Snarking The Captain

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Percy reluctantly let Thalia out of her cell after about an hour of negotiations. 

"Can we get out too?" Travis Stoll asked from his cell.

"Are you going to be irritating or steal things from my crew?" Percy asked calmly. 

"No." Connor smiled sweetly.

"Swear it on the Styx or I won't let you out." The black haired teen said.

Connor and Travis exchanged glances. "We swear on the Styx that we won't steal from your crew or harass them."

Percy tossed Will the keys. "Let them out and watch the other two, will you?"

"Yes sir." Will took the key to the other boys' cell.

Percy started back towards the deck of the ship, then changed his mind. Turning, he addressed the depressed looking blond sitting in the corner of one of the cells.

"How's the head, Jason?"

"Hurts." The son of Zeus grunted, not looking up. "She hit me hard."

"That she did. Anybody else inside it at the moment?"

"Not that I can find." 

"Jason-" Thalia started.

"Just leave me alone." Jason growled. His sister flinched at his tone, but backed off anyway.

"Let's go." Percy led the other two captains out.

"Oh, this feels good." Travis stretched the last word out, taking long strides down the hallway.

"Yes, the horrors of being confined to a cell. You must be so traumatized." Nico responded tartly.

"We areeeeee!" Connor whined.

"Shut up and go find Reyna. She'll have a job for you." Percy ordered.

Travis opened his mouth to protest, but Thalia gave him a hard look and he stopped, snapping his jaw closed with an audible click.

"Thank the gods, I thought he'd never shut up." Nico muttered.

"Still here!"

"On deck. Now." Thalia growled to the two.

"Yes ma'am!" Connor yelped. The sons of Hermes scurried off.

Percy rolled his eyes. "We need to strategize. My quarters would be best, as they're closest."

"Let's get started." Nico said.

Percy led them through his ship and through the door to his quarters. Immediately Thalia marched to the table and grabbed a map from nearby.

"Alright, we should plot where the attacks happen, that would be a good start to finding out who this hooded wacko is. Then after that we-"

She stopped when someone cleared their throat. Looking up, her eyes met Percy's gaze, his eyebrow arched.

"I do believe that this is my ship and my maps. I would appreciate it, Miss Grace, if you did not just start barking orders like you own the place."

"Well I'm not just going to sit here and let you 'men' do the talking and planning. I know what I need to do and I will not hesitate to do it, with or without your permission, Captain." She sneered.

"At the moment there are five of your crew aboard and my crew outnumbers yours greatly. We also happen to be on my domain, so escape, even if you found a place to go easily, would be rather futile."

"Are you threatening me?" Thalia growled, stepping towards Percy.

The son of Poseidon matched her, putting them nose to nose. Or more accurately, chin to chest, as Thalia was a good deal shorter than Percy.

"I am informing you. Now, are you willing to act like a human being and collaborate to save many lives, even those of your crew who are still alive?"

Thalia glared at him for a few more moments, but when he wouldn't back down or flinch, she backed down.

"What do you suggest we do first?" She asked rather rudely.

"Well, your ideas were good."

"So you're saying that's what you would have done anyway?" Thalia crossed her arms angrily.

"Yes. Oh don't look so angry, I was only pointing out that this it is not your place and that you shouldn't act like you own it."

Thalia sneered at him but Nico was at the map now, examining it. "Well, I think we're about here." He tapped the map with a dagger that he had taken from his belt.

"Almost. Here." Percy tapped a spot slightly to the left of the dagger point.

"And how do you know that, oh wise Captain of this dung heap?" Thalia snarked.

"If you spit any more acid you'll turn into a hydra." Percy rolled his eyes. Nico snickered at the comment and continued to scan the map. 

"Well, how do you know it?" The daughter of Zeus demanded.

"Thalia, where are we right now?"

"On a ship, you blithering idiot." She snapped.

"And where is that ship?"

"In the middle of the ocean, what does this have to do with my question?"

"Whose domain is the ocean?" Percy asked her calmly.


"And mine. I know exactly where we are, and it's right here." Percy tapped the map again, smirking.

Thalia felt her cheeks redden slightly, connecting the dots a few moments too late. She stubbornly refused to open her mouth.

Percy chuckled and turned back to the map, giving her room to join them and help as they plotted optional courses and possible places the attacker could have come from.

[A/N let's put Thalia in her place a bit, shall we? Also, the fanart above is amazing]

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