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Wearing my pastel pink pleated skirt topped with a oversized white jumper and match pink socks peeking out of my white vans, I strut through the dark streets of LA to another one of my clients. Not looking forward to our 'meet up' as usual, but I'm feeling pretty confident since my makeup and hair is, if I do say so myself, on point.

A high pitched whistle comes from one of the alleys I walk by and I stop in my steps. "Lookin' damn fine today Baby Girl. How 'bout you give me a discount on your services?" A man emerges from the darkness and circles me, "...and by discount, I mean free."

I hesitate, knowing that it's dangerous to make a wrong move here. But finally, I plead, "P-please Chase, not tonight. Please don't bother me." I try to push past him but he grabs my wrist, twisting it and pulling me back to him, until I crash into his chest.

"You can't tell me what to do Baby Girl. At least I have self respect to keep up. What do you have, huh?" I struggle against him, trying to pry Chase's death grip off of me. "Oh that's right, you have nothing. See, because you're just a slut selling your body for money. How low can someone stoop until they've lost all their dignity..." I feel his hand snake up my thigh, making its way under my skirt.

"Ch-Chase please..." Tears prick at my eyes but finally, he lets go, laughing. As I swiftly walk past Chase, I feel his hand smack my ass and I run as fast as possible to, well not to safety, considering that's nowhere. I run to my client's house.

I walk out of the tattoo parlor, admiring my new tattoo when I hear "...Please don't bother me." Huh? It sounds like a guy. I turn the corner to see what's going on. At this time of night, the streets belong to the drug lords, mafias, and their prostitutes. "You can't tell me what to do Baby Girl. At least I have self respect to keep up. What do you have, huh?"

A woman, wait man? An it? Whatever it is, it's attractive. (Connor's an ignorant fuck right now.) "...How low can someone stoop until they've lost all their dignity..." I hear the guy taunting the other person. They struggle to try to escape. God, I should really help but I'll be fucked if the person works for another drug lord or is a part of the mafia, so I lay low and just watch.

"Ch-Chase please..." It's about to cry, I can tell by the wavering voice. Finally, the other guy lets go of the thing, not before smacking it's ass. The person runs quickly past me and towards the gated mansions. I feel a sense of pity for the person. Maybe I could like, I don't know, help it? So without thinking, I follow the person. Until it crosses the gates of the mansion, yeah I can't get arrested again. I'll just wait outside the gates.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

It's been fucking two hours, what the hell? I could just leave but I don't know, I feel obligated to apologize or something. The gates creak open and I jump off the ground. It's them. But, instead of the innocent, pretty look the person had before, bruises littered their arms, legs, neck, and face. Their hair is an absolute shitshow, compared to the perfect long, brown wavy hair I saw two hours ago and the skirt was ripped where the person was fiddling with it in their hands, looking down at it sadly. They started walking, or limping away in the other direction.

"Excuse me?" I call out and the person looks at me and panics, trying to run away. "Wait! Wait, calm down. I'm probably not gonna hurt you."

"Probably!?!" They say, "That's 'totally' reassuring." Sarcasm leaks in the person's voice and I try my absolute best to not snap back.

"Ok. I won't hurt you. Now will you let me talk to you?" The person nods meekly. "So are you a boy or a girl?"


"Then why the hell are you wearing a skirt?" I ask without thinking.

"W-why not? It doesn't affect you." His voice lacks confidence. I walk closer to the person while looking at the bruises. The boy flinches back when I grab his arm, but I pull him closer, not caring.

"Please don't hurt me..." I shush him, my brows furrowed while I run my fingers over the bruises, many of them hand shaped. I lift up his chin, I didn't really get a proper look at his face. The first thing I'm met with are those icy blue eyes, fucking beautiful. Mascara tracks are dried on his cheeks. A bruise stained the right side of his high cheekbone, and his swollen pink lips have a cut in them.

"W-what happened? It looks like you just got jumped." I say, still inspecting the bruises, moving his hair to the side and finding a dark blue hand print wrapped around his slender neck. "Oh my god." Is all I can get out.

The boy starts to cry hysterically. "More like consensual rape. I deserve it though, don't I? I ruined my own life. No one told me to move to LA, I did it myself."

"Consensual...rape? What? You mean sex... Or really kinky sex from what I can tell?" I ask considering that there isn't really such thing as consensual rape.

"I get paid to go to people's houses, they get to do whatever they want with me, which is of course, sex. But this certain person likes when I try to struggle away from him. He likes "mock" rape. But it definitely didn't feel like mock rape, considering there were no safe words of limits." The boy whimpers out, sniffling.

I clear my throat before beginning, "I saw you being bothered by that guy before you went to your clients'. And I was gonna help, but I would be fucked if he was a part of the mafia or working for another drug lord, but yeah, I wanted to apologize...for that, uh yeah."

He stands there unimpressed with a raised eyebrow. "Is that all?"

I nod, swallowing. Never have I been nervous in front of somebody. Especially not a prostitute. I run the streets. No one scares me.... except maybe him.

He sighs, "My names not Baby Girl by the way, it's Troye, with an 'e' and I, uh, appreciate... I appreciate your thoughts, even though they don't benefit me in any way."

He turns away, limping off down the street, being illuminated by the sunrise, while my jaw is dropped to the ground. All I could say was, "What a bitch."

Hey guys! This is my first chapter of Baby Girl. Tell me what you think about it! Love you all. Have a nice life. I dare you to compliment a stranger. Shoutout to @fairytalephan and @blueforhim on wattpad and
@cakey-xoxo and @wydjuli on tumblr for helping me. Also I love @smolkittensivan and @TumblrandTea.

TWITTER: @KingTronler
TUMBLR: @kingtronler

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