Chapter 5

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*Delilah's POV*

We were eating and just talking amongst ourselves.
"Hold on I'm going to get some carrots." I said as I got up and walked towards the kitchen.
"Carrots with Chinese food? Really?" I heard Caroline yelled.
"Yes really! You know that I cannot go a day without my carrots!" I said smiling, although they can't see me. I got a bowl and put carrots, then I went back to the dining table and sat down. The guys were staring at me, Louis was staring at me.
"What are you looking at?" I hissed. "Manners Delilah." Avi said. I looked at her with an emotionless expression and said,
"yes mom." She just glared at me and I put my hands up in defense.
"Well it's just that I love carrots, and I like girls that eat... Carrots." The guys started chuckling, I just rolled my eyes and began eating my carrots.
"Can I have some- No." Louis said and then I interrupted him by saying no. He just pouted.
"Well we should get to know each other." Katie said smiling.
"I'll go first!" Aleena said. We just giggled/chuckled. "Well I'm Aleena, I love food! I am always hungry, that's why I have a mini-fridge in my room." She said glaring towards Niall. We all just chuckled. "Well anyways, I'm 19, I am studying into being a chef because I like food! I'm not going to tell you my fears, I never know what you might do... And I work at Starbucks! Oh and I have a puppy named Ty! Well yep that's just basic for me." She finished smiling.
"I go next!" Caroline said smiling. "Well I'm Caroline, I'm 19. I'm the 'flirt' from the group. I will not tell you why though. Hm I hate it when guys think that they can be all fresh with me.. It's like someone saying, "Oh hey you're a girl, I'm a guy, so lets have sex!" She said moving her hands everywhere. I just giggled and the rest did too. "Well to me it's like they are saying that. Well yep, oh and I'm from New York but you know bad weather so that's why I came over here. Oh I also work in Starbucks, I'm studying to be a teacher. And I'm 19." She said smiling. We are all 19, well it's about to be my birthday...
"Well since I don't think anyone else will go, I will go. I'm Avril but call me Avi. Hm I am the responsible one from all of us. I am 19, I'm studying into being famous as in being a singer. I love singing! I love turtles! I also have puppy! Well we all have one, mine is named Brat. I know weird, I don't come up with good names for pets oh well. You have to live with it. I work in a karaoke place with Delilah. Hmm well that's it about me!" She finished. They nodded.
"Well I'm Katie, I love drawing and doing artwork!" She said before Zayn interrupted her.
"She really is amazing, we're going to make an artwork together!" He said with a lot of excitement in his voice and written all over his face.
"That's cool." Liam said. We all nodded. "Well anyways as I was saying, I'm studying into becoming an artist, but as a drawing/painting artist. I'm 19 also, I have a dog named Fiji. Now I do have a reason to name him that, and it's because one day I want to go to the island named Fiji. It's really pretty. I work at Starbucks with Caroline and Aleena. Well yep that's it about me." She said smiling. "Oh and one more thing, no one. And I mean NO ONE touches my hair at all." She warned. I smiled, haha I was about to say that she forgot about her hair thing.
"She hates people looking in the mirror too much, but she hates it when people touch her hair. She's weird." Avi said and it made all of us laugh.
"Well I'm Delilah, I'm 19. Hm well I love carrots and I do count how many carrots I have so no one can get any. Well my favorite color is purple, I really don't care what people think about me I have gone through a lot last year.... I work in a karaoke place with Avril. I am also studying to be a CSI investigator. I just love figuring out mysterious deaths. Oh another thing, I go clubbing ever weekend so I would like if you don't interfere with it, and another thing. If you don't like me, have a seat with the rest of the people waiting for me to give a fuck." I finished off smirking.
"That was nicely said." Zayn said smirking.
"She says it to everyone." The girls said at the same time that made all of us laugh.
"Well I'm Liam. I am also the responsible one, I'm 19. Fans call me Daddy Direction but I do act like it sometimes. Well I'm taking music class, I want to learn how to play more instruments so yea. I like turtles! And I'm afraid of spoons, so please don't have them anywhere near me! Oh by the way I love Toy Story! Well yep, that's pretty much about me." He finished off.
"Why are you afraid of spoons?" Caroline asked,
"why are you the flirt from the group? Exactly no one will EVER know." He said drinking some coke.
"Hm touché." Caroline said narrowing her eyes to him. It just made me giggle. "Well I'm Niall, I love food also! And I think I'm going to get a mini-fridge also. Hm I'm Irish, I'm 19 also, my favorite color is green. I am studying into being a chef also! I love food! Did I say that? I think I did, well yep that's kind of it about me." He said taking a big bite from his pizza.
"I'm Harry, I'm the flirt from the group, I know now that I shouldn't mess with her." He said pointing towards Caroline. I gave her a weird look, she sighed and said
"I'll explain later." And we all nodded. "Well I'm 19 also just turned them! I'm a nice person if you get to know me, I am a cat person. I actually have a cat back home named Molly. Anyways, I am studying also into becoming a chef if this career ends. I like making food, hm well that's it about me." He said smiling cheekily. 'Im a nice person if you get to know me' my ass. He his not nice!! Well when I knew him.
"I'm Louis, I like carrots now I have to buy some. My favorite color is red, I have had a lot of nightmares lately I don't know why though. Hm I have a pet bird name Kevin. He's my best pal! I'm studying into music, so I can learn how to play more instruments. Well I'm the immature one, and I have a kind of dirty mind. I am also a nice person, and one girl changed me." He said smiling. And looked at me. I. Hate. Him. And I always will.
"Vas Happenin' I'm Zayn. I'm the quiet mysterious one. I love drawing, and by the way did I say that I am going to make an artwork with Katie? I'm so excited! I am the vain one from all of us, I don't like people messing with my hair. And I'm sorry Katie, but you have to live with me being a vain person. I'm 19, I don't swim so um yea. I am studying into becoming an artist, well I want to be a painter/drawing artist, although I am already am artist, but music wise- ANYWAYS! Well I think that's pretty much it. Oh and I already know some of you. Some of you are breaking inside because of what happened before, but if you need someone to talk to, I am here for you." He said smiling innocently towards us girls. I will literally kill myself if he knew that I was Zoey I have kept this well hidden, just because they came doesn't mean that they can just say "Oh hey Delilah or should I say Zoey. Oh yea well we just came to tell you that thank you for giving us good luck whenever you left us. We're famous now, so you should forgive us for what we did." No! They can't just do that!
"Delilah are you okay?!" The girls shrieked. I soon came back from day-dreaming and saw that I, you know... Accidentally ripped the foam paper plate, and cup apart.
"I have anger issues." I said before getting up and going to my room. My life was perfect without them. But no! They just had to come back to my life again! Ugh! Stupid boys if they think that I am going to forgive them.

*Unknown POV*

I didn't mean to say that! It just, you know slipped out! God what did I do? Did I really have to say that? I am so stupid sometimes, well I have been since all five is us started bullying Zoey for something so stupid. Why did we bully her? It was just a small lie that fucking Dallas said! She is such a whore! Speaking of Dallas, she got pregnant by some jock in school, and he didn't want the baby so Dallas just kept it and never went back to school. Wait. I have a question, well two. What happened to Delilah's accent? And, did we make her have anger issues?

My Roomate is who? (Sequel to Living Hell)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя