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^I would strip for him. God bless he looks like a French model.

I found the perfect album to go with this fanfic. It's called Wiped Out! By the Neighborhood. THEY HAVE A SONG CALLED DADDY ISSUES, SINGLE, and THE BEACH which, trust me, go with this story so well. I'm telling you: LISTEN TO IT.

I wake up with Troye in my arms on my bed... Naked. What happened yesterday was, to say at the least, very surprising. I don't know if it was necessarily right though. What's gonna happen now? Where do we stand exactly? Both of us admitted to have feelings for each other, but uh... What now? I look down at Troye, his clean pale skin contrasting with my colorful skin. His fragile frame looks so peaceful caged in my strong arms, I just wish I could keep him like that forever. I plant a few kisses on his arm. And as weird as this sounds, I watch Troye sleep for the next half hour until he starts shifting to wake up. His eyes flutter open and looks like a princess waking up from her slumber from one of those corny movies... until he sees me watching him and Troye jumps, eyes widening.

I laugh, "Good morning to you too."

He smack an arm across his face and groans, "For fucksake, the second I wake up, you scare me shitless!" I just pull him closer to me, spooning him.

"Why were you watching me sleep?" His eyebrows scrunch up.

"Because you are fucking gorgeous." I stroke his cheekbone.

And you know, this was going very well and cute until Troye yells, "PERRRVE!"
And starts cracking up like a fucking lunatic.

I roll on my back and sigh, "God. You're so immature. Why do I even like you?"

Troye climbs on top of and leans into my neck, "Remember, I'm really hot." My eyes roll, "Don't flatter yourself." He just smirks, "I don't need to. You do that already baby."

"I thought you were the baby. I'm the Daddy." I retort. Troye nods and mutters, "Good point."

"Anywayyy, c'mon we need to get ready." I usher him, almost pushing him off me. Troye groans, "But whyyy?"

"I scheduled an appointment with the rehab center for you. Now let's go."

Troye glares, clearly offended, "I don't need to go to rehab Connor."

My jaw clenches. I hate when people don't listen to me. "I don't want to hear it. Last time I gave you drugs, you said to get you help afterwards."

"I said you could get me help if I asked you for them again. And I haven't, so no." His sass is completely out of control.

I grab his wrist and make sure he's looking at me. "You don't have a choice. I'm doing what's best for you, so I expect you to listen to what I'm saying Troye. Now, get. Up."

He grumbles something about me not having ownership over him, but moves to get up. But when he does, Troye whines, grabbing his ass. "This would be much easier if I wasn't so sore," he turns around to look at me, "and I wouldn't be as pissed."

I glare and point at the bathroom, silently telling him to get ready. That was a pretty rough morning.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

We're finally in the parking lot of the rehab center. Troye and I haven't said a word to each other since our little disagreement in the morning. I sigh and turn to him, guess I have to be the bigger person.

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