Chapter 31

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By midday I had managed to complete my morning routine. After falling asleep at around five in the morning I finally woke up at eleven. I had fixed my bed, brushed my teeth, eaten breakfast and cleaned the house from top to bottom like I did every Saturday.

I had just finished taking a shower and putting on my clothes which consists of a pair of thin skinny black joggers that clings to my legs and a light pink jumper that swallows the top half of my body. I stare into my mirror trying to figure out what to do with my hair.

I run my fingers through it, sorting out tangles before eventually just pulling it into a loose braid. Once I finish I place it over my shoulder push back a couple of stray tendrils out of my eyes.

My fingers search for the perfume bottle I usually spray on myself and spritz out the contents until the smell of strawberries linger on my skin.

Quickly glancing out the window I check to see if it has started raining already. It hasn't yet, but grey clouds had set up across the sky meaning it would soon. I then grab my boots and tug them on before going on the hunt around my room for an umbrella.

Is it really worth it to go outside today? I could wait until tomorrow.. No. The sooner I got an answer the faster this dumb question would stop parading around my mind. Postponing this would only make it worse.

I make my way downstairs to grab my coat off of the couch and swiftly pull it over my sweater. My boots make sharp click sounds as I walk around the house making sure that nothing is left on while I'm out.

Once that's done I grab my keys, slip my phone into my pocket and hold my umbrella in my other hand in case it begins to pour while I'm walking. I go over my plan for today in my head. Every sentence that I expect myself to say I repeat in my head twice to make sure I can get what I want to know without being too obvious.

Only after walking to the bus stop and finally getting a seat on a bus that goes into the city do I realize what I've forgotten to do. I didn't even call Logan to tell him about any of this! I can feel my pulse beginning to quicken at my dumb mistake.

My hand fumbles around in my coat pocket for my phone and when I find it hurriedly pull it out and unlock it. I scroll through my recent calls and tap on Logan's number. I press my phone up against my ear and wait as the tone rings. The call rings out and I call again. This time Logan picks up after the first ring.

"Hello?" He asks angrily. Or at least he seems angry.

"Hi Logan." I speak softly into the phone.

The line goes oddly quiet for a couple seconds until I hear Logan clear his throat.

"Oh- sorry Gracie. I just got out the shower when I heard my phone ringing. I didn't check the caller ID." He responds, the anger in his tone dropping.

"It's alright."

"So... Did you need something or what?" He asks sounding confused.

"Um- Yeah," I answer awkwardly while running my fingers over the length of my braid. "Are you doing anything later? Its just- Well, I need to talk to you about something."


"Kinda. I mean, if you're busy-"

"No," He cuts me off "I'm not but I promised Aaron that I would finish this thing for him. Can you wait a little? I won't be long. I can pick you up if you want to go somewhere."

"Oh no, it's fine. I'm already on the bus. I sorta forgot to call you earlier about this. But yeah I can wait."

"Bus to where?"

Fragile(NOT COMPLETED, UNDER REVISION, PLZ DONT READ RN)Where stories live. Discover now