Chapter 33

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*Zoey's POV*
We went inside and I almost died. Literally, I almost fell on my face. But luckily, I have such awesome friends that they helped me before I slipped.
"Oh my god I almost killed myself!" I said as I got a towel.
"Well you were kind of a clumsy person." Lottie and Fizzy said. I scoffed acting hurt.
"That us sadly true." I said nodding afterwards in agreement.
"Well I would have been so scared if you actually fell down, but we have food ready!" Jay said smiling. We all ran to the table and say down in each available chair. All the parents started serving us. We all started eating the delicious food that they made us. If you are wondering what they made us, well they made us fried chicken, tacos, fried fish, spaghetti, and hamburgers!! All of this really good.
"Um mums, we have something to tell all of you." Zayn started saying. They all looked at the guys. What are they going to talk about?
"Yes?" They all asked in sync.
"Well we wanted to introduce you to, our girlfriends!" Niall said happily. All the girls blushed, including the guys.
"What?! We're not even presentable!" Aleena said, with horrid written all over her face.
"Oh honey that's alright." Maura said smiling. We all smiled and let the guys go on.
"Well mum, um this is my girlfriend Caroline Simmons." Harry said smiling and motioning towards Caroline. She smiled and waved.
"You are so pretty! Harry should take you to our house so we can spend a lot more time together!" Anne said smiling.
"Aw well thank you! And I would actually love to go." Caroline answered. The three of them kept on talking amongst themselves.
"Mum, and Greg, this is Aleena Thayer. She is so adorable and we both love food!" Niall said smiling and hugged Aleena by the side.
"Hello, I'm Maura and this is Greg." Maura said introducing themselves.
"Hello, I'm Aleena! And it is true I love food!" Aleena said giggling. They also stated talking amongst themselves.
"Let me guess Zayn, this young lovely girl is your soon to be girlfriend?" Yaser said smirking to Zayn.
"Actually dad, she is my girlfriend now." Zayn said smiling as Katie and him intertwined their fingers. They introduced themselves, along with his little sisters.
"Mum this is Avi, we are both the responsible ones from the 10 of us." Liam said as he pointed to Avi.
"Hello, my full name is Avril Richards." She said in her original British accent. Liam's parents looked confused. But the Avi started explaining in why she had a British accent.
"Well mum and sisters, you already know Zoey! And I'm taking her on a date tonight." Louis said smiling towards me. I almost choked on my drink. But I did cough a few times.
"Date? You didn't tell me anything about a date!" I whisper-shouted. His family started laughing.
"Aw that's cute!" Jay said smiling.
"Yea it really is. Can we help you choose an outfit?" Fizzy asked.
"I'll make a deal, what if Phoebe, and Daisy pick my outfit, and you and Lottie make my makeup?" I asked. They all immediately agreed.
"Ok well you should start getting ready at around 5 or later, we're leaving at 7:30. And no more later!" He said. I nodded and giggled.
"We should go to the pool again and play some games! Since I wasn't able to get into the pool earlier." Greg pouted.
"Ok!" We all agreed and left back outside, except the parents stayed inside to clean up the mess.
"Wait we should play chicken fight!" Louis suggested as we almost jumped into the pool.
"That is soo true!" I said as I 'supposedly' walked back to the house. "I pick phoebe!" I said as I pushed Louis into the pool. He screamed like a girl whenever he was falling into the pool. I started laughing loudly, that tears began to stream down my eyes. All of a sudden I came in contact with the water. Yep. Someone pushed me into the pool. I swam around a bit before coming back into the surface.
"Ok who pushed me?" I asked while swimming into the steps.
"Oh that was me!" Katie said smiling innocently as she came to the side of the pool and came into the water. "That was payback for whenever you pulled me into the pool." She said afterwards and smirked.
"Well then,I was just horse playing! But apparently I can't do that now, can I ?" I asked as I shook my head lightly. "Phoebe on my back now!" I shouted as I went to the floor of the pool and waited for her to climb on my back. After she came, and I helped her climb on my back. "Ok, who am I going against?" I asked as I walked to the middle of the pool, because I didn't swim,m.. That's for sure.
"Us!" Niall said as he came to the front of me, with Safaa on his shoulders.
"Bring it on! We all know, that the Tomlinson family is strong!" I said smirking. Everyone 'ooed',
"Well, Malik's and Horan's are the 'more' stronger than Tomlinson's!" He said and tried to pull a 'tough' face. But again, 'tried' to. I started laughing as Aleena counted us off. We're going to win! The girls on top of us started giggling as they tried to push each other off our shoulders.
"You're going to lose Horan." I said as we both pushed each other every now and then. He let out a loud chuckle.
"In your dreams Jones. We 'all' know that I am way stronger than you." He said smirking.
"I wouldn't be to true about that, she pinned me down by herself." Louis shouted. I smirked towards Niall and he squinted his eyes towards me. He tilted a bit back, but because Safaa almost fell...but he reposed his weight.
"Hurry Phoebe! You can do it! Remember don't let anyone older than you bring you down!" I cheered her on.
"Come on Safaa! Zayn wouldn't want you to lose! He's watching you!" Niall cheered Safaa on.
"Oh great words Niall. It's okay girls, everyone will be happy if either of you won!" I cheered both of them.
"But only one can win!" Zayn shouted. I rolled my eyes as I pushed Niall and then grabbed Phoebes legs again to make sure that she won't fall.
"I will win!" Phoebe said giggling as she pushed Safaa.
"No I will!" Safaa argued.
"Now girls none of you want to end up not being frie-" I didn't even have a chance to finish my sentence when someone fell into the water. And that was Phoebe. I turned around and saw that phoebe was swimming up smiling.
"Good game Phoebe." Safaa said smiling as they both hugged. I smiled as they hugged.
"Good game Jones." Niall said as he extended his arms towards me trying to hug me. I chuckled as I hugged him, but before we pulled away I pulled his hair. "Oi! What was that for!?" He grumbled as he reached for his hair. I giggled and shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know, I was bored. And what not better to do than pull your friends hair?" I asked smiling innocently. He glared at me and then splashed me with water.
"I get Zoey now!" Louis yelled as he jumped into the water since he had gotten out of the pool.
"We should all go against each other!" I shouted.
"But there is only 5 pairs, Kristen when is you 'friend' coming?" Katie asked, and emphasized on the word 'friend'. Kristin blushed a bit but then went back to her normal color.
"He said that he'll be here in less than 5 minutes." She said smiling and putting her phone down. She was in the chairs sitting down, all the girls got out of the pool, sat down in a chair and began reading through our magazines. Well I'm just looking through, and looking at how models, famous and normal people are dressed. "He's here!" Kristin whispered yelled as she got up from her chair.
"Tell him to come through the back gates." I said, she nodded and went through the back stairs. A couple minutes passed by, and she came back with the guy. What was his name again?
"Hey Bryan!" Avi smiled and waved to him. He waved back. Bryan. That's his name. I knew that all along!
"Can we play now?" Louis whined from the pool.
"I'm not getting in there." Zayn said, he was also ima chair, but besides Katie. They were both reading a magazine.
"What? Why babe?" Katie whined.
"He's scar-" Waliyah started saying, but Zayn interrupted her.
"Zip-it! I will tell her." Zayn grumbled. He then explained to Katie. She would nod every now and then.
"Aw babe! Don't worry, ill help you to get over that, c'mon." She said as she dragged Zayn to the pool.
"This shall be interesting." We all said at the same time. We laughed as we got back to the pool. This is how we are. It's me and Louis, against Harry and Caroline. Liam and Avi against Kristen and Bryan. And finally, Zayn and Katie against Aleena and Niall.
"Ok ready?" Liam asked. We all nodded, he said 'Go' and we started playing chicken fight.
-30 minutes later-
"That was really tiring!" Zayn said as we got out. Of the pool and laid down on the chairs.
"What time is it?" Louis asked.
"Um, 5:36." Aleena answered.
"Oh my god! I need to get ready!" I said as I got up and got a towel.
"We're coming!" All of Louis' sisters shouted. I nodded and we all literally ran back into the house and up the stairs. I wonder where he is taking me?

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