Chapter 32

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*Zoey's POV*
I woke up in the dark. Why is it so dark? Why am I uncomfortable? Oh yeah! Because we're in the living room. I'm hungry. I tried to get up but I couldn't, every time I tried something I was held back by something strong. I adjusted my eyesight and looked at my surroundings. The first thing, I looked at was the floor, I noticed that I was sitting and kind if laying in the couch. I saw Niall, Aleena, Liam, and Avi sleeping there. They look very... Comfortable.. If comfortable means having Niall's legs on top of Liam's body, one of Avi's arm on Liam's face, the other arm on top of Aleena, also Aleena's feet on top of Niall's stomach while her head on Avis shin.. And Liam's body almost on top if Avi. His head is in the floor beside Aleena, that is why her hand is on his face. I almost laughed but I just mentally laughed , while smiling. They still look cute. I looked over to the other couch and saw Harry, and Caroline there. They were both laying down and legs interwined with each other. Aww where is my phone when I need it? I could soo be taking pictures right now. My eyes landed on Kristin, she was alone in the recliner.. I need to tell that guy that she met today at the mall to come tomorrow. I looked down and saw a pair of strong arms. I looked up and behind me and saw Louis' head down, his lips slightly parted. Aw! The phone with my camera now! He looks so cute! OMG I just want to kiss him! I got his arms and started pulling them off me, he has a strong grip on me.
"Louis I'm hungry." I whispered quietly to his ear. He grumbled a bit, and moved also. His arms slowly got off me and into the couch. I took off the blanket and got up and walked to the kitchen quietly. Despite the fact that my feet bones pop... That sounded weird, feet bones, pop. Well the bones pop! You know how you pop your fingers, neck, spine, etc... Yea that kind if pop.
I opened the fridge to see if there was something to eat.. So, we're planning to eat here tomorrow, but there is no food?! What kind of people live here?! Oh wait, that's us teenagers... Young adults matter-of-factly. Well I need food! Like now! Dain, I sound like Aleena and Niall now.. But I want food! Aha! I shall go get food.
"Louis, I'm going to get something to eat." I whispered into his ear when I got to him. He grumbled and moved a bit, he started leaning to his right until he jerked awake and opened his eyes sleepily. I smiled and waved at him.
"Z-Zoey? What are you doing?" He asked as he yawned.
"I'm hungry, so I'm going to get food." I whispered smiling as I got the keys from the key hanger.
"What? It's.." He checked his phone, "2 in the morning. How are you hungry?" He asked confusingly as he got up also.
"I don't know.. I'm growing so I will get hungry more often. Now bye! Going to get dorm thing to eat!" I said smiling as I opened the front door. Fresh air hit my face. It's hot, but then there's cold air, so it's alright I guess outside.
"I'm coming with you!" He said as he got the keys from my hand and rant I the car.
"Hey!" I pouted as I walked outside. I got into the car and we started driving.
"Isn't someone always hungry when they're younger? I mean you stopped growing." He said smirking eyes still on the road. My jaw dropped as I hit him slightly in the arm.
"Not funny! And not really what about Aleena and Niall? They're always hungry." I said as I rose both of my eyebrows and looked at him. He took a glance at me and smiled.
"Touché." He said as he returned his eyes to the road. "I forgot to ask, where do you want to go eat?.... At 2 in the morning..." He said. I glared at him and sighed.
"You won't let it go that it's 2 in the morning right?" I asked, he chuckled and shook his head. "Well McDonald's is probably the only drive through that's open at this time." I said. He nodded, I turned up the radio a bit. 'The End by Black Veil Brides' was on. I love this song too! I love a lot of songs.. I started singing to it, until Louis changed the station. "What the hell?!" I shouted towards him.
"What? I don't like that station." He said shrugging his shoulders. I switched it back and started doing the head-banging thing while singing. He switched it back.
"Don't change it!" I said as I returned it back.
"No! I don't like it!" He said as he switched it.
"Fine if you don't like it, then we will just put on Spanish music." I said as I changed the station until I found a Spanish one. I smirked as I knew that he didn't know what the artist was saying. Lucky me, I kind of now how to speak Spanish, I understand it well I just can't speak it.
"Why a Spanish station?" Louis whined. We are now waiting at the drive through. And yes we are waiting, there are about 3 cars in front of us. Why aren't they sleeping?! Oh they're probably hungry just like me.
"Because. I want to! And who can not listen to Prince Royce? He is just so cute and nice! And such a good singer!" I said dreamily, just trying to get him jealous. "I mean c'mon on! His luscious hair, his eyes are so bright, his biceps, and those lips are so pink and plump.. He's so perfect!" I said smiling dreamily, I took a quick glance at Louis. I smirked, he was looking out the window, and since the windows were down his arm was outside and his right arm was gripping the wheel pretty hard 'cause his knuckles were white.
"What else is 'perfect' about him?" He gritted and emphasized on the word perfect. I giggled and began.
"Well nothing else really, his voice isn't high enough," I said smiling, and he chuckled. "He seems nice but I don't know him, he doesn't know that I exist. He also doesn't have a good looking arse." I said smirking and look at him. He smiled and lighten his grip on the wheel, just one more car. Haha perfect plan!
"Really now? What else?" He asked as he looked at me smiling. We started moving so we are getting close.
"Well he doesn't love someone like me, he isn't British," I started saying and we are now where you order your food, a girl talked asking what we wanted so I leaned closer to him. "His eyes aren't blue as yours, and his lips aren't small in a cute sexy way." I said , he leaned in and I did too. But.. "Yes um can I have 5 chicken sandwiches, 3 large fries, two ice creams and a large caramel frappé." I said to the girl. I'm guessing it took her a while because after she told us how much it was and to pay in the first window, and get our food in the second window.
"You are soo sneaky." He said as poked my rib.
"I know I am but you have to admit, you like it." I said smiling.
"Yea that's true, so I have small sexy lips?" He asked smirking. I smiled and nodded. "So why don't you do something, so you don't have to keep on biting your lip." He said as he looked at my lips and then back to my eyes smirking. I didn't even know that I was biting my lip..
"Shut up Lou and keep on moving, I'll kiss you after getting my food!" I shouted and he drove until the window. The guy looked over and started shrieking. A guy.. He probably likes One Direction, or loves.
"Oh my god! You're Louis Tomlinson! I am a huge Directioner!" He said shrieking again. I giggled a bit. "Don't worry Louis, your food is free! It's on my paycheck so don't worry!" He said smiling.
"Oh well thank you um, William. But it isn't for me she ordered it." He said as read the guys name tag and pointed towards me. I have him a small wave and he smiled and waved back.
"It still doesn't matter! I'm sorry that Elounor broke up. But it must've been for a good thing I guess, well nice meeting you Louis! And.." He said pointing to me. "Zoey." I said, and he smiled. "And Zoey, well I won't keep you waiting any longer! So bye! I'm the happiest man alive!" He shrieked as he was about to close the window.
"Wait! Here, a gift from us." I said smiling as I handed him a bracelet of mine. Louis got it and put it on quickly and then took it, handing it to William.
"There you go, so you won't say that I didn't wear it. A pleasure meeting you! And thank you again for the food," Louis said smiling, William nodded and put the bracelet to his heart and had it there as we left.
"I LOVE ONE DIRECTION!" William shouted from the first window. We both giggle/chuckled while getting our food. We left back to our house. Yes 'our' because we all live in it!
"Wow, you have a lot of fans." I stated.
"Yeah, the guys and me love out fans. They mean a lot to us, if it weren't for them we would have made it to the fame, number 1 in 37 countries.. We all love them. Even if they think that they don't exist, we still love them. And even if we don't know, we know that there is still someone that lives us, even if we haven't met." He said smiling.
"Wow that is really nice, I think it's cute how girls and guys love your band. (I honestly think that guy directioners are the cutest thing ever!!) And you know what, I have never heard one of your songs before." I said honestly. "Well besides the ones that you sang in the karaoke place. Shit! I have to call in that I'm going to miss today and tomorrow." I said while groaning.
"Well you don't have to, we can all go!" He said cheerfully. I gave him a scared look. "Don't worry, it's just going to be our families. And besides you don't go in until 6, and we can eat, open presents, play at the pool, eat, and open presents!" He said smiling.
"Ok I guess, but only because I love everyone's family! Except the girls, I have never met them before. But still I live everyone in that house right now! Even the dogs." I said nodded my head in agreement, even if it is my phrase.
"Ok then that is a yes! And I have the perfect song to sing! And it is by our band. Just so you know. You owe me something." He pouted as we got out the car and started walking towards the door.
"What do I owe you?" I asked trying to remember.
"This." He said as he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine, I have this weird tingling in my stomach. I moved up so we were now kissing. Yep, the bombs going off in my stomach! I pulled away smiling, he smiled also and we walked into the house. We turned on the tv, but put it in mute and had the subtitles on. We finding ed our food and just cuddled together.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ZOEY AND LOUIS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" I heard everyone sing loudly. I put my hands over my eyes and rubbed my eyes and opened them. I smiled as I saw everyone that I loved in front of me.
"Thank you." I said smiling and I got up, I hugged everyone.
"We will be back! We're going to go get the food." Jay, Tricia, Maura, Anne and Karen said as they walked out. Well ok then.
"Is there a pool that we could go to?" Waliyha asked.
"We have one. We don't have to go anywhere! We just need to change into bathing suits and go!" I said smiling.
"Wait! Since when do you have a pool?!" Louis and Niall asked confused. I knew that all the boys would be confused.
"Well you never asked if we had a pool, not have you been to the backyard." Aleena stated. All of us girls nodded.
"Hm, well we are kind of lazy." Harry said shrugging like nothing was wrong.
"Yep, that's soo true." Kristin muttered smiling innocently. We all started laughing.
"Did you girls bring your bathing suits?" Yaser asked. (Zayn's dad) The girls giggled and nodded.
"Mommy told us to bring them." Saffa said still giggling. Aww! I just think that when little girls giggle or laugh, it's just so cute!
"Ok then, we'll just have breakfast and then all of you can go to the pool." Yaser said nodding in approval.
"Um Yaser, are you getting in?" I asked.
"No, I don't like the water that much, well at least swim in it..." He said awkwardly. I giggled and nodded.
"Oh so it's like Za-" I started saying but then Zayn covered my mouth. I looked at him and and cocked an eyebrow.
"Well, I'm going to go get the roaster ready, you have one right?" Greg said.
"Oh yeah, it's in the garage, hold on let me get the dogs so you could get it." I said. I got up and walked to go get my dogs, Greg followed.
"So this is where you came from after running away?" Greg asked after I put all of the dogs in their cage. What?
"Wait what? How did you know that I ran away?" I asked confused.
"I was at the airport ready to pick up my girlfriend." He said as he found the roaster.
"Oh ok, how come I didn't see you?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, probably because I was in the bathroom, but I did see you when you got into the plane." He said. "I won't ask why you left, because Louis told us what happened to you yesterday." I nodded sadly as I got a bit sad, but now it's the past. So I won't remember him! He is from the past.
"Are you okay?" Greg asked from the door.
"Oh yea sorry, I zoned out a bit." I said he nodded and walked out with the roaster.
"C'mon Zoey lets go get ready!" Fizzy said dragging me upstairs.
"I don't think I have a choice now." I said chuckling. The girls started giggling.
-After getting ready-
Caroline, Avi, Aleena, Katie, Kristin, Me and me are at the pool now. Just sitting in the chairs while reading our magazines, the siblings from the guys are in the pool playing, the guys are inside with their parents. Oh yeah i forgot to mention that they came back. But I wonder what they are talking about?
"Can you come with me into the pool with me, please?" Lottie asked as me. Oh yeah, Lottie was beside me getting a tan. I love Los Angeles, it's December and it's still hot! I like it here.
"Yes! I wanted to get in a while ago, I just didn't want to go alone." I said smiling as we walked to the side of the pool.
"Really? Waliyha come in with us!" Lottie yelled. Next thing I know I was hit with a splash of water in my face. I started laughing and started throwing water at them. I think it might have gotten out of hand, since Daisy, Phoebe, Safaa, Fizzy, Waliyah, Lottie and me were splashing water at each other, I accidently splashed some to Caroline and Katie. But it was by accident!
"Ah! Who did that?!" They both shrieked.
"Her!" All of the girls yelled and pointed towards me.
"What! It was not me! It was clearly Saffa, Daisy and Phoebe!" I said as I pointed towards them. Caroline and Katie squinted their eyes towards me, and I did the same.
"You're lying! You only squint your eyes when your lying!" Katie said smirking. I huffed and stomped, but it was kind if hard since I was in the pool.
"Fine, what are you going to do? It's it like I get out and then you push me in." I said shrugging my shoulders. Wait.
"That is a great idea! Now come on! Get out so we can push you into the pool!" Caroline said.
"Ugh fine." I said like nothing, I swam to the edge and reach my hand out, Katie grabbed my hand and was about to push me out when I pulled her into the pool. I started laughing like crazy until I was pulled down deeper into the water. Holy shit! Are you fucking kidding me?! Ugh! I probably sound so weird and stupid, I'm getting pulled down by my leg and I don't react? Well for your information, I am good at holding my breath a long time. Finally whoever dragged me down let go of my leg. I swam up quickly, and gasped for air as I got to the surface.
"Who did that?!" I shrieked.
"Her!" All of the girls yelled, and pointed to Caroline.
"What? You were in the surface, how did you pull me down?" I asked.
"When you had gotten Katie, I walked down the stairs and swam quickly towards you and then well, pulled you." She said shrugging.
"Oh.. Confusing but ok." I said shrugging as I laid on my back and floated around.
"FOODS READY!" All the parents yelled loudly. We all cheered as we ran inside.

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