Chapter 20

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    Almost two weeks have passed since the incident with Logan and for those  two weeks I didn't utter one word to him. It was mainly easy considering he had only appeared in class twice since then and in those two times he came he barely even glanced in my direction. I could clearly tell he was angry with me but what right did he have to be angry? 

    Was he mad that he didn't get me into his bed as easily as planned? I tried not to think about it, key word being tried. Somehow the memory of him and the way he made my body feel inside continued to lurk near the corners of my mind. I hated myself for liking it, for begging him to keep doing what he was doing. What irritated me the most was that a tiny piece of me wanted to let him do it again. 

    By now the hickeys were faded and not very noticeable at all.  A lot of scars near my thighs had lightened up too. I hadn't been seeing much of Ethan lately, something which I still couldn't believe. It didn't feel real to have him not assault me everyday. It felt like a dream. 

    Recently he's been occupied with Aubrey. Every time I see him in the hallway Aubrey seems to be dangling off his arm. It seems she finally found a way for him to notice her because the halls were flowing with the news that they were dating. It didn't matter to me what happened between them. I was just glad there was no one to inflict pain on me during the day. 

    My dad had also been working more lately and getting home during midnight. Regardless I still had to prepare food, I just didn't have to start as early. It gave me more time to hang out with Alyssa which I liked. We texted back and forth a lot and she was still trying to get me to go to that dumb party. I mentioned Finn's warning but she disregarded it quite quickly. 

    Ever since then Finn keeps pulling me aside and telling me to try harder. It didn't change a thing about Alyssa wanting to go aside from the fact that now a majority of people think Finn and I have something secretive going on.  It was so stupid. 

    The bell for lunch had just rung, and for the past week I've been considering it safe to go into the lunchroom since Ethan couldn't bother me with Aubrey hanging onto him. 

    My feet walk at a steady pace towards the lunchroom and I only stop once I hear my name being called. I pause for a few seconds before I turn around and see Ms.Thomas walking speedily towards me.

    She has a frown settled on her face, the her dark brown lipstick lips forming a deep upside down U-shape. I stand there awkwardly, rubbing the side of my arm. When she finally reaches me she takes a moment to catch her breath. 

"So, Grace," She starts off "I'm sure you've noticed the absence of your partner in class lately."

    I nod yes.

"Well this is a problem. The marking period is coming to an end soon and I won't put in your grades for the project until he shows up in class. Neither of you will get credit and you'll end up failing my class." My mouth drops slightly at what she's telling me.

"Now Grace I'd hate to do this because the quality of your project is tremendous and I'd hate for all of that hard work to go to waste because your partner is lazy and doesn't want to come to class." 

"But-But, what does that have to do with me?" I stutter confusedly. "Why do I not get credit because he wont show up?" 

"Well this project required two people, not one. Until I see him in my class neither of you will get points for it." She says shaking her head disapprovingly. "You should try to talk to him soon, the marking period ends Friday."  

    Ms.Thomas takes off walking down the halls while I stand there staring at her retreating figure. Tomorrow is Friday so that was no help at all. I clasp my hands together, and let out a shaky sigh. I, in no way, wanted to communicate with Logan. I also didn't want to fail class either. 

Fragile(NOT COMPLETED, UNDER REVISION, PLZ DONT READ RN)Where stories live. Discover now