Chapter 25

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*Zoey's POV*

"Zoey... Wake up." Grr. Who dares wake me up from my slumber!! I'm so tired! I just curled up into a ball and slept more. "Don't make me go get jello." They said again.

"You wouldn't dare." I said as I looked up. Of course it would be Louis. Wait I didn't lose my voice! Yes!

"I would, you didn't lose your voice thats great! Oh and I won't let Zayn give you the boxes of gummy bears-" I interrupted him.

"Alright! Alright I'm up!" I said as I sat up. I got up to go to the bathroom but my legs failed, I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came. I opened my left eye slowly and saw that I was in strong arms. I opened my eyes and looks up, to see Louis there. Aw! How cute!

"I told it wasn't going to be my fault if you were numb or sore today." He said with a smirk. I hit him slightly in the arm. Eventually I made my way to the bathroom and washed my face. Then there was a knock in the door. I looked at Louis from the bathroom and our eyes widened.

"Out the window." Mouthed as I put on my dress, put my hair in a ponytail and put on my shoes as he did the same, but without the hair.

"Hello, we all know that you two are in there." A man said, he sounded very annoyed. We both went to the window, opened it and jumped out. Good thing that we were in the first floor.

"This is why I woke you up." Louis said smiling as he intertwined his fingers with mine. I smiled and blushed lightly.

"Shut up, I'm hungry. And tired.. Ugh! Stupid emotions that I have." I said as I leaned my head back and kept on walking. When we were in the street Louis tried to call a cab. Like I said "tried" to call a cab. "You don't have the looks." I said as I smirked to him.

"I do too! It's because I'm a guy right? Of course! It's because I'm a guy!" He ranted on. He wasn't looking, so I stepped to the curve, a put on a pretty smile and waved my hand when the first taxi came. Good thing that he didn't have anyone.

"Louis c'mon, we need to go to the house." I said as I got his arm and pulled him inside the cab.

"We're home!!" Louis and I both yelled. Which was a bad idea. One be aide out head started hurting a lot and the room filled with 'Shh's'.

"Well then someone woke up on the wrong side of the right bed." I muttered. "Are the gummy bears here yet?" I asked as I sat in between Katie and Avi.

"No... But probably today or something." Zayn answered as he had two pills and water in each hand. I sprinted to him and took away the things, then snakes them. "What the heck?! That was mine!" Zayn pouted as he sat where I was sitting at.. Oh hell no! I was about to push him off, but Harry interrupted me.

"Oh um Zoey.. Your cousin is here." What?! Oh my god!! Yay!

"Really?! Where is she at?!" I screeched. I'm so happy!

"She's um.. In your room..." Harry said.

"Why do you say it like that?" I asked as I began walking up the stairs.

"Y-you're going to get memories." Liam answered. What? Memories? I went to my room and opened the door slowly. I saw Kristin looking out the window.

"Hey Kristin." I said as I approached her.

"H-hey." She said in a shaky voice. I'm getting scared now.

"Are you ok?" I asked her, she shook her head. I was trying to figure what was wrong, until she turned around.

"Oh my god Kristin! Who the hell did this to you?!?!" I shouted as I pulled her into a hug. She started sobbing into my shoulder. She has a small bruise forming in her left cheek bone, and has a busted lip. Oh my god I swear I'm going to fucking kill someone, ugh now I know why Liam was 'memories'.

"I-it was my dad, well .. Your dad. Shit." She cursed. I'm confused.

"What?" I asked.

"Well last time I wanted to tell you this, you ended up running away." I nodded in response for her to go on. "You see, um, my dad that raised me is really your dad. And the dad that raised you is my dad." She said as she calmed down.

"So your saying that I was raised by your dad... And that's why I got beaten up by him everyday?" I asked calmly.

"He beat you!? Why would he do that?" She asked as I could tell that her cheeks were getting red from anger.

"Yea, but he's not in my life anymore. So I'm moving I'm moving on from the past." I said shrugging my shoulders. She nodded in understandment. "But why would he beat you?" I asked.

"Well he said I was worthless, and that I wasn't even his daughter so why would he take care of me.. Which led me into being kicked out." She finished.

"Ok first of all you are not worthless, and I'm guessing that it's genetics because he is the exact same way as my dad- slash your dad." I said.

"Yea, probably." She said with a sigh.

"A question that I want to ask you." I said. She nodded for me to go on. "How the hell do you always find me?" I asked. It is true. How does she do that?

"Oh haha. Well I had contact with Harry, and I texted him saying hey, and we got into a conversation and I asked him if he knew where you were at and he said that you were here." She said explaining, taking a deep breath.

"Oh ok, what happened between you two anyway?" I asked.

"Well, I found out through the five of them, Liam, Zayn, Niall, Louis and Harry that they bullied you. And that they regretted it. So I left like the next week saying that it didn't bother me, but it really did, and I haven't talked to them since then." She said nodding her head.

"Ok, we're you two ever going out in the first place?" I asked. She laughed lightly.

"No, he asked me but I said no. I didn't want a boyfriend back then... And still don't, I want to be free. You know, without any worries." She said.

"I feel you, well now I don't have to tell you who my bullies were." I said.

"I'm bored, can we do something?" She asked. I chuckled slightly and nodded.

"How about a girls day out? Tomorrow 'is' my birthday anyways." I said smiling.

"Oh my god that is perfect! And also the day after tomorrow is Christmas! So we should get the guys presents!" She exclaimed. I nodded in agreement as we both walked out the door.

"Girls, we're having a girls day out!" I shouted smiling.

"Yay! Christmas shopping!" They exclaimed. I nodded in agreement.

"Ok well, we are going to get ready.. And you should too because you smell like sex." Katie whispered the last bit to me as she walked passed me.

"How the hell do you even smell that!?" I shouted waving my arms in the air.

"I'm a mystery." Katie shouted back as I heard a door close loudly. Well I take that as that was her room door.

"She is right, you can't tell her emotions.. But yesterday.. Man she was beyond crazy-" Zayn stopped himself as he sprinted upstairs. I giggled.

"ZAYN AND KATIE SITTING IN A TREE HAVING SEX IS WHAT THEY'RE DOING!" I chanted while laughing the whole time.

"You are soo immature Zoey." Avi said shaking her head slightly in dissapointment. I giggled.

"I know I am. Well I'm going to get ready bye!" I said as I walked back upstairs.

My Roomate is who? (Sequel to Living Hell)Where stories live. Discover now