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Dedicated to TrxnnorFrxnta and UNlVERSE  (annoy them so they upload Stripper and There's a Limit.)


"C'mon baby. It's time to go to rehab." I shake Troye's shoulder while he's sitting on the couch, watching TV. He just turns around and groans. "I'm not asking you again. Get. Up." Over time, Troye's been having a lot of trouble listening to me. His stubborn ass won't do what he's told and it pisses me off slightly.

"Why?" Troye snaps.

"Because you're a fucking addict. We're getting late. Just listen to me for once without being a bitch."

He just scoffs and rolls his eyes, turning back around to watch the screen.

"Troye, seriously." I sigh.


"What did you just say?" I warn him with my voice.

"No! I'm not coming! Now fuck off and let me just do what I want." My blood, to say the least, boils. I stomp around the couch and stop between him and the TV. Taking the remote and switching the TV off, I look back at him glaring.

"Uh... What the hell?" He questions and I grit my teeth.

"Let's go. I'm doing this for your own good Troye." I attempt to reason, considering I am eight years older than him.

"Daddy, I don't want to!" He softens up, but is still whining.

"Baby, I know you don't like it. But it'll help you." I coo to him while stroking his face. He tears up a bit, sniffling. "Okay, here, I'll make you a deal. If you cooperate with the psychiatrists, I'll give you an award. Anything you want. Ok Babygirl?" Troye looks at me, still pouting but nods his head. I offer him a hand to pull him up and he takes it while his other one is in a fist, rubbing away his tears. Poor Troye looks like a four year old. Not that I oppose it. It's cute and to think he was the best I've ever had...

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

We make it to the Dr. Howell and Lester's office and wait for the fucking interrogation session. Within a few minutes, they walk through the door, hand in hand. I look at Connor and he raises an eyebrow at their interlocked hands. He then winks at me, when he notices I'm looking at him and I roll my eyes turning back around. (A/N: yes, I know Con da Bon can't wink).

"Okay, so Troye, how's progress going? How much did you smoke or inhale after our last meeting?" Dr. Howell says with a thick British accent.

I shrug, "I shared with Connor. So half a blunt, maybe."

"That's great progress! Don't you think, Dan?" Dr. Lester hits Dan's arm to get his attention and smiles. Dr. Howell giggles and Connor clears his throat, breaking their weird "lovey dovey" moment.

"Uh, right. It's great. Why did you smoke marijuana though?" He asks, clicking his pen.

" was a special occasion. I was on a date with Connor." I say while adjusting my skirt. Connor brings our intertwined hands to his lips and kisses the back of my hand lightly and I blush.

"Mr. Franta, we advise you to not encourage drug use around Troye. He's still very unstable and it would be terrible if things just went back to square one." Dr. Lester says, somewhat as a warning than advice. Connor nods and hugs me to his side so my head is resting on his shoulder and his other hand is stoking my thigh, not sexually, but comfortingly.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

"I know what I want Con."

"Want for what?"

"For going to the psychiatrist, duh." I answer back. Con doesn't have great memory.

"Alright love, what do you want?"

"I wanna meet your family."

Connor raises an eyebrow, "Why the hell would you want to do that?"

"Because we've been together for like 9 months, almost a year and I still feel like I know nothing about you. Plus Christmas is coming up and we could just have dinner with them or something."

"Ha, no."

I whine, "Why not? It's not fair."

Connor sighs, "What am I supposed to tell them, huh? Hi mom, hi dad. This is Troye, my boyfriend. Yes, he is a boy, I'm aware that he's wearing makeup and a dress. He doesn't have a job because the psychiatrist said quitting prostitution would help his drug addiction. Troye's 21. I'm well aware that I'm 29. We met on the streets of LA after he was raped. I knew that you guys would like him!" (A/N: guys, these are their OFFICIAL ages. I know I changed them like 10 times. Also how rude is Connor?!)

Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes any second. "I-is that what you think of me? That I'm just a fucked up person?"

Connors facial features soften. "Troye, no. But just think about it from my family's perspective."

At this point, tears are cascading down my face and my bottom lip is bitten between my teeth to stop its quivering. "Hope you know th-that I never thought of myself like that b-before you said it... Thanks a lot." I just run to our bedroom and lock myself in there, crying my aching heart out.

"Troye! Open up." I bang on the door. He doesn't answer and I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose out of stress. "Please Troye. Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said. Could please just open the goddamn door (🌚)?" After about ten minutes, I take matters into my own hands and kick the door open. Great, another repair. Troye's sitting on the bed, holding the duvet up to his nose. I see Troye physically shaking with fear written all over his face, especially in his eyes. Nonetheless, I walk up to him, reaching out a hand,
and he flinches away from my touch. Tears still falling from his eyes.

"C'mere Babygirl." I open my arms and he shakes his head. "Ok, then I'll just come to you."

I scramble into the bed, engulfing the angel in my arms. Troye gives in and whimpers in my shoulder.

"You know I didn't mean that right? I think you are the strongest, most precious person in the world. You understand me like no one else. I was just- honestly, I know I fucked up real bad, and I want you to know I'm really sorry." Troye pulls away from my hug and looks up at me. He nods and sniffles before speaking in a whisper, "It's okay, I guess. People make mistakes. I just never felt so hurt, probably because it was coming from someone that's really important to me."

"I'm so sorry I made you feel that way my Babygirl. I swear to god I won't do it again." He promises and kisses my forehead, hugging me tighter to his chest like I'm about to disappear. "It's just that I don't want you to feel hurt because of my family... I don't want you to hurt at all because- because I love you."

I freeze up and a chill runs down my spine, "Love?"

"Love. I love you Troye, and I just want you to feel protected and safe."

I raise my head and look up at him with my glazed eyes and whisper, "I think I love you too Connor."

A smile cracks out onto his face and he kisses me passionately. We shift positions so that I'm laying down and he's on top of me. My fingers comb through his hair as his mouth works on mine and trails down my jawline to my neck. Small whimpers tumble past my lips and Connor grounds his hips down on mine. My back arches off the bed and flush against his chest and Connor chuckles, "God, I'm crazy in love."

Long time, no see! Well, not really, but longer than usual. Connor just shattered what was left of Troye's self esteem in like 5 sentences. hOw rUdE!? But like I felt bad so I made them make up.

Twitter/Tumblr: @kingtronler

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