was no use lying here believing I can just snap my fingers like the Fairy Godmother and make everything suddenly perfect again, I decided to take my moppiness out on what I did best.

            I headed back to the dugout and grabbed the lone bat lying limp on the bench, taking a worn out softball from the bag beside it. Tossing it up and down, I threw it high in the air before connecting with it and watching the ball slice through the wind and land in by the left foul line. I dumped the rest of the remaining balls on the dirt and continued my batting practice, scattering them all over the field.

            “Last one.” I picked it up, took a deep breath, and swung my hardest. Squinting, I spotted the dot fly somewhere in right field. As I was about to gather the balls for a second round, I heard a distant sound, the sound of applause.

            No way. It couldn't be. But as I turned around to face the person making the commotion, all of my assumptions were proven true. “Ry.” I spoke under my now shaking breaths.

            I made no intention of moving any closer than I already was, but I didn't have to as his silhouette bobbled towards me. Stopping a few feet in front, I noticed a guitar strapped around his shoulder. Oh. My. God. He was about to serenade me.

            “Why are you doing this Ryan? I broke your heart and you're trying to win me back?”

            “I know this may be foolish, but I couldn't get you out of my mind. I still love you.”

            A flutter in my stomach started and so did the banging of my now fast beating heart. “How could you after everything I did to you? I lied to you, I hurt you.”

            “But somewhere along those half truths, I think you loved me too.”

            “I did, but you didn't believe me the first time.”

            “I was still wrapping my head around that you weren't the person you said you were. After I heard you sing and read that letter of yours, I knew that what you had felt was true.”

            “Wait...how did you get a hold of those?” I asked, but knew the answer in the next split-second.

            “Scarlett.” I answered aloud at the exact time Ryan replied with the same response.

            Guess you already knew.” He chuckled.

            “I am going to kill that girl. You weren't supposed to get neither of them.”

            “I know, she told me, but I wouldn't be here about to sing my own heart out if I wasn't convinced this was only a love I was feeling.”

            I sighed. I knew I was still desperately and uncontrollably in love with him, but I had to move on and so did he. I was just going to mess up all the chances he was going to give me. I was never going to get it right. He deserved so much better than trying to make this relationship work, deserved to be with anyone but me.

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