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(Love of my life😩^)

Last few days of our relationship have been going well. We haven't fought, surprisingly. And now I'm planning a surprise for Connor, it's gonna be his 30th birthday in like two days. His sister's coming over for lunch that day and leaving before the night ends... which is perfect for what I have planned. God, Connor's so damn old. Ew. But anyway, I'm getting a tattoo for him. Kinda scared, kinda nervous, kinda excited... It's gonna be on my ass.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

I limp out of the tattoo parlor happily on my way home. Connor is going to love this so much, I'm a bit scared for the next time we have sex because he literally might tear me apart... In a good way of course.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

As I finish setting the table for lunch, the bell rings and I run over to open in.  "Nicola? Hey, I missed you so much!" I pull my little sister in for a hug.

"Heyyyy! I'm excited to see you know whoooo..." She nudges me with her elbow and winks.

"You mean Troye?" I give her an unimpressed look. She nods smiling with her perfect teeth and I roll my eyes, yelling up towards the stairs, "TROYEEE!"

A faint, "Why the fuck are you screaming?" comes from upstairs.

I smile and yell back, "Nicola's here!"

Few seconds later, loud stomps trail down the stairs and they suddenly stop at the foot of the steps. Troye brushes his skirt of dust and runs his fingers through his curls.

"H-hi." My Babygirl gets all shy and innocent. God, tonight I'm gonna fuck it all out of him.

Nicola stares at Troye for a bit, resulting in a delayed response from her, "Hiiiiii, I'm Nicola. Connor's little sister. I, um, like your skirt?" It came out more as a question than a compliment. A small smile pulls at the corners of Troye's lips. "Thanks, I like your shoes." Nicola looks down at her black high heels, but doesn't say anything.

Warning: Transphobia

"Troye, sweetheart, how about you put the food on the table?" I say to save all three of us from the awkwardness. He swallows nervously, then nods, walking into the kitchen. I go to follow him, but Nicola pulls me back by my arm. "You didn't tell me that he was a tranny!?!" She hisses and I glare at her.

End of Warning

"He. Is. Not. Troye's a boy, he just likes feminine clothing. And even if he was transgender, I would still love him the same! Now fuck off and at least try to get to know him before you start judging." I snap. Troye's fragile, and rejection from the nicest person in my family would shatter him and his self esteem. She sighs and relaxes a bit. "If you do really love him, then I'll try." I nod and follow her to the dining table.

Troye's already sitting down and I sit next to him, grabbing his hand under the table and running my thumb over his knuckles to comfort my angel. He squeezes my hand in response, blushing and mouthing out a thank you to me.

"So, Troye, tell me about yourself. What do you like to do? Where do you work?" Nicola smiles, picking up her fork.

"Um... I-I like painting. I'm not very good at it though. And I like photography. I think Connor's rubbing off on me a bit." My angel answers, gaining more confidence near the end.

BABYGIRL | tronnorWhere stories live. Discover now