Your Best Nightmare

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(This picture's cool and has absolutely nothing to do with the one shot.)

Mark awoke with a scream and heavy panting, just like every other night for the past week or so. He had no idea why they were happening all of a sudden, but they just appeared one day with out explaination. They had been getting progressively worse, throwing Mark back into reality win more a d more fright each time. Tonight's was even worse than he'd imagined. He had watched Jack die in his arms with no way to help him. A hooded figure had attacked them both, and Jack jumped in front of the American to save his life, only to throw away his own. Jack would always say "Better me than you" but he never thought he could take than literally one day, even if it was just a dream. Tears streaked down his cheeks as the scene flashed before his eyes, haunting him during every second of it.

He shot up out of bed and went to Skype Jack without hesitansion, not bothering to put a shirt on or anything. He called his friend and waited for an answer, but nothing came. It would've been about 11 am in Ireland, and he would normally be home at that time. Where was he? Mark checked all of his social media to see if he'd been active recently. He hadn't.

What if something actually had happened to Jack? The brown eyed boy tried to think nothing of it, climbing back into bed and attempting to get back to sleep but to no avail. His mind kept drifting back to the subject and keeping his brain awake, irritating and worrying him. He shook his head, closing his eyes tightly and trying to force himself to be calm. It worked, surprisingly, and he smiled slightly, slowly drifting back into dreamland.

"Don't fall asleep on me, Marky, that's a little rude." The thick Irish accent startled him, jolting him awake and making him shoot up in bed. Sat there on his knees at the door of his bed was Jack. Or so he thought, at least.

Mark looked him up and down with wide eyes, taking in everything that was different about him. He had his normal green hair, only it was a lot more vibrant than he remembered and he swore he saw it glow a little. His left eye was completely black, yet his right was almost the same only that the iris was an illuminous green much like his hair. He had an insane sort of look on his face, and a little bit of blood splattered on his right cheek. Mark was honestly terrified. He felt his heart rate pick up and his breathing quicken, arms shaking and almost failing to hold his body up.

"Am I really that scary? Daw, shame. I wanted to have a little bit of fun." 'Jack' frowned, looking at the dark sheets of the bed before looking at Mark again, admiring his bear chest with a slight smirk. "Well that's definitely something I'd look forward to waking up to." He giggled, looking at his friend's face again and seeing the furious blush on his cheeks.

"Who- What- Who are you?" Mark stuttered breathlessly, ignoring the increasing warmth of his cheeks and focusing on his erratic breathing. He gulped dryly and waited for an answer, seeing as the boy at the end of his bed seemed to be in deep thought about his name. Why does he have to think about such a simple question?

"Hmm, I'm not entirely sure. I'll go with... Anti! That's my name, Anti!" Anti grinned, bouncing triuphantly like he just scored the winning goal, when really he just made up his new name. He hated the names Jack and Sean, they sounded too original and nice, nothing like himself at all. Jack was long gone, trapped away in the back of his own mind, banging against the invisible glass and watching everything that was taking place in Anti's hands. The work of evil is what he'd call it. "Jack's not here anymore, don't pray for him to come back because there's nothing you can do about it. You might as well class him as dead, if you want, but at least I'm here to replace him. I'm so much for fun."

"Fun?! You'll probably kill me!" Mark screeched, teeth clenched with fear. "Either that or you'll... I don't know! Your definition of fun is far different from mine!"

"Calm down, Markimoo, just because you have flaming red hair doesn't mean you have scream at me like that." The demon giggled again, rolling his eyes with an insane smile, "I think your making an awful lot of noise, maybe you could... Pipe down a little?" He suggested, tilting his head to the left slightly, hair falling in front of his darkened eye. Him alone gave the room an eery glow, the septic green aura around his body bouncing off the walls.

"If your going to kill me, just do it already." The American whimpered, wanting this to be over and done with as quick as possible. He raised an eyebrow at Anti's shocked expression, beconig confused when he shook his head with a laugh. Anti was a demon, right? Demons kill, don't they?

"Kill you? I'm not here to kill you, Marky. We don't want to go around losing a face like that." Mark blushed. Even if he is 'evil' or whatever, he's saying a lot of stuff to get me flustered like this. What's gotten into this guy? "Don't look at me like that, you know you like it when I talk about you like this."

Mark looked down, still blushing furiously from Anti's comments. He didn't say anything, fearful that his voice would betray him and make the demon think what was actually true. He glanced up at the green haired boy and flinched back, seeing that his face was literally inchs from his own. It scared him for a second, but he soon eased into his friend's closeness.

"W-what are you doing?" He stammered, eyes flickering up and down his body. His heart was still racing, breathing out of control and mind all over the place, but he tried his hardest to renal calm. He thought he was doing okay until Anti said,

"You know, you're still half naked, actually I don't know if you even wearing any underwear to be honest."

Mark had no idea what was happening anymore. His best friend, well what was left of him, was sat in front of him, on his bed, sweet talking him into a pool of flustered embarrassment. He shakily nodded his head, basically saying that yes, he was wearing underwear. Thankfully...

He was so confused and unaware of everything at that moment that he never did feel the strange, unfamiliar warmth on his lips at first, but he soon realised what was happening. He swore he felt his heart stop for a second and his body turn to ice. As Anti presses his lips against Mark's, he felt weak compared to him all of a sudden, like the demon could take over right there and do whatever he wanted to him, but he didn't. Mark finally pressed back, creating some sort of burst filled his passion and love, something he hadn't felt in years. It was amazing.

They eventually pulled away from each other, panting lightly from the lack of oxygen. Mark's face was, still, flushed bright red, but he didn't care anymore. The feeling of Anti's lips on his own lingered for a while, the only thing that took his mind off of it was the fact that the dark eyed boy ended up fainting in front of him.

Somehow, Mark knew that this was because Anti was wrong and that Jack broke his way out. The villains always say they'll win and never do. He smiled to himself and picked Jack up, pulling the covers over him so he didn't freeze and so Mark had a place to sleep. He shuffled up to the small Irishman and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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