Chapter 38

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*Zoey's POV*
What the hell is wrong with him?! He knows that I'm going out with Louis! Ugh! I mean I know that I am irresistible! But still! That doesn't mean that he could tell me that he is going to take a shower with me! No! And it's even more grosser that he is fucking Niall's brother! Ugh! I froze for about a minute, and then processed what he said. I pushed him away from me.
"Girls, ill be right back. I'm going to talk to Greg outside!" I shouted, after I heard all the girls say 'ok' I literally pulled Greg outside to the backyard.
"I could tell that you can't resist me." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes and then punched his arm really hard.
"Shut up Greg. What the hell is wrong with you?!" I hissed at him quietly so only him and I could hear. "I have Louis and I am happy with him." I said.
"Psh yea right. He's going to leave to go back to his career, he's going to be leaving for yours around the world. And you're just going to be here alone. By yourself while he is having fun singing in concerts. Are you still going to be with him after that?" He asked. Well that is true. He has a singing career. That actually got me to think. "Exactly, I bet you can't stand the fact that he is going to be on your for months, while you will be here by yourself well besides your friends. But without your boyfriend being here." He said after I stayed quiet.
"You know what. I don't care if he goes on tours for months. If we are still going out I will be loyal to him and never cheat on him. I love him to much for me to cheat on him." I answered him. He snickered as he looked at away, he looked back at me with dark eyes.
"Really? You are going to be over here, being a loyal to him. But what if he moves on to someone else? What if he cheats on you while on tour? What are you going to do then? Everyone knows you as the mystery girl. He hasn't showed you I'm public. His fans don't even know he is going out with you. I bet you he hasn't even asked you out. Oh and that reminds me, what if his fans don't like you?" He said, smirking again. Ugh! But he is right. What if Louis' fans don't like me? Ugh it's complicated now that I think about it! I got sad for a bit and looked at Greg in the eye.
"I don't care. They might tear me down, but I will get up and fight. I won't let anything, or anyone get in our wa." I said as I poked him in his chest. "If he puts effort into this relationship then this will work." I said smiling at myself.
"Why would you go out with him who hasn't showed you to the publicity of his fandom, hasn't asked you out, and might go on tours? I mean why won't you go with me? I will stay by your side. And won't have to travel the world." He said afterwards. I turned back and took in a deep breath.
"Because Greg. I love him. I always have and always will. If he doesn't love me as much as I love him, or if he isn't loyal, I won't be with him. Which my heart will break for many years, and might not heal. He is the first person that I actually loved and would like to he with the rest of my life. But if doesn't like that them ill just leave again. But that doesn't mean that I would go out with you. I see you as a brother Greg l, I don't like you in the other way, just as an older brother that I never had." I said as a tear slipped. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders.
"Fine. Whatever. But if he breaks your heart, don't come crying to me about it." He said as he walked inside. Rude. Ugh! Why does he even like me! I only see him as an older brother! Stupid person. I walked back inside and saw everyone there. Except the parents. The girls, the guys, and the siblings. I smiled weakly as I went to the kitchen to get a bowl so I could make my own sundae.
"Hey love, what were you and Greg talking about?" Oh. That voice that I love soo much.
"Oh nothing Louis. I'll you later, but I want to get my sundae right now." I said giggling as I showed him my bowl. He chuckled and nodded, he gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving to the living room. I sighed as I thought about the argument with Greg. I brushed it out of the way and walked to the table.
"What kind of ice cream do you want Zoey? We have chocolate, vanilla, cookies and cream and strawberry." Niall asked as he eyed every ice cream, the girls were getting the ice cream.. So that means that he couldn't get any. I started thinking about it.
"COOKIES AND CREAM!" I shouted happily. They all snickered as Kristin got my bowl and started serving me some ice cream. It's pretty funny because everyone was in a different station. For example; there is the ice cream, the toppings and where you just go to the couch and watch the movie that's on. Which is Mulan.
"What toppings do you want?" Aleena asked after Katie put the ice cream in my bowl.
"Um chocolate syrup and just almonds." I said smiling as she nodded and put my topping. Yes we keep almonds in our kitchen, we all like them actually.
"I like that song." Safaa said giggling. I smiled as I knew which song the characters were singing. It's A Girl We're Looking For. I think that's the name... Well that's what they are always singing. I think it's a cute song. Everyone finished making their sundaes and we are all just scattered around the living room. We are at the sad part, of course when Shang finds out that his father and army were killed. Us girls were crying. I mean c'mon!It's just soo sad!
"Babe it's just a movie." Louis whispered as he snuggled me up to him. What?!
"I know! But it's so sad! And especially in a Disney movie!!" I whispered back, and years still rolled down my cheeks. He chuckled getting a good grip on my waist and sighing into my hair. I love being like this.
"I love you Zoey." Louis whispered.
"Me too." I smiled, and blushed. No one told me but I can feel my cheeks burning. We stayed like that and I let my eyes wonder to everyone. All the couples were snuggling, even Bryan and Kristen. When I looked at Greg, he was already looking at me. Or should I say, glaring at me. Well not me exactly but Louis. I just don't know if I should be mad, or be sad because he talked to me about my relationship with Louis. Oh well, ill just sleep it off.

Hey guys!!! Sorry it sucks.. I know it is really boring but at least I updated ^_^ I promise next chapters will be better!!

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