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(THANK YOU FOR FIVE THOUSAND READS LIKE HOLY DAMN. Honestly you guys just keep spewing love, slow down damn it, these little legs don't go that fast. But seriously guys, thank you so flipping much for all of... This. By that I mean everything to do with the book, it wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for you all. Love you guys! No homo (All of the homo))

Jack was an odd child, no one ever understood him. He was far from quiet, his personality was all over the place, he had loud, green hair, and he was over all different. The kids at school wouldn't allow that though, everyone had to be the same in some way, which he wasn't. He was abnormal, I guess you could say. He sat alone at break and lunch, eating by himself while he watched groups of friends play around on the football pitch or sit back and chat. He wished he had something like that, something like a friend.

Recently, he'd noticed this new student. He had no idea what his name was, but he could tell he was different, just like himself. The red mess on his head made that clear. He'd always smile when he saw this boy, knowing he wasn't the only 'freak' around the school. He had thought about going and speaking to him, but his nerves held him back. He just wanted to know his name.

He'd normally watch this boy, as creepy as it sounds, and see what he does during his breaks. Everything he did was similar to what Jack did. Sit at a bench, eat lunch, maybe go on his phone and maybe draw. The only difference was the fact that the boy would sometimes be accompanied by two others. Felix and Aaron were their names if he remembered correctly. They were in some of his classes such as Science, History and Drama. Felix was always the best in Drama, and I think you can guess why.

Today the boy wasn't here. He wasn't at the bench he normally sat at, so Jack presumed he was ill. Felix and Aaron were else where, probably with their friends Bob and Wade, so Jack was stuck doing his other normal stuff while the red haired boy was away. He sighed, sketching what looked like a cute, chubby skeleton onto his paper of millions of doodles. He never did a proper drawing, he would always do small doodles and leave them like that. His art was unique as his art teacher had said multiple times at Parent's Evening.

He sighed lightly, staring at his small drawing and smiling a little. At least his sketches loved him the way he loved them. He glanced around the field, staring at the normal scenery of friendship groups and the football team doing a little side practice. He enjoyed watching other people's lives go by, he just wished he could be apart of some of them and make a difference in the world, like the others.

He was so lost in thought he never saw the boy stood in front of him, waving his arm around to try and get his attention. Jack's head shot up, eyes staring at the red haired boy who had managed to pull him out of his train of thoughts. Maybe he wasn't ill then. The American seemed to be the smiley type, just like Jack was when he was with his older friends that he had in his old school, in Ireland. It wasn't as happy anymore after he moved. He only just noticed the student had the most amazing chocolate brown eyes he'd ever seen. He swore he saw small specks of gold if he looked close enough.

"Er, hi?" The boy greeted awkwardly, silently cursing to himself after making it sound like a question. He hadn't really spoke to someone besides teachers and family in a while, so he found it hard making a good first impression, which, unfortunately, is what counts the most when talking to someone new. He wasn't complaining that the brown eyed boy came up to talk to him, he just found it a little strange.

"Oh, nice accent. I just came over here to see if you were alright. I see you sitting alone almost every break and lunch." The stranger mentioned, tilting his head slightly and shooting Jack a sympathetic smile. The Irishman had an internal meltdown at the sound of the boy's voice, he just found it so perfect. It sounded like the melted chocolate that ran through his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm... Alright." Jack scratched his neck out of awkwardness, chuckling nervously afterwards. He really wasn't the best at conversations, and talking to the same boy he'd basically been admiring for the past few weeks made it worse.

"Hey, I'm not going to bite you or anything, lighten up. How about this, let's start over. Hi, I'm Mark." 'Mark' held out his hand for a casual handshake, which Jack shook hesitantly. "What's your name?" He continued. The guy was nicer than Jack thought he would be. From a distance, you can't really tell what people are like, he just knew that he laughed a lot, which he liked.

"I'm Sean, b-but you can call me Jack." The green haired boy smiled softly, feeling a little more confident all of a sudden. Maybe this was his chance to make some friends after half a year of the new American school.

"Cool name, don't think I've seen a Sean around here before, but I've seen many Jack's. There's this guy called Jack Douglass, completely obsessed with grammar. He goes around school correctly all the misspelt graffiti, it's great. Hey, mind if I sit with you? I've got nothing else to do." Mark asked politely, gesturing to the bench Jack was sat on. He shyly nodded.

"You talk quite a lot, I see." Jack teased quietly, sending a small smirk Mark's way. He only laughed sarcastically and rolled his eyes, glaring at the Irishman playfully. Only five minutes into meeting each other and they already seemed like close friends from a distance.

"Har har, very funny. Hey, do you know, like, anyone here? At all?"

"I know a few people, like your friends, Felix and Aaron. I don't talk to them but they're in some of my classes. Felix is a drama queen, if I do say so myself." Jack grinned as he heard Mark snort loudly, caught completely off guard by the funny remark. No one needed to be friends with Felix to know he overreacted with just about everything.

"He makes everything seem worse than it is, huh? No wonder his Drama grade is off charts- Oh! There they are!" The American pointed over at his Swedish and English friends, causing Jack to look in the direction he was pointing. Sure enough, there were two boys sat at a bench, waving at Mark. The red haired boy waved back before looking over at Jack, "Hey, since you don't really talk to anyone here, do you want to meet my friends? I'm sure they'd love you, you've got a good sense of humour after all."

"Sounds like a date," Jack chuckled, "and thanks, by the way." 

--Septiplier One Shots--Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя