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BACK AGAIN!!! (Nick and Me)

"Hey babe!" I call out to Connor when he comes down the steps and into the kitchen.

Connor yawns and scratches his toned stomach. He trudges over to me and wraps his arms around my waist while I'm spreading avocado on our toast for breakfast. His hands trail down to my thighs and he smirks, "You remembered my rule from last night."

I smirk, "No pants or underwear for the next three days... at least in the house." Connor nods and nips at my neck. "But seriously, how're you feeling? I went rough on you last night."

Turning my head to face him, I peck Connor's lips and say, "I'm fine Daddy, love you."

"Love you too, sweetheart." He answers while tracing the tattoo and I smirk. "By the way, my older brother's gonna be in town tomorrow. Wanna meet him, or do you want to wait?"

I bite my bottom lip, contemplating. "Erm... Is he homophobic or transphobic?" Connor shakes his head, "He's bisexual, but I don't know about the transphobia." I nod and say after five minutes of silence, "I'd love to meet him. Maybe he'll warm up to me like Nicola did."

Connor nods, "I will admit: he's a bit scary and intimidating. We're not that close, but I want to be open to everyone in my family about you." He's so fucking sweet that a smile pulls at my lips. "I'll meet him."

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

Yesterday after breakfast, we just made out (and did other stuff) on the couch. But today was entirely dedicated to straightening and cleaning the house from inside and out, until his brother gets here.

"Okay, Babygirl. You go get dressed. I'll take care of the rest.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

The door bell rings and I rush to get to it. It's probably Nick.

"Hey bro! What's up?" I pull him into a hug and he smiles.

"I haven't seen you in forever. You never invite me over Connor! How am I supposed to come?" Nick asks while walking into my kitchen, running his fingers over the white marble counter tops. Yeah, he knows I'm a drug lord by the way.

"Nick, you're my brother. My house is your house." I laugh while shifting on my feet, "Actually, there's also someone I want you to meet..."

"You gotta a boyfriend, didn't you?" He raises an eyebrow and I nod.

"He's somewhat shy... and erm, well, he dresses differently I guess you could say." I explain, carefully picking the right words.

Nick falls back on the couch and stretches. "Just a warning: the shy ones are always turn into bitches when they get too comfortable, trust me. And what do you mean by 'dresses differently?'" At that very moment, I notice Troye standing at the foot of the steps, just like he did when my sister came over.

"Hi BabyGirl... Come here. I want you to meet my older brother, Nick."

I decided to wear what I wore the first time Connor saw me: a white jumper and a pastel pink, plaited skirt. Still a cute outfit. I can hear Connor and his brother talking downstairs, but it's muffled. God, I'm nervous. Connor's sister is apparently the nicest, and yet she was still a bit offensive in the beginning. How mean can his brother be? At least he's not homophobic... But that's the only plus side I know about him. I calm myself down, taking a few breaths, and walk down the steps to see them both talking to each other in the kitchen. Connor turns to face me and says, "Hi BabyGirl... Come here. I want you to meet my older brother, Nick." I slowly look at Nick and my heart drops as chills run down my spine. This can't be happening.

"Alright Nick, meet Troye, my boyfriend." Nick has a sly smile on his face as he reaches his hand out to shake and as much as I don't want to, I accept it.

"Connor, you sure this is a boy?" Nick humors, but what else was I going to except from him?

"Fuck off Nick, and anyway, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be back in like 5 minutes." Connor says and it takes everything in me to not tell him to stay.

When Connor's upstairs, Nick walks towards me and I back up against a wall. But he keeps walking, until our chests are almost touching. Tear spring into the corners of my eyes and Nick says, "Don't think I forgot about you Troye. First me, and now my brother. I knew you were a slut, but wow, dating my brother. Such a fucking whore, aren't you?"

"N-Nick please. We ended our contract. Please don't b-bring this up." I beg him and I feel my heart slowly shatter at the thought of Connor knowing about mine and Nick's past relationship.

Nick pulls my hair from the back, and I yelp in pain. He looks at the hickeys on my exposed neck and chuckles warningly, "I expect you to call me Master at all times, remember?" He nips at the bruises on my neck as I try to struggle out of his strong grasp, with both my wrists in one hand and my waist trapped up against the wall with his other hand.

"Say it, baby... or I'm not letting go. And Connor will find out all about your mishaps with me."

I swallow my pride, or at least what's left of it and defeatedly say, "Don't tell Connor, M-Master."

He twists my wrists, getting closer to my face and whispers, "I didn't hear a please."

A whimper leaves my mouth and tears start rolling down my cheeks. "Master, Please don't tell Connor!" He smirks and let's go of my wrists and grabs my waist, trailing his hands down to my ass and kneading it.

"I missed this... A lot." He mutters and I quickly wipe away my tears when I hear Connor's footsteps. Nick lets go of me as well, but his touch is still burning into my skin.

Hey. I'm alive. AND CALL ME THE QUEEN OF CORNY ASS PLOT TWISTS. First Yes Daddy and now this!? God, I hate myself lol.

Twitter/Tumblr: @kingtronler

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