Chapter 34

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*Zoey's POV*
"There you go, you are ready now!" Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe and Daisy exclaimed as they finally let me open my eyes.
"Finally! Lets see how the two of you left me." I said as I got up and went to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror, wow the Lottie, and Fizzy left me so beautiful! They are really good in doing makeup! "Wow. You two are so great in doing makeup!" I exclaimed as I got out I the bathroom. I hugged both of them.
"We know. Mum showed us." They said smiling. I nodded in understandment.
"Phoebe and Daisy, did you get my clothes ready?" I asked looking at both of them. They smiled from ear-to-ear nodding. They pointed to my bed, where the Clothes were laid down. By the way, before Fizzy and Lottie did my makeup I took a shower. Just so you know. "All of you girls are so good in picking clothes!" I said in awe as I stared at the clothes. Phoebe and Daisy are really good in fashion, just like Fizzy and Lottie.
"Hurry! Change! We want to see how you look!" Daisy said smiling. I giggled, got the clothes and went to the bathroom to change. First I put on my blue anchor top, them my striped shorts that I had bought whenever I first got here. I put on my socks and then my navy colored Vans and got out of the bathroom. The girls squealed when they solaw me.
"You look so pretty!" All the girls said in sync.
"I couldn't have looked like this, if it weren't for the four of you." I said, they all hugged me at the se time, and I tried to hug all of them. But I ended up hugging all of them.
"I love you girls so much." I said to all of them as I kissed the top of their heads.
"We love you too Zoe." They said, first it was Daisy, then Fizzy, then Phoebe and then Lottie.
"Now the jewelry and you're finished!" Fizzy said as they ran to where I had my jewelry box. I just went to put lotion on and perfume, when the girls came back with bracelets, earrings, iPhone case and my glasses. I quickly put them on with the help of the girls of course and was finally finished.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"7:27." Lottie said. Then we all just stared at each other in shock. We scurried out into the hall, and then walked normally down the stairs. Everyone was still outside, except Louis. He was waiting inside and talking to his mom.
"Hey Louis." I said smiling. He looked back towards me and smiled.
"Hey Zoey! Are you ready?" He asked. I giggled and nodded. "Well bye everyone! We'll be back later on today!" He shouted as he dragged me outside. Everyone yelled 'bye' back. We got into my car, but he was driving, and I turned on the radio.
"Where are we going?" I asked as I looked at him. He smiled, eyes still on the road.
"It's a surprise." He smirked and took a glance at me. I groaned as I laid my head back and looked to the side. "Is it going to be a long time until we get there?" I asked still looking outside. It was pretty outside.
"No. Probably around 5 minutes." He said shrugging and changing the station. I giggled at. This mornings memories. When it was 3 in the morning, we went to get food, and I turned the station to a Spanish station. The song that was playing was 'Lego House' by Ed Sheeran. Yes I know who Ed Sheeran is. He is an awesome British singer! I have to say, that although I love rock music, he is one of my favorite British singers. The first one is Cher Lloyd. She is soo fucking beautiful!
"Are we there yet?" I asked. I'm getting kind of annoyed.
"Yes, it's just down the street. Calm down." He said as he turned to his left. I know this street..
"Well sorry! I'm just hungry and I want to know where you are taking me!" I exclaimed as I threw my hands in the air. But soon regretted it, because my hands hit the roof of the car.
"We're here!" He said as he parked the car, got out and walked quickly to my side and opened the door for me. I smiled as he helped me get down. No wonder I knew where we were at! We are in the Karaoke place! Where I worked at of course.
"Really? Here?" I asked, not shocked at all.
"Aren't you shocked that I brought you here?" He asked as we went inside.
"Not really, I think I know you too much Louis." I said smirking. He chuckled as a waiter sat us down.
"Hello, what would you like to drink tonight?" A nice young girl asked. She looked around 17 years old.
"I'll have Root Beer and he'll have Pepsi." I said smiling. Louis looked at me and chuckled while rubbing his upper lip. The girl nodded.
"Ok, I'll be back with your drinks." She said as she walked away.
"Is she not going to ask us for food?" I asked. How rude of her!
"Zoey, you work here and you don't know?" Louis asked as he looked at me.
"I'm a singer here, not a waiter." I said shrugging my shoulders. He nodded.
"Here you go, are you ready to order or do you need more time?" She asked as she gave us our drinks and put out straws on the table.
"No we're ready, I'll have a hamburger with seasoned fries, and can I have extra seasoned fries?" I asked smiling. She smiled and nodded while writing it down on her small notepad. She must be new here because I have never seen her.
"Me too, without any onion on both." Louis said as we both handed the girl the menus. She nodded writing again and walked away. There was music in the background and the lights were dimmed.
"So this is our first date?" I asked as I put the straw into my drink and drank some soda.
"Yea.. I now not probably what you wanted to see, but I got you something even better than this for our second date. Which is in like 2 or 3 days." He said nodding after thinking for a bit. I'm excited for what else he has in store for me! He's so sweet!
"Aw that's awesome! Louis you know that you are really awesome!" I said smiling to him. I couldn't hug him because we were sitting in front if each other.
"I know that I am awesome." He said, we both laughed. "I'm kidding, but thank you. You are really great." He said smiling. I smiled and blushed a bit.
"Aw thank you!" I said smiling. The girl came back with our food. I smiled ear-to-ear when I saw my burger in front of me. It smells soo good! I smiled as I took a bite and moaned lightly from the deliciousness in my mouth. Louis chuckled and shook his head as he looked at me. "What?" I asked as I wiped my mouth with a napkin.
"Nothing. You are just too adorable." He said as he took a bite from his hamburger. We ate, and talked for a bit. Until my boss came and greeted us.
"Hey Zoey! And Louis." He said motioning to the both of us.
"Hey!" Louis and I greeted back.
"So listen guys, I wanted to know if.. You two can do a duet for the crowed?" He asked with hope in his voice. Louis and I looked at each other.
"Sure! We would love to!" Louis answered for me. I nodded in agreement.
"Oh thank you guys! Lifesavers! Well just go to the DJ, tell them the song and, well Zoey you know how this works." He said as he got up. I nodded and he left.
"Well that was nice. What song should we sing?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Well I'm going to text the girls to see if the want to come." He nodded as I texted all of them.
30 minutes later
I saw Katie, Kristen, Aleena, Avi, and Caroline, and all the guys come into the karaoke. I was happy. I signaled them to come sit with us. We had told some if the workers to put more tables together so we could all fit.
"Hey guys! So we heard that you two are singing a duet.. Tell us about it." Aleena said smiling after everyone ordered their food.
"We aren't saying until we are actually up there singing." I said smirking.
"Ugh fine! But are we going to sing?" Zayn asked.
"Duh! Of course! Each pair will sing!" Louis said happily! Everyone groaned. Even Bryan!
"I'm not a big singer." Bryan said afterwards.
"Well in here, there is no such thing as not a big singer." I said shrugging my shoulders. Before anyone could protest I said, "Well Louis and me are going. We'll be back after we finish singing!" I got Louis' hand and walked to where the DJ was so he could put on the song. After we told him and walked to the stage and spoke into the microphones.
"Hello, good evening um well Louis and I are going to sing a song! It's our birthday so yep. Hope you like it!" I said smiling. Everyone applauded and we started singing when the music came on.

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