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(I shed so many tears when I saw this pic^ he looks like a fucking French model.)

Today, me and Connor planned to go out for lunch at Panera. Apparently, it's one of his favorite places on Earth. I'm wearing grey knee socks and a simple grey shirt tucked into a maroon skirt. But, for some reason, I just can't find Con. He's not home, so I decide to wait for him in Panera. Quickly, I send a text and go to put my phone away when I see Chase loitering in the streets, as always. I slept with his brother, who's a part of another gang once and he's wanted to get with me ever since for some reason. I don't know, all I know is that he's dangerous. So, I pull out my phone, looking down at it while walking, hoping he doesn't notice me. I quicken my pace slightly while walking by him and it works... Until he grabs my arm and pulls me back, smirking.

*First and Final Trigger Warning*
"You thought you were gonna get by, didn't you Baby Girl? Without me bothering you?" He says in his deep voice. For some reason, it always sounds like he has a cold. But anyway, I don't answer him, just looking down. That was until he grabs me by the waist and pins me against the nearest brick wall. Chase comes closer to me and I can feel his cigarette breath on my face.

"One day, I'm gonna fuck you so hard, you won't even remember your damn name." His hands slide down my sides and up my skirt. "How 'bout right now, hmm? A slut like you won't mind..." I try to wriggle out of his strong grasp. "Please Chase, don't!"

He doesn't answer or listen and I feel his rough hands pulling at my panties. I attempt to pry them off, but he's too strong, so he grabs both my wrists with one hand and rips my panties off with the other. At this point, tears are running down my cheeks. I can't let this happen to me again.

"HELP! PLEASE JUST SOMEONE HELP M-" I'm interrupted by Chase smacking me across the face and then choking my throat. "You let out one more word, and you'll be sorry!" Suddenly, my phone rings. Chase pauses and grabs it out of my hand, looking at the caller ID. "Connor? Awww... It's got blue hearts around it. Is this your boyfriend? Oh he would love to hear you cheating on him, wouldn't he?" Chase picks it up and puts it on speaker, "Hey Baby Girl, I'm like five minutes away. Are you there?"

Chase lets out a loud laugh, "Seems that your Baby Girl won't be making it... He's with me right now..."

"Who is this?!" He seems angry, "I swear to god if you lay a finger on him, I'll fucking k-"

"Oops. Too late for that. I'm not laying a finger on him though... but it is in him." Right then, I scream at the pain of Chase thrusting his fingers into me with no preparation.

"T-Troye? Are you okay? I'm coming. I swear I'll find y-" Connor frantically says but Chase cuts him off.

"Awww... Your boyfriend's so worried. That's too bad." I stay silent, still struggling away from him when I remember that Connor will find me. He said he's five minutes away from Panera which is pretty close to where I am and I have Find My iPhone. But, I snap into reality when I realize that Chase pulled his fingers out of me and now he's pulling down his pants. I kick his shin as hard as possible and he backs up a bit, but this only makes him angrier. He pushes me even harder against the brick wall and the back of my arms scrap against it. This stuns me, I can't move and my brain overflows with panic. Tears cascade down my face as I sob out loudly. Everything starts blurring and I feel as if I can't breathe. Soon enough though, Find My iPhone rings. Chase is too stupid to realize that it isn't just a phone call, and he continues touching me. I hear someone running, but it seems like I'm 10 feet underwater. Chase is too busy pulling his pants off. Soon enough, I see a figure running and looking around frantically.
"Chase stop! You're scaring me!" I scream, sobbing out.  The figure runs closer, and I soon realize that it's Connor. He comes up from behind, pulling Chase off me and punching him square in the face. Connor slips out his butterfly knife and swings it open.

"Connor, no! Don't stab him!" I yelp, pulling at my own hair from panic and anxiety.

"Troye, go away or close your eyes, I won't stab him. But I'll give him something to remember so he doesn't fucking come near you again." Connor hisses dangerously through his teeth. He bring the knife up to Chase's face and slits a huge deep cut across his face. The empty streets fill with the loud noise of Chase's agonizing shrieks as I shield my eyes. Tears are still rolling down my cheeks, but my sobs turned into hiccups. Connor flips the bloody knife close and sits down next to me. I hug my knees even closer to my chest than they were before. I can't believe I was almost raped again. Something's wrong with me...

*End of Trigger*: Troye almost got raped by Chase, but Connor saved him (bless).

I slide down against the wall and sit next to him. Troye's shaking and crying. He looks up at me with those big beautiful blue eyes, his bottom lip quivering. I take him into my arms and just like the first time, he collapses into my chest, crying into my shirt.

"Shhh.... It's okay. I got you Baby Girl. No one's gonna hurt you. He won't come close to you ever again." I stroke his hair, but suddenly he pulls away, scrambling a few feet away from me.

"S-Something's wrong with me. I can't-..." He starts muttering and  scratching harshly at his skin, which starts to draw blood. "C-Connor, help me. I need to scratch off my skin! I-It's dirty a-and used... Get it off m-me!" Troye starts acting manic and I pull his arms away. He whispers, "W-why aren't you helping m-me? I-I need you to help me not stop me."

"Troye look at me. You can not scratch your skin off. Look at it." I raise his forearm up. "Look how pretty it is. Feel how smooth it is. This is your skin. You want to rip something so pretty off? This is what it'll look like if it comes off." I gesture to the arm he was scratching. It had red scratches and a few drops of blood running down it. For some reason, he's shocked, and starts freaking out again. "C-Connor, why am I bleeding!? Look! I'm bleeding!? D-do you see it?"

I nod, "Yes and we need to fix that okay? So we're gonna walk to my house."

"F-for what?"

"To fix your skin."

Troye mutters something about me having the tools to 'fix' his skin at my house, and nods to himself. He rises up, and dusts off his skirt while talking to himself. But Troye's still muttering to himself, it sounds like he's having a conversation with someone, except he's saying both parts of the conversation.

"Where am I going? To Connor's house. Why am I going to Connor's house? T-To fix my skin. What happened to it? I tried to scratch it off. But why? ...B-Because it's not clean anymore."

"Troye? Hey, Troye. Look at me Baby Girl." I plead him and he looks up at me with his blue blue eyes, which were teary eyed and red. He looks so helpless and lost; his usually mature persona is gone and he's acting like a five year old.

"Your skin is beautiful, it's not dirty. It's perfect." I whisper, stroking his high cheekbone with my thumb.

"No-no-no," he shakes his head, "Someone made it dirty. Someone made it unclean."

"Then we'll just take a shower, okay Baby Girl?" I try to use a child's reasoning and it seemingly works.

Troye's dull eyes light up like stars and he says excitedly, "So I'll be clean after that? Won't I?"

I nod and he smiles, kissing my cheek. "Thank you Con!" Troye goes off, giggling to himself, but I realize that he needs to see a psychiatrist.

Twitter/Tumblr: @KingTronler
Also, I kind of dislike Twitter. You become friends with someone with like 1,000+ followers, they'll follow you back when you follow them. But fucking 2 days later, they'll unfollow you. The ratios are like following: 48 followers:1,283. Like ??? Keep that for Instagram not Twitter where people actually talk to each other, especially through DMs. And tHeY cOmPlAin wHeN tHeY LoOsE FoLloWers! WHAT KIND OF LOGIC IS THAT!?! Ok, I'm done with my rant. Sorry y'all, I'm not singling anyone in particular out, just the Tronnor fandom on Twitter as a whole. But to the people who keep following: YOU DA REAL MVP

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