The Wild Card

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(Sorry I just find this picture hilarious. Literal Markimoo.)

"Mark!" Jack shouted happily as he jump hugged his best friend. He was visiting L.A. for the week and Mark had come to pick him up at the airport, being the good friend that he is. They hadn't seen each other since PAX Prime a year ago and they were dying to meet again, dying to see their best friend after all this time.

"Long time no see." Mark chuckled, hugging the Irishman back just as tightly. As cliché as it sounds, it was like lovers falling into an embrace after years apart, just without the love bit. The brown eyed boy almost never wanted to let go pf Jack, he wanted to hug him forever and make him live in his house, but he knew he couldn't since his home is in Ireland and always will be, unfortunately for Mark.

"Mark, I think we've hugged long enough." Jack laughed, trying to push his friend off of him but to no avail. Mark only hugged tighter. Sighing, the green haired boy gave up and let Mark hold onto him a little longer.

"I'm letting you go after it's been so long. I'll hug you forever if I need to." The American stated, almost feeling like he was going to cry at the fact that he didn't have to talk to Jack through Skype for a week. He was smiling like an idiot but he didn't care. He didn't care if anyone thought it was weird that two men had been hugging for about five minutes and he didn't care if he cried in public, he only cared about Jack and the fact that he was here with him.

"Y'er gonna make me cry, Mark." Jack smiled as he spoke, hesitantly stroking his friend's flaming red hair. He felt the smallest tear roll down his cheek but he knew it was out of happiness, not sadness. He didn't expect the small time he had in the airport to be so emotional, he expected it to be a simple greeting and then a drive to Mark's place, but obviously not. It wasn't like he minded, it was just unexpected.

"Sorry." Mark giggled, prying himself away from Jack and wiping the Irishman's cheeks free of the tears. "Sorry." He repeated, smiling as Jack laughed a 'shut up'.

"Happy to see me then?" Jack joked as the two of them walked towards the exit. Mark was obviously very happy to see him, the what seemed like year long hug made that clear. Mark only rolled his eyes and smiled. Before he got a proper answer, Jack paused and looked around before staring at Mark with pleading eyes, "Can we get ice cream?"

"How did I know you'd ask, huh? Wait, because that's just you. C'mon." Mark dragged the blue eyed boy into a small ice cream parlour near the airport exit. "Ice cream at 4:30 in the morning, typical Jack." He said half to himself and half to Jack, rolling his eyes.

Jack pouted playfully, jokingly taking that as an insult and hitting Mark's arm. "Can I have cookie dough flavour?" He asked sweetly with big eyes and a cute smile, causing Mark to raise an eyebrow and chuckle tiredly. How one person can have so much energy at this hour, God knows.

"I knew you'd ask. Yes, you can."

"Yay!" Jack threw his arms up and waited for Mark to buy the ice cream, sitting at a table and turning the napkins into airplanes. Mark took a while to get back with the ice creams, so Jack kept making airplanes to pass the time. When Mark got back, he paused and looked at Jack's work with his eyebrows raised.

"Having fun?" He smirked, placing Jack's ice cream in front of his friend and sitting opposite him. He picked up one of the planes and threw it at the Irishman, laughing as it landed in his hair and stayed there.

"Maybe napkin planes will be our always."

- - - - - - - - - -

"Your house is huge!" Jack gaped as he looked out at Mark's house from the car window, staring in awe. It was much bigger than his small house. He saw Matt and Ryan messing about in the front room, Matt jumping on Ryan's back and almost making them both fall over. Chica was watching and Lego was asleep on the couch. He smiled at the view.

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