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"So, did you fuck him yet?" Lilly says two seconds after Troye leaves. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Why not? He's cute and kinky. Basically everything you're into. And you both flirt like crazy." She says exasperated.

"I definitely would, don't take me wrong. But he's like the biggest slut on the streets of gay LA. I don't want to play with something that's been used so much." I say, cringing in disgust at his track record, "I don't know how many dicks have been in him."

"Don't slut shame Connor. You don't think before you speak and that'll hurt you sooner or later." Lilly lectures and I throw my hands up in defeat. "Alright. Stop getting so snappy. I have my own opinion. Like he's pretty cool, and I like his personality. But only as friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Troye probably thinks the same thing. He would never have sex with me, or be anything more than friends cuz he thinks I'm an ass anyway."

Lilly crosses her arms over her chest and raises her eyebrows. "Honey, that's because you are."

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

Three days after Troye was at my house, I see him walking out on the street... wearing a maroon skirt that ends a few inches above his knees, long gray knee socks, and a white shirt tucked in. A perfect opportunity to annoy him. I run up and bump into his side, sending Troye tripping over his other ankle, but not falling. Dammit. Maybe next time.

"Sup slut." I smirk, lifting his skirt with a finger from the back as I lean down to sneak a look. He smacks my hand and I chuckle.

"Nice lace panties... Also nice ass." Troye blushes really hard and turns around, so he's hiding his face from me.

I pry his hands off his face and say in false empathy, "Awww... Sluts aren't supposed to be shy, my Baby Girl." At this he rolls his eyes.

"Stop talking like a fuckboy Connor. My god, you're so fucking annoying." He hisses, clearly pissed off.

I laugh again, "Okay, Okay sorry. So what's up?"

"N-nothing just walking around. Probably gonna go to the café again." He answers, cooled down.

"You have a client today?"

"No. I only have them on Fridays and the weekends. I take all the other days off." Troye answers, fiddling with his fingers.

I know I shouldn't ask this, but my curiosity is nagging. "Then why are you wearing... this?" I ask gesturing at his outfit, trying to keep a neutral face, though I'm not that good at hiding my emotions.

Troye stops and looks at me, cocking his head cutely to the side, but having the look of death on his face. "Who says I can't wear one?" When I stutter, he raises an eyebrow.

"What was that? Sorry I couldn't hear you clearly..." When I didn't answer back, he smirked, and walked closer to me, grabbing my ass from the back. "...also nice ass."

He turns away, leaving me speechless as I watch his hips sway slightly as he walks to the café. Troye's the first person that has ever rendered me speechless.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

I sit in the café, contemplating on whether or not I actually did that. As I stir my coffee, I think about Con's reaction. His pupils dilated and his breath stopped... And I caused it. I (try to) brush it off, considering that I have a date today with Matthew. He lives around here and yeah, said to meet me up here in like a minute. Soon enough, I see him and he looks around for a bit, then smiles when he sees me. God, he's so gorgeous.

"Hey Troye. I actually thought you weren't gonna come, but I'm so thrilled that you did." He says cheerfully.

I smile back, a bit confused, "Why wouldn't I come?"

"Haha... You know. Because you look like a model and I'm ehhh..." Matthew says shyly.

"You must be joking, between us, you're the hot one." Our date goes by pretty well, I end up really liking him and we walk out of the café, and onto the streets, arms clinked together while we joke around.

Finally, I reach my apartment. Matt looks up. "I really had fun today. Up for a round two?"

I nod and a smile breaks out on my face. With some instinct, I kiss him. Matt kisses back. Surprisingly not speeding it up to get laid, considering my apartment was literally a few feet away. We pull away finally and I reply, "Definitely a round two. Call me."

I spot Troye walking again. Before I start to walk over, I realize he's with someone. Probably another client. Ugh, ew. But, they stop in front of his apartment and kiss. Well, there it begins. To my surprise, the other guy walks away after, leaving Troye with a smile on his face. Not another client, huh. A boyfriend? Maybe.

And no, I know what you're thinking. This is the part where's I discover my feeling for Troye, and get saddened by the fact that he's kissing someone else. Nope. When I get jealous, my blood curdles and I think with my fists. The most that happened was that my breath hitched.

Twitter/Tumblr @KingTronler
Also I'm v tired, but Troye's on the front cover of Rolling Stone Magazine. You made it, kid.

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