Splash of Colour

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(Sorry I've been inactive for a while, I've been caught up with a lot of stuff. I'll be updating regularly again after this, I promise! Anyways :3 There will be a lot of emotion changes and you might get confused, but the lines separate the different parts so it won't be too confusing.)

Mark always had this weird thing about him. His hair. Now, hair could be weird if you styled it in a crazy fashion, or you dyed it a bright colour, but this was different. It was an extremely rare disease and Mark had it. It wasn't a bad disease, I guess you could just call it an abnormality. You see, with each different emotion, his hair would change a colour to match it.

His boyfriend, Jack, had gotten used to it by now. Sure, it was still weird but he didn't find it terrifying. Sometimes he would even try and trigger an emotion just to see Mark's amazing hair change colour.

- - - - - - - - - -

Jack smirked as he crept across the landing, cautiously moving towards Mark's recording room. He was currently playing a horror game, he could tell by the occasional yelps that would come from the behind the door, so this was the perfect time for Jack to scare the hell out of him.

He slowly pushed the door open, staying as quiet as possible, and walked up behind his boyfriend. He was thankful that he had his headphones on (probably full volume) and that the lights were off, just to add effect. He grinned mischievously, watching Mark play the game for a few minutes before he decided to shout,


His lover screamed like a girl, clasping a hand over his mouth to shut himself up. Jack was having a giggle fit on the floor when Mark turned around and took his headphones off, glaring at the Irishman below him, heart still racing.

Jack knew he had done his job right when he saw the American's darkened, purple hair.

- - - - - - - - - -

Jack was watching Supernatural when Mark came up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing his neck with the smallest of smirks. Jack flinched but made no noise, turning his head slightly to see Mark's bright pink hair. He gulped, knowing that pink was either flirtation or arousal.

"Jack ~" Mark whispered seductively in his ear, turning off the TV so all attention was on him, even though it was hard for Jack to concentrate on anything else at the moment. "I've got a little something for you."

"O-oh yeah? W-what is it?" The Irishman asked with pink tinted cheeks, flustered. Mark only smirked and pulled him off the couch gently, dragging him upstairs,

"You'll see."

- - - - - - - - - -

"Mark, get up! I've got a present for you!" The blue eyed boy grinned, pulling the covers off his boyfriend. Mark groaned, throwing a pillow at the door as Jack quickly ran out it to avoid getting hit by it. "C'mon! You'll love it! It's the best birthday present ever!"

"Please don't say it's your dick in a box."

"It's not, just get up for fuck sake!"

Mark dragged himself out of their bed, grabbing the shirt that was on the floor and putting it on, not being bothered to do it up. He trudged down the stairs, rubbing his eyes in the process. It's too early. His vision was a little blurry due to the lack of glasses, but he could make out most things pretty well, so it wasn't that much of a problem. When he got down the stairs, he walking into the front room and looked around, spotting Jack sat in the middle of he floor with a... Dog?

"You... I- Jack, oh my god!" He grinned widely and ran over to him, hugging him as tight as he could without killing him. He always wanted a dog, especially a Golden Labrador. Jack smiled to himself when he saw Mark's golden hair, knowing he'd done good and kissing his cheek,

"Told you you'd love it."

- - - - - - - - - -

"Babe, can we play Mario Kart?" Jack asked sweetly as he walked over to his boyfriend who was currently replying to some comments in his recording room. He had that smile that Mark couldn't say no to, so he agreed and went down the stairs with Jack.

Jack smirked as he chose Rainbow Road, knowing it was Mark's worst enemy. He looked over and saw him roll his eyes, even though he knew it was coming. The race started and Jack got the boost, laughing when Mark failed to even move. He groaned loudly as he got pushed off the track, flew round a corner and hit the side, and got a blue shell on his head.

"Fuck!" Was the only word he shouted after he got last place and Jack got first, his hair a flaming red.

Goal achieved, Jack smirked, ducking before a pillow hit him in the face.

- - - - - - - - - -

Jack and Daithi were sat on the couch, laughing at each others jokes and things when Mark came down the stairs, looking at them both. Even though he should've felt happy about Jack being with one of his friends, laughing and smiling, he felt a little jealous. He wanted to spend time with him alone, not with Daithi as well.

Jack looked at Mark and smiled, but it soon faded when he looked up at his hair. He sighed and told Daithi to wait, standing up and walking over to Mark, dragging him out the room. Mark cursed silently in his mind about his hair and how it was so annoying, but was thankful that Daithi didn't know what each colour meant.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Jack frowned, his hands on his lover's forearms. He knew he was jealous but wanted to know why. He was only spending time with a friend, it's not like they were fucking or anything, but he respected Mark's feelings and didn't say that out loud.

"You've been with Daithi a lot lately and I just feel left out." The American whispered, looking down at his hands which were now intertwined with Jack's. The Irishman smiled sadly and ran a hand through Mark's green hair, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't realise you felt that way. Hey, how about we have a day to ourselves tomorrow? We can sit down and cuddle while watching movies all day, if you like?"

"That would be perfect, baby boy." Mark smiled lightly, pecking Jack's lips sweetly.

- - - - - - - - - -

The green haired boy was woken up by the sound of his husband's loud sobs, his heart breaking when he looked over at the sight. He was sat up with his head in his hands, tears streaming down his cheeks and his ocean blue hair sticking up all over the place. Jack sat up and shuffled closer to Mark, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind and kissing his cheek lightly.

"Honey, what happened?" He asked softly, not wanting to startle the crying man. Mark looked up and hugged Jack, almost making them fall over. The only sound was Mark's quiet whimpers, Jack's heart shattering each time he heard them. He hates seeing his husband like this.

"M-my Mum's in h-hospital, Sean. She g-got ill." Mark chocked out, holding the love of his life tighter at the end of the sentence. He didn't want to lose another important person in his life. Two is enough, he didn't want it to be three.

"Hey, hey, she's going to be alright. I'm here, don't worry babe. She's going to be fine and better in no time at all." Jack whispered, rubbing slow circling on Marl's back as he did. He couldn't promise it but he was going to make sure that if what he said didn't come true, he'd be there to help Mark the whole way.

The American nodded faintly, not letting go of Jack until the tears stopped. He felt safe in his arms, safe from the horrible world.

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