Chapter 17

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*Delilah's POV*
So we finished singing and the bar closed. I know, but it was just 6 songs. Then the clients (famous people) started to sing also. And Caroline was fangirling whenever Fun. started singing. She is a huge fan of them. Everyone is outside and in the parking lot. 
"Excuse me, you're Delilah right?" Someone asked, I turned around and alsmost fainted. It was freaking Caleb Turman! AHH! FANGIRLING MODE ACTIVATED! 
"Yes." I said nodding my head, trying to hide my fangirling side. Then the rest of the band to his side. "Can you hold on for like a couple of seconds?" I asked as my voice cracked. He chuckled and nodded. I smiled before I ran to the sidewalk by the street, of course, and went to the front of the building so no one could see me. I started screaming and jumping around and let's just say that I looked like a complete idiot. After I calmed down I went back. I was sniffing and cleaning my eyes, I had tears in them ok! God, I bet every fangirl does that. They looked at me and chuckled.
"Fan?" Kyle asked with a grin.
"Yes, big fan!" I said, it showed my British accent, but whatever.
"That's awesome! We love how you sing, and how you sang our song." Jonathan said. I smiled.
"That is great! Especially coming from like, my idols!" I said smiling.
"Do you want us to sign anything? You know since you are a big fan." Austin said. 
"Well, I don't really have anything to write with, and my phone is shitty. But my memories are fine!" I said smiling.
"Here you could have my sunglasses." Austin said.
"And my beanie," Caleb said.
"My ring." Jonathan said.
"My phone." Kyle said. As they all handed them to me. I am like literally screaming inside. 
"Thanks guys, but I don't think I could possibly have all of this. Especially your phone Kyle." I said as I tried to give them their stuff back. Although I really didn't want to.
"No, keep them. And besides he has two phones, that one is for like emergencies. But you can have it." Jonathan said. I nodded and smiled.
"Ok, thank you guys! You are all really great!" I said smiling and gave each of them a hug.
"You're welcome. And here give this to your boyfriend. He's a fan also isn't he?" Caleb said smirking as he gave me his hat. I looked at him giggling and nodded. 
"Yep, thank you so much again! Wait before you leave can we take a picture?" I asked. They nodded, I handed my phone to Mark, and he took us a picture. YAY! I LOVE THIS DAY SO MUCH!
"Bye Delilah, we'll give you a call whenever we come again!" They shouted as they entered their truck. My eyes grew wide as I nodded. When their door closed I started squealing and jumping.. I am so happy!
"What has got you all jumpy babe?" Nathaniel asked. I stopped and looked at him.
"Where the fuck were you?!" I asked as I slapped his arm lightly.
"I went to get some coffee." He said as he held up 2 cups of caramel frappe's from Starbucks. I aww'd and he chuckled.
"Well you should have gone later, because I just freaking talked to Forever the Sickest Kids band!" I said squealing again. 
"Are you serious!? What did they say? Did you take a picture with them? Tell me!" He said fanboying also.
"They said that I was a good singer, yes I did take a picture of them and they each gave me something!" I said as I showed him what each of them gave me. 
"Who gave you the hat?'' He asked.
"Caleb. He said that it was for you" I said as I handed him the hat. We were both fanboying when Avi stopped us.
"Stop fangirling/fanboying here. You both look like freaking retard seals." Avi said shaking her head. I stopped and my jaw dropped.
"Rude much? Let's go eat! I'm hungry!" I whined. All of a sudden we heard a lot of screams. We looked to the street, and saw a couple of fans running towards everyone. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE got in the cars, even us. We drove away to Jack in the Box and got off and ordered our food. I mean we aren't famous, so they wouldn't care about us. 
"Where were you 4 at?" I asked them as our order was done and Aleena went to go get the food.
"Oh nothing, you know Caroline and Aleena got asked out, by Harry and Niall." Avi said wiggling her eyebrows. Aleena and Caroline were blushing.
"AW! That's cute!" Nathaniel and me cooed at them. They blushed even more.
"Shut up! What did you 2 do?" Katie asked.
"Well I went to go get coffee, that we are drinking right now, for us and she met Forever The Sickest Kids." Nathaniel said.
"You are just jealous because I met them." I said smirking.
"Yes it is true, but I love you!" He cooed.
"Aw me too!" I said as I pecked his cheek.
"Ew too much love birds together right now!" Katie said flapping her arms around.
"Remind me to get a boyfriend for Katie." Avi, Aleena, Caroline, Nathaniel and me said at the same time. We all started laughing. 
"Ha ha. I'm laughing so much." Katie said as she rolled her eyes.
"You like Zayn don't you?" I asked.
"How did you know? I mean no." She said correcting herself, but it was too late.
"I have my ways." I said. She nodded and ate in silent. Why did Zayn even do that? I have to talk to him later, and maybe beat his ass for all the times he has done with me! And because he played with Katie's feelings.

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