Chapter 26

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*Zoey's POV*
Kristin, Aleena, Katie, me, Avi, and Caroline, just arrived at the mall. We took about two hours to get ready. But we made it!
"I'm hungry!" Aleena said as we got off the car.
"I am too.. We should go get food!" I suggested as we went inside.
"What do all of you want to eat?" Avi mumbled.

"Someone's grumpy today." Caroline said. I giggled as we started making our way to the food court.
"No, it's just... Grr I'm just tired." Avi answered as she yawned.
"Then why didn't you stay?" Kristin asked.
"Well Liam told me to come because all of them were going to plan something." She said shrugging.
"Did he say what kind of plan?" I asked. She shook her head. I nodded in understandment. What are they planning on doing?
"Oh, by the way! Did you all know that tomorrow is Zoey's birthday?!" Kristin squealed. We stood in line for Chinese food. I love the broccoli with the sauce thing! It's soo good! ((It is true I do love it))
"Oh yea! You said it in the hospital! Ooh what of they are planning on doing a surprise party!?" Katie asked.
"That would be awesome! I still can't believe that your birthday is the same as Louis'!" Caroline said.
"I know pretty weird but eh, whatever." I said shrugging. They laughed lightly and we ordered our food. We sat down and I caught up with Kristin.
"Oh hey! I forgot to ask something." I said as I stuck a broccoli in my mouth.
"What is it?" They all said at the same time.
"I forgot to say that this is my cousin Kristin." I said smiling.
"We know, she told us.. And you now tell us that? We could think that she is a serial killer for all we know, and you never told us that she is your cousin." Aleena said as she ate some chicken.
"Well sorry! God! It's not my fault I forgot geez, someone never says one thing and everyone is blaming for everything!" I said raising my hands in the air.
"You are over reacting Zoey.. It's weird calling you that name, but I like it." Avi said smiling.
"I've been used to it, so are all of you giving me presents?" I asked narrowing my eyes to them.
"No shit Sherlock... But you can't be with us when we are buying them for you. Oh and what happened to you and Louis yesterday, we didn't see you." Caroline asked.
"Ugh you are rude!" I exclaimed as I bit into some chicken. "We went to stay the place at a hotel.. Nothing really happened between us." I said shrugging, and began to drink my drink.. Haha that's funny. I should be a comedian! Ha no.
"Well your red, purple hickey says otherwise." Katie said smirking. That made me choke on my drink, well almost. That is if I didn't spit it out. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me.
"Don't stare at me unless all of you think that I am the sexiest girl here!" I shouted as I wiped my mouth. At least I didn't spit it at anyone, just the floor. The girls/ladies started talking again, but some guys still looked at me. "Anyways, I do not have one!" I whispered-shouted.
"Here, there is a mirror now look at it!" Kristin said as she handed me a small mirror. I looked at myself,
"I have nothing!" I said as I glared at all of them. "And I should know because I did my make-up!" I said as I put the mirror down.
"Well apparently you haven't seen the bruise in your collar bone, you could see some of it." Avi said as she pointed to my right side, where my collar bone is at. I pulled my shirt a little bit down as I looked into the small mirror again. Of course they are fucking right! And what the fuck?!
"Oh my god! W-well nothing happened b-between us." I stuttered as I handed Kristin her mirror back.
"Mhmm, that is a big fat lie! Now c'mon we have to take you to the movie theater so you can see a movie while we are Christmas shopping and birthday shopping.. If that is even a phrase or something." Aleena said sort of confused. Haha she's so funny.
"Ok, wait I have to go Christmas shopping also!" I said as we threw our trash away and began walking to where the movie theater was located at.
"You will go after the movie finishes, I will pay if you want but you have to stay here." Avi said. I thought about it.
"Fine. But I want gummy bears!" I said stomping my foot, like a little kid, and stopped walking.
"Don't throw a fit here, and whatever! Aleena go get her two bags of funny bears." Avi said, Aleena nodded and left. "Well then c'mon." Avi said pulling me closer to the theater. We finally got there after a couple of minutes. "What movie do you want to see?" Avi asked as she took out some money from her purse.
"Hm... Grown Ups 2!" I said smiling. She nodded and them paid for it.
"Here now go on, when it finishes we will be right here waiting." Avi said.
"My gummy bears!" I whined. Then there was some shouts. I turned around and saw Aleena. She was running with two bags of gummy bears. "Yay! Gummy bears!" I said smiling as I got them from her. "Ok now I can go thanks Aleena!" I said as I hugged her. She hugged back and I headed into the theater while they made sure that I was inside.
*Avi's POV*
Once she was inside I went to a guy that worked there.
"Hey um by any chance did you see the girl that was here a couple of moments ago? The one with purple hair?" I asked him.
"Yea why?" He asked curious.
"Well I wanted to ask you a favor that has to do with her." I said, he nodded for me to go on. "The favor is that if she comes out before Grown Ups 2 ends, if you could take her back inside? She can't leave until it finishes." I said sternly.
"Okay..? I will do it, but why?" He asked.
"Because she needs to stay there, tomorrow is her birthday and we are going to get her presents. Oh and if she gives you trouble just give her gummy bears." Katie said as she rolled her eyes playfully.
"Alright then, oh and you can come tomorrow and get a discount at this movie theater." He said pointing behind him.
"Why a discount? Tomorrow?" I asked narrowing my eyes.
"Well we have this thing in our employment, and if we have friends that come here on birthdays or holidays they get a discount. It's weird." He said waving a hand.
"Oh ok then! Well thank you again!" I said smiling.
"No problem." He said smiling, then he walked away.
"That guy is really cute." Kristin said pointing towards him.
"You need a boyfriend." Caroline and Katie said.
"I do not! I'm perfectly fine the way I am!" She said as we walked towards a random store.

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