PAX Prime

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Today was the day before PAX Prime, and Mark was practically bouncing in his seat. Bob was actually scared he might either fall off it, or rocket into the sky.

You see, Jack had finally come to America, something Mark had always dreamt of. Ever since he had found the Irishman's YouTube channel, he'd longed to meet him. After knowing the guy for a while, Mark had finally fallen head of heels for him. (I know Jack went to Indy Popcon in America which was BEFORE PAX Prime, but just roll with it, m'laaaaaaaaaady)

Yes, Mark was gay. All of his friends knew, and of course they didn't mind. What kind of friend would? Every one of his friends, but Wade and Jack himself, knew of Mark's feelings towards the loud commentator, finding it adorable.

The ship had sailed! Half of it anyways.

Wade was currently out the house, probably already at the airport and waiting for Jack's plane to land so he could drive him back along with him.

Mark had begged to go with him, but Matt, his editor, had decided against is, just incase he exploded with excitement. You may think it's impossible, but have you met these guys? They can make the impossible surprisingly possible.

"Mark, calm down for God's sake!" Ryan, Matt's best friend, demanded the half-Korean. Mark frowned and folded his arms, 'humph!'ing like a five year old, slumping back into the couch. The three other rolled their eyes and continued to watch what was on the TV, ignoring their friend's childish behaviour.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a higher pitched laugh was heard, along with a deeper one. Wade and Jack were here. Mark didn't seen to notice though, for he was ignoring everything after being told to "Calm down."

"What's up with Mark?" The Irish YouTuber asked after entering the front room and spotting his friend. The thick Irish accent made the American jolt back into reality and shoot up from his seat. He quickly embraced the younger man with a tight hug, practically suffocating poor little Jack. Nevertheless, he hugged him back just as tight, happy to see his best friend for the first, and definitely not last, time.

"Awe, cute," Wade joked, "Now can we please get some food?"

- - - - - - - - - -

Music started, "Hello. Ladies and gentlemen," The crowd cheered, "Yes, woo indeed. Are you ready for the most.. Nonprofessional panel you've ever been to in your life?" The crowed cheered again, "Well, introducing, straight from Dublin, Ohio.. Right? Yeah Dublin, Ohio, Boooooooobb"

Bob danced out on stage, the crowd cheered once again at the sight of the American YouTuber. Today was the day of the 'Markiplier & Friends' panel at PAX Prime 2015, and the three others back stage were getting ready for their introduction as Bob waved at the hundreds of people in front of him.

"And introducing, straight from... Where? Milford, Ohio. The tall, goofy guy, the thunder from up under! Waaaaade!" Wade jogged out on stage, waving also at the fans who had gone out of their way to meet their favourite people in the world. Bob laughed at Wade's 'goofy' actions and greeted him with a hug as he approached him, smiling and laughing with him as Mark carried on talking,

"And finally, last but maybe not least, definitely not the shortest of the bunch by a huuuuge margin.. The greatest man to ever do a VO in the not correct way ever, with his hands cupped over his mouth. Meeeeee!" Mark finally strolled out onto the stage to join his friends, smacking his head against their hands when they held them out for a high five.

They laughed as Mark held his head, "Jesus man!... Ow, ow. And, wait! We might have one more person joining us today.. Straight from Dublin, Ireland," Bob shook his head at Mark, "No? Oh. Straight from SOMEWHERE in Ireland, where there's more sheep than there are people... JackSepticEyyyyye!" The crowd went wild as Jack ran on stage rather cutely, giving Bob and Wade their high fives.

The panel carried on from there, laughs and jokes being thrown around here and there, Mark doing his weird foot thing that made everyone cringe, Wade doing an attempt at a cartwheel and failing miserably, whilst Mark and Jack did it without a problem. They answered tweets, shared a few hugs, pushed the Septiplier ship to it's max, and had fun in general.

One part in particular made Mark's heart race and knees feel weak, though. No one realised it but Jack, as he knelt down on one knee in front of the half-Korean. Jack smiled cutely and held back a giggle as he said the words, "Oh dear heartthrob of YouTube," The crowd let out a loud cheer, "YOU PROUD OF ME MOM?"

"Why are you crying?" Mark asked in a flatly. Jack completely ignored his question and carried on with his plan.

"Will you please share your subscribers with me for the rest of our lives?"

The crowed cheered again, and Bob and Wade were having a laughing fit in the background. Mark just stood there, flustered, noticing how Jack's voice was actually serious for some reason. You see, Jack also had them strange, tingly feelings when around Mark, and only realised what it was a few months ago. He was in love. This was Jack's chance. His chance to show what he really felt towards Mark.

Mark seemed to catch onto what Jack was hinting at, kneeling down in front of his best friend. Jack let his arms fall to his sides as he stared into his friends brown orbs, watching as he leaned a little bit closer.

The crowd as confused, as was their other two friends, but they didn't care. Mark leaned in more, closing the distance between the two of them, his face burning a fiery red. Jack was surprised out of his mind. Mark felt the same?! This was news to him. Breaking news to him.

Nevertheless, Jack kissed the man back with all of his love, listening to the crowd's happy, celebratory cheers.

The ship had sailed.

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(A/N: Thank you SO much for reading the first chapter to my new book. I hope you enjoyed it, because there's more to come!

Oh, also, I will be posting one off chapters too, where I will write a one shot for a different ship, because I'm nice like that. If you don't like the ship, don't read the chapter. Simple as.

Anways, thanks again for reading, and I'll see you.. In the next chapter! Buh-Bye.

(You see what I did there?)

-Caioliann :D)

--Septiplier One Shots--जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें