Chapter 30

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*Zoey's POV*
I say down next to Louis in the table. I can't contain myself I just had to smile the whole time. I probably look like a fucking creep.
"Z-Zoey? Is that you?" Phoebe asked me. Aw! She recognized me! Probably 'cause I spent a little bit more time with her than with the rest of her sisters.
"Y-yes. It's me." I said. They all gasped in shock, even Jay. Daisy and Phoebe got out of their chairs and ran to me as they sat on my lap while hugging me.
"We missed you Zoey! A lot!" They whispered as they both kissed my cheeks. I can't, I just can't! I let a tear slip from happiness.
"Zoey? What happened? Where did you go for this whole year?" Jay asked me.
"Well, after the party thing, I came here. To Los Angeles, California. I felt horrible leaving without saying anything to any of you." I said as I looked at Lottie, then Fizzy, Jay and then the twins that were still in my lap and had the arms swung over my neck.
"Yea, we probably know how you felt. Especially us, after Louis came back with red puffy eyes, saying some things that none of us could hear." Jay said, I looked at Louis and he blushed.
"Aw! That's cute. So how have all of you been?" I asked as the girls got off my lap and went back to their seats and began eating. I began eating too.
"Well nothing much. Oh and Zoey I have to tell you something!" Lottie exclaimed very excited.
"Is it private, or can you say it here?" I asked narrowing my eyes.
"Um, private." She said as she blushed a little bit too.
"Alright then, how about after we finish eating, we go up to my room and then you tell me. Sounds good?" I asked, she smiled and nodded.
"So guys what were you planning on doing tomorrow, you know, for your birthday?" Jay asked.
"Well we were going to have a party, but we can do that some other time." Liam said.
"Oh, well I hope we didn't intrude or anything." She said with a worried look.
"Oh no you didn't Jay." I said smiling.
"Zoey." Phoebe called me.
"Yes Phoebe?" I asked her and she looked at Louis and then me.
"Louis said that one of the dogs was evil, and called it a that instead of a she." She said as she sort of smirked to Louis.
"Really now?" I asked as I looked at Louis. He had just looked away from me as he ate some of the pasta. "Well last time he said that, I chased him around but he locked himself in my room so I could do anything." I said shrugging.
"Well he's here now, do you want me to hit him?" Fizzy asked. We all laughed.
"You can since your his sister, and that reminds me. Um are you guys planning to stay here?" I asked as I looked at Jay. "Well not to be nosy or anything. We have space." I said.
"That's why I forgot to do! I forgot to book in a hotel room for when I came. Lottie I asked you if I forgot anything and you said no." Jay said as she looked at Lottie.
"Well sorry mum, I got really busy with all the packing and stuff.. So yea." Lottie answered.
"Well you can stay here of you want mum. Zoey and I can sleep in the living room." Louis offered.
"What do you mean by you two?" Jay asked with a smirk.
"Mum! I'm her roommate... God, we can stay in the living room though, and the four of you can sleep in our room." Louis said as he rolled his eyes at the comment his mum made.
"Ok then, we are all going to have our family time!" Jay said smiling. I'm confused now, what did she mean by 'we are all'.
"Um Jay, what do you mean by 'all'?" Niall asked.
"Well, all of your mums and I got together, and we all bought a plane ticket here! But I think they might arrive later on today.. Some it's barley 5." Jay explained.
"Just our mums, or sisters also?" Zayn asked.
"Everyone! Sisters and mums!" Jay said happily. "Oh shoot. They forgot to book-in a room in a hotel." Jay said.
"Well I guess we are all sleeping in the living room then!" Caroline said cheerfully.
"I hope it is going to go well." I muttered.
"What do you mean by that?" Louis asked with a bit of sass.
"That some of us sleep horrible at night." I said returning the sass. His little sisters started laughing. There was a knock at the front door.
"Who could that be?" Niall asked as he got up to get the door.
"Can we go now Zoey? I'm finished, and by the looks of if, you are too!" Lottie exclaimed. I chuckled and nodded as we both got up and walked upstairs.
"Ok so what were you going to tell me?" I asked as I sat down in the bed and Lottie followed me.
"Well you know how I got bullied? By the two boys from the store, remember?" She asked me. I thought for a bit and then nodded.
"Oh yea those to bozos." I said shaking my head in disbelief.
"Yea... Well they don't bully me anymore! And besides that, I became popular! Like almost the first one!" She squealed.
"Oh my god are you serious?! That's great! I'm so happy!" I said smiling. She hugged me and I hugged her back.
"I know, I want to thank you for helping me." She said smiling.
"Helping you in what?" I asked smiling. "It was all you."
"Not really, it was with your help. You were the one that stood up to them for me. So thank you." She said smiling.
"You know that means a lot to me. But I'm happy for you." I said. "And why aren't you the first?" I asked staring at her confusingly.
"Well, the first one is a slut. Her name is Skyler." She said rolling her eyes at her name.
"What's her last name?" I asked her.
"Um I think it's Harron?" She said as she thought for a bit before nodding approving that it is her last name.
"Really? Wow, that sounds like either her and Dallas are sisters, or step-sisters... Or something related because they have the same last name and act exactly the same." I said.
"Wow, well she's always talking about her sister, that might be Dallas. Oh my god I just remembered something!" She said as she squealed in excitement.
"Tell me then!" I said eager to know what she is going to say.
"I got asked out by one of the popular guys!" She said.
"That's awesome!" I said as we both started squealing in excitement.
"I know! And he's really sweet, and funny." She said smiling dreamily, probably at the thought of him.
"Haha, well looks like really like him." I said smiling. She nodded in agreement. "Well I'm glad that you are happy." I said smiling as we both hugged each other.
"Yea, I hope your happy too." She said smiling. Then the thought of yesterday came back.
"Oh trust me, you have no idea." I said smiling as we both walked out. We were at the top of the stairs and saw that there were boxes. Boxes. OMG BOXES! I ran downstairs making sure not to fall, and then went to the boxes.
"Are they my gummy bears!?" I asked as I tried opening one of the boxes.
"Yes they are." Zayn answered as he got his keys and handed them to me. I started jumping as I cut the tape. After I was able to cut it open, I got a bag and opened it as I started eating some. I ran outside and started screaming while still running.
"I AM THE HAPPIEST GIRL ALIVE!" When I came back down the street, I ran back into the house. I smiled like I just didn't do anything, while everyone was staring at me for what I just did.
"Are you alright Zoey?" Louis asked me.
"Yea.. Just got a bit carried away when I are the gummy bears." I said smiling and giggling.
"Well I guess we should start getting our blankets and pillows." Avi said, we all nodded as we went to go get our things and changed.
-After getting ready-
We are all sitting down on the floor watching a movie.

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