Late Night

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(I can't stop laughing at Wade

PS: Sorry this one is short D:)

It was about ten o' clock at night, and Jack was walking home after a casual walk round the park. He hadn't meant to stay out this late, it just... Happened. His sky blue eyes were averted to the concrete path beneath his feet, and he wasn't really paying attention to much.

Unfortunately, that normally had some sort of down fall, as did this one, except it was probably one of the worst flaws you could get.

He felt a hand grab his arm and yank him to the side, down a dark alleyway. Sure, the streets were dark themselves, but no as dark as this. The Irishman let out a small yelp from surprise as he looked up at the darkened figure that had dragged him from the street.

"What're you d.. doing?" Jack's usually loud, Irish voice was quiet and coated with fear, making him sound weak in this situation, but most people would, right? Yeah.

As a reply, the person, presumably a man, lifted his fist and brought it down in Jack's face, the force slamming him against the wall. The shorter male cried in pain and slid down the wall, legs weak after the sudden blow. Even after one punch, he felt a little dazed.

A strong pain exploded in his side as the figure kicked him with all his strength, Jack crumpling to the ground in unbearable agony. His mind was blank at the moment, not able to comprehend what was happening, or even worse, why is it was happening.

Out of all 7, 347, 745, 898 people on Earth, he was the one who this guy would take his anger out on? What had he ever done? He was an innocent Irish YouTuber who just wanted to make people happy for a living.

After a few more kicks and punches, it all stopped. It stopped a little too abruptly. Jack forced his eyes open to see what was happening, amazed by the sight. A man, looking around 5'10", was walking down the alleyway and towards the person who had originally been beating Jack up.

His hair was brown and blue, brushed to the side to keep it out of his eyes. He had metal framed glasses and what looked like brown eyes at first glance, and looked about Jack's age, maybe a little older. He also didn't look Irish like himself, not at all. Maybe half-Asian? He also had a bit of muscle on him, so he could easily beat up the douche who chose Jack to beat senseless.

He walked up to the man, eyes glancing down at Jack for a second before narrowing them at the other person straight after.

Without any words being said, the mystery hero kneed the other guy in the crotch, and hard. The man held his stomach and fell to the ground in pain, letting out shaky breaths as he tried to get up to either kick him back, or run.

"Now piss off." The half-Asian growled, voice deep and intimidating. He sounded American, so he probably was. He other nodded and stood up, almost falling over again before running out onto the street.

The 'hero' knelt down beside Jack, his stern expression instantly changing into a sad yet caring smile. Jack felt safe, now that he was no longer being kicked into unconsciousness. The American put his hand on Jack's shoulder and sighed,

"I was going to ask if you were okay, but the answer is pretty obvious. We should get you to hospital, just in case. I'm Mark by the way." He smiled and pulled out his phone from his back pocket and called 911, putting the phone to his ear.

"Jack." The Irishman managed to wheeze out his name in reply, weakly smiling back. He felt his head spin, a major headache eventually kicking in after what seemed like forever.

"Well, Jack, it's going to be okay, don't worry."

--Septiplier One Shots--Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora