Lost In A Time Machine

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(I DON'T CARE IF YOU HATE THE SHOW BECAUSE I LOVE IT. Kind of all over the place and a bit... Weird, but I hope you like it anyways :3)

"C'mon, Jack! Hurry up or I'll leave you behind!"

"Please don't leave me with these crazy ancient Egyptians!" Jack shouted back at his time travelling friend. Yep, you heard me. Time travel is a thing!

"Then hurry up!"

Jack ran as fast as his little legs could carry him, glancing over his shoulder to see a beaming red laser come flying towards him. He quickly ducked, letting it shoot over his head and hit the blue, wooden door of the TARDIS.

The Doctor (as he liked to call himself) poked his head out the door and glared at his Irish friend, narrowing his eyes. "Hey! I liked that door!"

"Oh shut up, you've got two of them!" Jack shouted at the blue haired man, practically crashing in through the door of the TARDIS and landing on top of the Doctor.

Their noses touched slightly, Jack's left leg inbetween the American's. Eyes wide, they tried to process what the hell was happening. What an entrance.

"Erm.." Jack chuckled nervously, an embarassed smile on his face, "S-Sorry." He jumped off of his friend, quickly running into the infinate hallway system to avoid the awkwardness. Unfortunately, he didn't know what he's gotten himself into.

The Doctor blinked a few times before looking around, sitting up and watching Jack run down some stairs and through a door, "Wha..? Wait! Jack! Don't.. Go in there... Damn it, Sean!"

Now, if you don't know, the infinate hallway system that Jack ran into is.. Infinate. There is a high chance you won't get back out in the first hour. With Jack's luck he'll probably end up in the main power source, which is an actual star. A star.
So for that not to happen before it did, the Doctor did the logical-not-so-logical thing and went in after him.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Why did I even run into this maze?" The green haired boy whimpered, stuffing his hands in his pockets nervously. He was lost, of course. He'd been in a few rooms, such as the library, a room with a bunch of ancient artifacts or something, and a swimming pool, which he accidently fell in.

Now he was freezing, soaked, lost, and scared. What if he were to run into to someone he didn't want to? Or even something. What would he do? Use his amazing knowledge of video games? Beat them to death with some drum sticks? Scream at them until their heads explode? Damn if that was possible his career would've gone downhill years ago.

If only the Doctor was here.

As the Irishman continued to wander around the corridors of the blue box, he kept hearing his name. Someone was shouting something. Was it the Doctor? No it couldn't be, they didn't have an American accent. They sounded... English.

He glanced over his shoulder, feeling someone's presence behind him. There it was - there he was. The person who had been shouting whatever he was shouting. Who was he? Could he help Jack?

"Who are you?" The person asked. Yep, definitely English. "Wait. Are you the Doctor's new companion? I knew he would've moved on from me the second I went missing.."

"I'm Jack, and what do you mean he moved on from you? Do you know him?" Jack asked the man, whoever he was.

"I'm Aaron, but people call me Yami. I was the Doctor's companion before you came along. I didn't think he'd come looking for me, he always said I was different anyway.. Like I wasn't human, and surprise surprise," Yami stook a step forward, his eyes suddenly glowing a crimson red like he was some sort of demon, "I wasn't."

Jack made some sort of internal noise, mentally curling up into a frightened little ball. What the hell was this guy? He sure didn't seem very kind, especially with glowing red eyes and a sinister voice like that. He definitely wasn't going to help him find the Doctor.

Yami grinned evilly, eyes burning into Jack's soul, "But I guess if I can't have him, neither can you."

They were suddenly in a large room, lit by a light as bright as the Sun, only difference was, it was an actual sun like I stated before. There was only a bridge to stand on, which is where they were, and nothing else. You slip and fall off, you fall forever.

A sudden force pushed at Jack's chest, causing him to topple over the edge of the bridge. A small yelp escaped his lips as he luckily grabbed onto the metal panel. He really did have the luck of the Irish.

"Aaron what are you doing?!" A familar voice echoed around the them, Yami's head shooting up at the sound of it. Miraculously, the Doctor has found them. "Get away from him!"

"Oh Doctor, you said it yourself, I'm a monster, what do you think I'm doing?" The Brit's tone of voice sent shivers down Jack's spine just like when he saw the inside of the TARDIS for the first time.

The American was silenced for a second, not knowing how to word his sentence. You don't want to say the wrong sort of things around a demon, do you? No, unless you have some sort of death wish, which the Doctor always seemed to have due to the stuff he says.

"Just.. You don't need to kill him, I know you may think I've replaced you, and that I've moved on, but you know from what I've told you before that that isn't true. I did try to find you when you ran off, but it was practically impossible. I would've been looking for months, maybe years." The Timelord took a deep breath before continuing to try and save them both. "You may be a demon but you still have a heart, so please don't kill him. I'm here now, aren't I?"

Yami laughed darkly, still glaring at Jack, who was staring at the Doctor, "I guess you are, but I it looks like your heart belongs to someone else, sweetheart." He kicked Jack's hand, causing the Irishman to accidently let go and let out a high pitched, not-so-manly  scream.


Jack thought it was over, that he was done for, that he was dead. He thought he was going to fall into the void and never stop, fall until he starved, fall until his life was over.

But no, the Doctor wouldn't let that happen. Within a second, the Doctor had ran to be edge of the bridge and grasped his companion's hand. He wasn't going to let another one of his friends die, not today, not ever, especially Jack.

After pulling Jack back onto the platform, Yami had disappeared. Not a trace of him left behind. Typical, he ran from the drama yet again. He wasn't needed there anyway, not in the slightest. Where he'd gone, I don't know.

"You.. I.. I thought I was dead!" Jack stuttered breathlessly, his mind still trying to catch up with everything that had just happened. The Doctor hushed him, placing his hands on his friend's shoulders,

"Don't run off like that again, you scared the hell out of me."

The green haired man nodded, remaining silent. Who knew what a simple trip could do to you? No one would've guessed it could almost send you into the void, especially if it's because of a jealous demon person who can't take the fact that 'he's not the one' anymore.

"Jack? Jack, you're staring at me." The American's voice brought Jack back into reality, or whatever sort of reality this was.

He shook his head and looked down, only to be forced to look back up again as his friend lifted his head up. The Doctor smiled a loving smile, staring into Jack's eyes like he had done with him.

Some voice in his head was telling him to do something, something he'd never thought about doing until now, since the moment seemed right. It was like a sudden burst of feelings had erupted inside him out of nowhere. Whatever it was, he didn't disagree with it, so with that thought stuck in his head -

He kissed Jack.

(I'm thinking about making this one into a book since I really liked this one shot. Should I go with the idea or just stick to the one shots?)

--Septiplier One Shots--Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora