Chapter 31

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*Zoey's POV*
What movie are we watching you might be asking? Well we're watching Are We There Yet? And it's because Phoebe and Daisy are here. They are full of energy right now, so I don't think that they will be going to sleep any time soon.
"Dain, that is such a good looking car." Louis said. We started giggling, since Jay was sleeping. Louis is so cute whenever his little sisters are around. He isn't mean, he doesn't cuss or say anything inappropriate whenever they are with him. I like that.
"I call being the little girl!" Daisy said raising her hand. "Louis, you get Nick. Which is the guy that wants to be with the pretty lady." She said afterwards pointing to the
"I call being the boy!" Phoebe said. "And Zoey is the pretty lady!" She said smiling, which made Louis and I look at each other and blush.
"That is the cutest thing ever!" Caroline and Aleena squealed quietly. I giggled and buried my head in my knees to keep form everyone seeing me smile. I do honestly that's the cutest thing ever, and that's because I've seen this movie before. There was a knock on the door, well a couple.
"I'll go get." Niall beat me to it. Ugh! I was going to go get it.
"No me!" I said as I stood up and we both sprinted towards the door. Since we both had slippers on, we couldn't stop and we hit ourselves in the door... We ended up falling. There was a lot of laughter going on in the living room. Oh and by the way, the living room is a bit... Small. Well medium size. It's a miracle that we could all fit.
"I got it." Zayn said as he was about to reach the door.
"No!" I shouted as I got his foot and pulled him, which made him slip and fall on his stomach.
"I.. Don't got it.." He grumbled as he rolled over on his back. I got up as if I never fell and opened the door. Niall was still laying on the floor and Zayn was the same, just talking to each other while looking at the ceiling. I opened the door and saw two families. It's a good thing that I know all of their families.
"Hello Mrs. And Mr. Malik." I said as I let them inside. "Hi Safaa, and Waliyha." I said a so waved to them smiling.
"Hi Zoey!" They both answered as the family came in. "Love the hair by the way." Waliyha said smiling. Hm I'm guessing Doniya isn't coming...
"Hello Ms. Horan and Greg!" I said as I allowed then to come in. (Niall's mom is single in this story!)
"Hey hun! Don't call me 'Ms. Horan'. Call me Maura!" She said as she gave me a hug.
"What have you been up too Zoe? It's been a long time now." He said as we hugged each other too. (He's single too in this story too)
"I know but you know, I came here to study at this university!" I said smiling as I closed the door. When I walked in, I saw that Zayn was hugging his family, Niall came up to his family and hug them, and Jay had come downstairs, I'm guessing so all of them can talk. I wish I had a big happy family. At least I have Kristin. She's my only family I have.
"Zoey, are you ok?" Fizzy asked me, I nodded as I sat down with them again in the floor and resumed the movie.
"Don't cry Zoey. You're really pretty, nice and wonderful." Phoebe said as she sat on my lap and wiped a tear away. I sighed and nodded putting on a fake smile as I kissed the top of her head. I didn't know that I was crying until she said it.
"How has everyone been?" Patricia asks as they settle down and sit in the couches.
"Good.." We all answer. "Oh I got to meet my favorite rock band the other day at my job! I got the drummers phone!" I said excitedly. I really was, I still can't believe I have his phone!
"That's great! Sounds like you had a lot of fun here." She answered back, I smiled and nodded.
"Yea, but it's nothing like home." I said as I tried to get the memories out of my head. I had this weird churning in my stomach. Probably from the memories.
"Louis can you explain what happened between you and Eleanor." Jay asked in a serious, but delicate tone.
"Ugh fine." He said as he sent me an apologetic look. I gave him a weak smile and nodded.
"Well you see, Eleanor and Perrie had came here, I don't know why, and they started being mean to Zoey." He explained. I thought about the moments also, then I felt a lump in my throat, I was about to cough it away but... I wasn't going to cough. I was going to vomit. I put my hand over my mouth as I looked at the girls, they looked at me with a weird expression.
"Wait sorry Louis, but Zoey needs to excuse herself.. She needs to go to the bathroom, but can't talk." Avi said as she pointed towards me. I stood up.
"Is she ok?" All of the parents said at the same time. I nodded, I felt that feeling in my stomach again and I ran to the bathroom. Luckily there was a bathroom in the first floor.
*Louis' POV*
When did she get sick?
"Yea she's fine, she vomited earlier today also... But it might be a stomach virus." Katie said. I nodded in understandment. "Go on Louis." She said nodding her head for me to go on.
"Oh yea, well then one day we were just here watching tv, Zayn, Zoey and Katie were talking upstairs. Then she comes downstairs and says that she's going for a walk. We didn't get to say anything to her, because she had closed the door on us. We decided to give her some space because, you know how girls are. So yea, then I switched the channels to the news, and saw that her dad, um he escaped prison and came here from Doncaster... Um girls can you go to my room please?" I asked my sisters and Zayn's sisters. The groaned but eventually nodded and they all left. "Well um I got really scared, b-because she has a p-past with him." I started stuttering and tears were threatening to fall. My mum came and sat down in the couch beside me and started soothing me, but I kept on going. "So I went to go look for her, a-and after we thought we weren't going to find her, we saw a man get out of an alley.. So we went to check the alley and s-she was t-there.. Just laying there. Unconscious!" I sobbed as I hugged my mum tightly. After a couple of minutes I pulled away and wiped the tears, I looked up and saw that everyone had tears in their eyes also. "So we called the ambulance and they got her and took her to the hospital, both Perrie and Eleanor kept whispering to each other, I asked then what was wrong but they didn't say anything and walked out. Zoey woke up minutes after and told us what happened. She, she was raped by her father, and he told her that Eleanor and Perrie had hired him to hurt Zoey." I said. Everyone gasped, except the guys the girls and me. I still can't believe that her dad did that! Kristin gasped also, I guess she didn't know.
"Oh hunny, I'm sorry for what happened!" My mum said as she hugged me once more.
"It's ok mum, good thing is that I'm not going out with Eleanor." I said, that was a huge weigh off my shoulders.
"And that I'm not going out with Perrie. I told her that Simon fired us from our job, like that was even possible, and we got into a huge argument.. Do you know what she told me?" He asked looking at the parents. They shook their heads. "She said that at least her band got first place in the X-Factor!" He said as he threw his arms in the air.
"See hunny, I told you she wasn't right for our son. Now I see him having a girl like... Her. She's pretty, she looks like she cares about her friends, and her style." Zayn's dad said. It made us all chuckle/giggle. He had pointed towards Katie.
"Dad, stop." Zayn muttered as he put his head in his hands trying to hide the blush.
"Aw is wittle Zaynie blushing?" Liam and I cooed in our baby voices as we tried pinching his cheek. I looked over at Katie and she was red. Aw she's blushing too!
"Aww is wittle Katie blushing too?" The girls cooed to Katie also. It made us laugh as we stopped. Zoey came back with her hand on her belly.
"Are you ok?" I asked as I moved so she could sit in between my mum and me.
"Yea, just a bit hungry." She said.
"Me too!" Aleena and Niall exclaimed and then laughed afterwards.
"Well how about us mums prepare food while you kids put some movies on or something." Maura said. We nodded and did as we were told.
-After food is served and everyone is eating, Zayn's and Louis' sisters are there too eating-
"Louis, what are you planning in doing for your birthday tomorrow?" Maura asked me.
"I'm not sure, I was thinking if we should have a cookout! Since our families are going to be here, and well yea that's what I was thinking of doing." I said nodding my head and gave a nervous smile.
"That sounds like fun!" Safaa, Daisy, Phoebe, and Lottie agreed.
"We could have a swimming party too! I mean it is hot!" Lottie said the first part, and Waliyha finished it.
"That is true!" Caroline and Zoey agreed. Before any of us could say anything, there was a knock ok the door. I got up this time to open it.
"Hello Anne and Gemma." I greeted smiling hugged them.
"Hello Mr. Geoff and Mrs. Karen." I greeted smiling and hugged them both also. His sisters are in college. (Not sure how old they are but just go with it) "I'm sorry, please come in!" I apologized and let them through.
"Hello everyone! Sorry we're late." Anne apologized.
"No worries! We are barely eating!" My mum said smiling as they all greeted each other.
"At midnight? But I would be eating too if I was stuck in a plane for hours." Karen said smiling. They all sat down in the dinning table, while us younger than 20 stayed in the living room. Pretty weird that I'm 21 already.. Wow, 21. I'm going to cry! I don't want to grow old!
"Happy birthday!" Zoey whispered in my ear.
"Happy birthday to you too." I whispered to her smiling. She's so beautiful. I just want to kiss her! But I can't, because there is people here younger than 10 and older than 30. I sound rude and mean but it's true! People older than 13 are already teenagers! But younger than 20 are teenagers also.
"I'm going to sleep, I'm really sleepy." Zoey yawned out and laid down on blanket with the pillow under her heard.
"Yea me too." We all said at the same time and then laughed at it. We all for comfortable, I knew that Zoey wasn't comfortable so I picked her up carefully trying not to wake her up and sat her down on the couch. After I sat down a little bit further from her, so that way she could lean on me. She ended up laying her head on my lap and her feet on the couch. She looks so adorable sleeping. I looked at her one last one before drifting off to sleep.

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