Chapter 37

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*Zoey's POV*
Oh my god, I know this must be like a dream or something.
"Are you kidding? If you are this is a pretty bad joke especially on my birthday." I said with a straight face.
"Zoey, I'm not kidding. Would you like for me to promote you to be assistant manager?" He said also with a straight face.
"Oh well ... Will I still be able to sing?" I asked him. He chuckled as he looked at me.
"I don't know, that's going to be your choice." He aid chuckling again. I nodded in understandment, I knew he was being dead serious. Oh what the heck!
"Ok then! Thank you Mark." I said as I hugged him.
"I'm not a big fan of hugging." He said as he got my shirt from my sleeves, pulling them up and getting me off of him. I scoffed and smiled, we said our goodbyes and I walked outside.
"Hey, what was all that about?" Caroline asked me.
"Well, Mark just promoted me to be assistant manager." I said as calmly as I possibly could.
"What?! What did you say?!" The girls asked, the guys weren't there. Not even Bryan! Where did they go?
"Um... I said yes! Of course I was going to say yes!" I said, then we all started squealing as we got into the car. All the girls, knew that I really wanted to be an assistant manager.
"That is really great! I think that is the best Christmas present ever!" Katie said smiling.
"Yep that's true. Where are the guys?" I asked as we were already on our way back to the house.
"Oh they left, they got really sleepy. So yep." Aleena said.
"Even Bryan, can you believe that?" Kristin said in disbelief.
"Well they left back with Bryan because the guys wanted to talk to him." Avi said looking out the window.
"Ooh Kristin, they might be getting an approve for Bryan to be with you." I said smirking and looked at her through the rear window. She was bushing a lot that she had to put her hands in front of her face. We all giggled as we got quite. The radio was really low so I turned up the volume. I Love It by Icona Pop was on. We all literally looked at each other and started singing really loud.

I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone.
I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn.
I threw your sh*t into a bag and pushed it down the stairs.
I crashed my car into the bridge.

I don't care, I love it. I don't care.

I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone.
I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn.
I threw your sh*t into a bag and pushed it down the stairs.
I crashed my car into the bridge.

I don't care, I love it. I don't care.

You're on a different road, I'm in the milky way
You want me down on earth, but I am up in space
You're so damn hard to please, we gotta kill this switch
You're from the 70's, but I'm a 90's b*tch

I love it!
I love it!

I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone.
I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn.
I threw your sh*t into a bag and pushed it down the stairs.
I crashed my car into the bridge.

I don't care, I love it.
I don't care, I love it, I love it.
I don't care, I love it. I don't care.

You're on a different road, I'm in the milky way
You want me down on earth, but I am up in space
You're so damn hard to please, we gotta kill this switch
You're from the 70's, but I'm a 90's b*tch

I don't care, I love it.
I don't care, I love it, I love it.
I don't care, I love it.
I don't care, I love it, I love it.
I don't care.
I love it.

"That is such a good song for a break up. But good thing is that we're all taken!" Caroline said giggling as we got out of the car and walked into the house. Yea I know already that I drive fast, but I drive a little bit faster whenever I am having fun, or singing in the car. We all nodded and just sat down in the living room. Where is everyone? The families aren't here, and I don't hear the guys.
"Hello?" We say as we start walking around the house.
"YAY YOU GUYS ARE BACK!" Someone yelled. Which were all the girls, with Greg. They came inside from the backyard, they were all wet.
"Yea, sorry we took a long time." Katie said smiling.
"It's fine! Our parents went to go have dinner." Lottie said nodding her head slowly.
"Oh. Why didn't they take you?" Aleena asked. Avi hit her arm slightly which made all of us laugh. "I mean not that we would care or anything." Aleena said afterwards.
"They had to talk about "Adult Business." Fizzy said putting her fingers, as the quotation marks.
"Ohh ok, so you all have been in the pool all this time?" Kristin asked.
"Yep pretty much." Waliyah said nodding her head.
"Well get into the showers. And after how about we have.. Hmm how about we have ice cream Sundaes?!" I asked as I bent to Daisy's and Phoebe's height. They giggled as they nodded and they all ran up the stairs, except for Greg.
"Aren't you going to take a shower?" I asked Greg, the girls went to the kitchen to get the stuff ready.
"Yea, only if you go with me." He whispered into my as he hugged me around my waist. What the fuck?!

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