Not That Bad

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(I can't believe I have this picture on my phone holy shit.)

Mark was sat on the couch, slowly scrolling through Twitter when a message came through from Jack. He thought it was weird since Jack never texted him, he usually used Skype, but he didn't question it. He was just happy that Jack was talking to him. He hadn't seen him since he went to LA in February, which wasn't all that long ago, but he already missed him. Sighing, he opened up his messages and read what Jack had to say.


Quick, go to your front door and open it before it's too late!

Pulling a confused look at his phone screen, he set it down on the couch arm next to him and pushed himself up, making his way over to the front door and opening it slowly. Suddenly, he was bombarded by affection by a smaller male, who hugged him tightly with the biggest smile you've ever seen. Mark, currently in a state of complete shock, stood absolutely still and tried to process what had just happened. Had Jack really come all the way back to America to surprise visit Mark? He sure had. After realising what was happening, the half-Korean embraced the Irishman just as tightly, unable to hold back his laughs.

The pounding of Matt's feet coming down the stairs startled them both, along with the loud gasp he made when he saw his favourite Irish YouTuber at the door beside Mark, giggling at his reaction. Despite the fact they didn't talk a whole lot over the internet, they were still pretty good friends and would have a great time talking when they were around each other.

Like always, Chica came running in and started jumping around at Mark and Jack's feet, so the Irishman bent down and ruffled her fur whilst saying hello. This made Mark smile, not only seeing his friend here, at his house, but seeing him so happy just by a simple, cute dog. Chica panted rapidly and licked Jack's nose, causing him to pull back, cringe and wipe the slobber off his face.

The pup finally ran off somewhere else, leaving Jack sitting on the ground with a dorky grin on his face. He looked up at Mark, still smiling, and grabbed the hand he was holding out so he could get up. Matt gave Jack a short hug and a "Nice to see you, buddy." before walking back upstairs, leaving the two others by themselves.

"So what brings you to my castle?" The American asked with a smile. He glanced down at the suitcase Jack was holding and took it from him, ignoring the frown his friend gave him and telling him to follow as he walked up the stairs.

"Well, Princess, I wanted to see you so..." His voice trailed off as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his coat, eyes darting around the landing of the second floor. He'd been to the house before, but he always seemed to forget how big it was. Ryan stood at the end of the hall, looking at Jack as if he were a ghost or something. "Oh hi." The Irishman giggled, giving his other friend a small wave which Ryan returned with the most confused face you've ever seen.

"Aw, how sweet. You just keep pushing and pushing this Septiplier ship, huh? It's like you want the fans to write more fan fictions!" Mark joked, pushing open the door to the spare room that Jack would be staying in for the next week.

"What can I say?" Jack shrugged with a goofy smile.

After an alright meal (the boys weren't the best cooks in the world, but they did normally have take-away anyway,) everyone disappeared to do their own thing. Jack went up the stairs to get a bit of sleep, since it was around 4 am in Ireland and he was jetlagged. Matt and Ryan went to play some of their favourite video games, and Mark just sat on the couch with the TV on, scrolling through Twitter and Instagram. After an hour of this, he finally got bored and decided to annoy his guest.

"Jaaack!" Mark called loudly from the front room, hearing someone probably yelp and fall off a bed. Letting out a low chuckle and assuming Jack was now awake, he continued, "Do you wanna watch a movie or something?!" Listening for a reply, he heard her another bang that suggested Jack had fallen over again. He couldn't help but snort.

"Fucking- Hold on!" The smaller boy shouted back, obviously too busy attacking the floor to watch a movie at that very moment.

About five minutes later, Jack finally came down the spiral stair case with messed up hair, flushed cheeks and a pretty pissed off expression. To say the least, Mark found this kind of adorable. Flopping himself down next to the brown eyed boy, Jack folded his arms and raised an eyebrow at Mark's smirk, questioning what was so funny with looks.

"Did you get in a fight with the floor?"

"Shut up and put the movie on!"

- - - - - - - - - -

"Did you have to pick this movie?" Jack whined, regretting his decision about watching whatever film Mark wanted to watch. He wasn't the bigger fan of horror films to be honest, so guess what Mark picked?

Flinching, Jack jumped into Mark's arms for safety while he let out a little scream. By now he should've been expecting the jumpscares, but he wasn't. They got him every single time. He hit his face in the red haired boy's chest, trying to hide himself from all the scary shenanigans that were happening on screen.

"It's not that bad." Mark chuckled, looking down at the boy he currently had in his arms. He heard a muffled "Go fuck yourself." and laughed a little more. Typical Jack. Apologising, he gently wrapped his arms around the smaller one to calm him down a little, hoping to make a difference. Even though he was the loud, raging at everything that was Mario Maker YouTuber, he was a total softy sometimes.

Eventually, Jack fell asleep with his arms around Mark, snoring softly and wondering around in his own little dreamland with the American, smiling slightly in his sleep. The movie didn't matter anymore.

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