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Troye's knocked out in my living room. Last night after I finally got him to sit on the couch with his wrists tied together, though he still managed to pull down his sheer panties which were now pooling around his ankles. But don't worry, his white plaited skirt covered his... You know. I get up off the couch across from his and try to find my shirt. With no luck, I just walk to the kitchen to make my coffee. At least I have something to look forward to in the morning: some quiet time.

"WHAT THE FUCK CONNOR!?!" I hear Troye yell from the living room. Great. That didn't last long.

I wake up, confused as to where I am but I quickly realize it's Con's house. I must've knocked out after the angel dust and vodka. Ehh whatever. When I try to use my hands, they're tied. Ok... I look down and my wrists are bound together with rope. But that's not the worst part, my FUCKING UNDERWEAR is off.


Connor walks in shirtless. I repeat: SHIRTLESS. He has coffee in one hand and he's rubbing his face with the other.

"WHY AM I TIED UP? WHY ARE MY PANTIES OFF? AND WHY ARE YOU SHIRTLESS?" I attack him with questions, not knowing what else to do.

"Ok, first of all: calm the fuck down. Lower your volume, Lilly's sleeping upstairs. And to answer your questions: You are such a horny high. Also, it's my house. I'll walk around shirtless if I want to." He answers nonchalantly while turning around to go back into the kitchen before I stop him.



"We didn' anything? Did we?" I ask a bit shyly, embarrassed about my sudden outburst a few seconds ago. He shakes his head, going back into the kitchen. I get up to go after him, tripping over my underwear, so I just kick it off.

"Connor... Can you untie me?" I ask, holding out my wrists and he slips out a butterfly knife from his pocket and just cuts me loose. A knife with traces of dried blood on it. Then slides the knife back in like it wasn't alarming that he had a deadly knife in the pocket of his pajama pants. Ok then.

"How'd you hurt yourself with the knife?" I ask.

"That's not my blood." He answers shortly and my eyes widen, but he changes the subject.

"You are such a horny high." He says again.

I roll my eyes, "I couldn't have been that bad. You're just over reacting." My attitude prevalent in my voice.

Connor looks up at me glaring, "Oh really? So undressing and grabbing my crotch is a normal thing for you?"

Why does he seem so mad? "O-okay, Connor look, I'm s-sorry. I didn't mean i-"

He walks closer, cornering me against the counter, his face only a few inches away from mine.

A smirk finds his face. "You're looking for a Daddy, aren't you?" The blood drains out of my face. Nobody knew about that certain kink, until now. "A Daddy who'll take care of you..." His hands slide up and down my thighs. "A Daddy who'll spoil your dirty ass rotten..." I feel his touch inching under my skirt. "A Daddy who'll touch you like this...." His big hands slide under my skirt and grope my asscheeks apart. I don't know what to do or say, so I just gulp looking into his eyes. Suddenly, I feel his body right up against mine and he bucks his crotch into mine. "Answer me my Baby Girl."

"I-I, uh..." I stutter out and a smirks finds Connor's face as he pulls away, turning around and going back to drinking his coffee. My eyebrows scrunch up in confusion and the front of my skirt lifts a bit from my boner. "What just happened?" I spit out.

"I was just playing around.... Oh, you actually thought I was gonna fuck you?" He says with fake pity and I just stare at him. "Awww Baby Girl, I have standards. You don't quite reach those though." I just look at him dumbfounded and he explains. "Troye listen, you're sexy and all, but you're a whore. You've been used over and over again. I'm not really into quick fucks."

"O-okay." Is all that Troye answers with. He looks broken and insulted with his eyes watering up.  "I'll just go. Thanks for the drugs, I guess."

"N- Troye wait. That's not what I meant." I say, grabbing his arm. He flinches away, just like the day I met him.

He sniffles. "I know exactly what you meant. I'm a whore. You don't have any respect for prostitutes. Even the ones who need to have sex in order to survive."


"Connor, fuck off." He says sternly and walks out. Well, that went well.

"Connor?" Lilly's voice calls out as she walks in, "You guys have sex yet? I see Troye's panties on the ground in the living room."

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "You obviously just missed our fight."


"Troye wanted to have sex and I said no and explained to him that I don't like sleeping with whores. He got offended by the truth and left."

She just shakes her head and sighs. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm your friend. Connor, why are you so rude?"

"This is just the way I am. And if he can't handle it, it's his fault!"

"But it's your loss." Lilly sighs and walks out of the kitchen.

(•_•) timeskip (•_•)

I walk down the streets around noon when the sun is going down. The general public is away and only the druggies, mafia, and prostitutes are out. Troye's probably out. I shake my head to get rid of thoughts about him. But that's no use, considering that I see him pressed against a brick wall by the same he kissed out his apartment, Matthew or something like that.

They're making out and Matt has Troye's arms pinned over his head. Soon enough, the kisses start trailing downward to Troye's slender neck but when Matt starts playing with the waistband of his skirt, Troye stops him. Matt looks mad and Troye looks... Scared. I can see the glint of fear in his eyes. But I can't do anything about it before Matthew pulls him farther into the alley and through a door.

Hey I'm back. Sorry it took forever, school's difficult. Also if I don't update quickly, yell at me on Twitter/Tumblr @kingtronler. I kind of need the reminders.

BABYGIRL | tronnorWhere stories live. Discover now