Chapter 21

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    That same day Ms.Thomas gave me another disappointed look after noticing Logan's absence once again in class. I no longer even cared about this project or the credit I needed for it. It was Ms.Thomas's stupid project that caused this whole stupid situation between Logan and I anyways. 

    It's currently Friday now and I'm sitting in Ms.Thomas's class trying not to give into the pounding headache occurring in my mind. She mentioned nothing to me after I walked into class. She simply held up her attendance sheet, checking for those who were and weren't present in class. I can guarantee by the empty seat beside me that Logan wouldn't be marked present. 

    The more I thought about yesterday the more I became annoyed with myself. Did I really have to cry? I made myself out to be completely weak. Why did I have to be so sensitive to everything someone tells me? I guess after years of people continuously putting you down and breaking you apart theres just no wall left for me to defend myself with. 

    I glanced up at the board and tried to focus on the locations spread out across map Ms.Thomas was showing the class. She allowed students to take out their phones and take pictures of the map and I was about to until a couple of sharp knocks sounded from the door. 

    Ms.Thomas glanced around the classroom with a warning look on her face, silently telling everyone to put their phones away for now. She walked up to the door and pulled it open, standing in the doorway. 

"You're late Mr.Hunter." Ms.Thomas drawls out. "About twenty minutes to be exact. Care to explain?"

    My ears perk up at the low sound of Logan's response. A mumbled excuse is all I can make out considering my seat isn't that close to the door. Ms.Thomas sighs before stepping aside and allowing him to enter the room. 

    I refrain from looking at him and instead stare at my opened notebook. The only sound that can be heard in the classroom is the sound of Logan's chair scraping against the floor.

    Ms.Thomas picks up the attendance sheet, fixing the marks. She soon goes back to her lesson and the flow of teenage chatter begins to pick up through the classroom. I lean back in my seat and let out a secretly relieved sigh at the fact that now I wouldn't fail her class. 

    The volume of the voices talking raise significantly but Ms.Thomas says nothing. Instead she finishes up her lesson and passes out worksheets to be collected at the end of class. Once I get mine I instantly begin to work on it, trying not to acknowledge the person beside me. 

    I can feel his gaze on me and it makes me press my pen harder into the paper from uneasiness. I slouch forward, leaning over my desk with my hair shielding my face from his eyes. My head pounds harder and the room begins to feel suffocating. It starts to feel like the room is spinning and  my throat feels immensely dry. 

    It isn't until I hear Lacey squeal that I snap out of my anxious state. 

"Oo! Logan!" She calls him. I can hear him shifting in his seat to concentrate on her and I bite down on my bottom lip. 

"I had an amazing  time last night." She speaks a bit louder than necessary. I can feel my ears turning red from what she's referring to. My conscience scolds me for listening to their conversation. I decide to tune out of it, after all I wasn't in much favor of listening to their late night encounters.

    My interest in the conversation diminishes as a memory flashes through my mind. 

"Why are you in such denial because I want you?"  Ha. What a funny joke.

    It was obviously a joke. To Logan it was a joke. It was just a stupid line to try and get me to sleep with him. That meant nothing and I knew better to even believe for second that what he was saying was true. 

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