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My blood boils as Troye looks towards the kitchen. I march in, lunge towards Nick, grab his collar, and shove him against the wall.

"What the fuck did you do to Troye?" The words burn through my clenched teeth like poison.

"I fucked him. What more can I say? He was mine in the first place."

My grip loosens on Nick and a quiet, "What?" escapes from my mouth.

"You heard me right. That little slut was dating me first. He gave me his virginity. I have a right to fuck him! Especially after the whore is dating my brother now." Nick explains, like it's the simplest concept in the world.

My grip tightens on him. "You raped him. Doesn't matter if he was dating you or not. And last time I checked, you stole his virginity. He didn't give it to you."

"That parts irrelevant... You don't know the ins and outs of our relationship." All I see is red and my fist flies and hits his face. Slowly, this escalated into a full on fight.

I hear glass shattering in the other room and quickly go in to check what was going on, tripping a few times due to my rush. Nick is on the ground, while Connor is towering over him. There's shards of glass everywhere from (probably) Connor throwing the vase that used to be on the table.

"C-Connor..." He turns around to look at me, teeth clenched, and knuckles pale from his hands being in fists. He waits for me to say something and I stutter out, "D-Don't hurt h-h-him..."

"DON'T HURT HIM?! WHY THE FUCK NOT TROYE? He's a fucking perv, that's what he is..." Connor spits out in disgust, now looking at Nick, "...can't believe you're my brother." This thought just fueled Connor's anger and he grabs Nick's collar and pulls him up, shoving him against the wall.

"Connor! Just throw him out of the house! You don't need to get arrested again!" I yell at him, trying to prevent him from making a rash decision. Connor screams, aggravated. But soon, he complies to my wish and just kicks Nick out of the front door and shuts it so hard, the entire house shakes. He turns around and asks if I'm okay.

"C'mon, lets go to our room." He says quietly, lightly taking my wrist and walking me up the stairs. Connor sits me on the bed and signals me to put my arms up so he can pull my jumper off. The skirt followed, and then my panties. I ask him what he's doing with my confused look and he replies shortly, "Checking for cuts and bruises." There's an uncomfortable silence while Connor checks my body. He runs his fingertips lightly over the deep purple bruises on my hips from where Nick grasped me. Connor's stare lingers there and I clear my throat, hopefully distracting him. But all he does is clench his jaw and glare at me. I look down, cowering away. He notices this and his expression immediately softens.

Connor sighs, running a hand over his face, exhausted. "Just... Just get some rest. I'll wake you up when food is ready." Connor pulls the covers back and tucks me in.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

My eyes flutter open and I slowly wake up. My bum is sore and I'm naked, tangled in my sheets. Swinging my arm to the other side of the bed to grab Connor, I realize that he's not there. Suddenly, memories start spilling into my head and I quickly realize that Connor wasn't the reason I was sore. I pull on only my skirt and go down stairs in the kitchen where I see a pale yellow post it note on the counter which read:


I won't be home for a few hours, maybe not even until tomorrow morning. There's food in the fridge. Don't worry about me, I just want to get my mind off of things for now.

- C. F.

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose while leaning back against the counter top. Just when things started getting better in our relationship, we reached another obstacle.

After finishing my food and watching a few movies, it's around 12:30am. Connor still hasn't come back and I'm starting to get worried even though he specifically said that he probably wouldn't make it before tomorrow morning. But what did he expect from someone who loves him? I wonder if he's thinking about me right now.

Three hours pass and I finally hear the door click open. I quickly get off the couch and stand up. He comes into the living room stumbling and tipsy (but not completely drunk) muttering stuff under his breath.

"Princess.... You're still" Connor leans against the wall, hitting his head in the process and he winces.

"O-of course. Why wouldn't I be?" My eyebrows knit together.

"Well... You didn't bother, and still don't bother telling me the truth about what was between you and Nick before we were together. And what exactly is a relationship without trust and no secrets, hmm?" Connor asks, glaring and pointing his finger accusingly at me, "You do realize that I had to go talk to Nick to get all the info?"

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. He just shakes his head, chuckling sadly (hope you guys know what that looks like). "Ha... You know it's funny... You are the first person I've ever completely opened up to. I trusted you with all my problems. But the people closest to you can hurt you the most. And congrats Troye," he claps slowly, "you've achieved that."

Tears well up in my eyes and I shake my head, "I- I swear Connor, I was going to tell you. I swear," Now I was breaking out in sobs, "I would never want to hurt you. Please believe me! Please! I just-... I didn't want to worry you. I thought I'd be fine but-"

Connor holds his hand up and closes his eyes. "I'm going upstairs. I'll see if I want to talk about this tomorrow... Night."

I watch him trudge up the stairs and catch him wiping his eyes. My knees give out and I fall down, unable to believe that that just happened. Connor's lost his trust in me.

Ayyyyeee I know this is late. Don't kill me. I'm really sorry... I love this book but fuckin school keeps getting in the way.

Tumblr/Twitter: @kingtronler

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