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"So, who's that guy you kissed yesterday?" Connor asks while we sit on his couch.

"H-how'd you know about that?" I ask nervously.

"I have my sources," Connor smirks but then his expression softens and he chuckles, "Just kidding. I was out and saw you two."

"Hah... Oh. Yeah, h-his name's Matthew." I look at my fingers. For some reason, I was uneasy about his demeanor. I don't know, maybe it's just me. Probably. But something in the back of my head keeps telling me they won't like each other.

Connor nods awkwardly. "How do you know him?"

I snap out of my daze. "Who? Oh, Matthew. He saw me in the coffee shop before and asked for my number. We've met up a few times after that, but yesterday was our first date."

Connor just nods again, and then leans back onto the couch, pulling out his phone, probably on Instagram. Can you believe he has like 10.4k followers? Photography skills man. But, I'm stalling on what I've been wanting to ask Connor. Shifting uncomfortably, I sit on my hands, and lean forward slightly.


"Hm?" He answers, not looking up from his phone.

"Can I get some... Um, you know... Angel dust?" I ask tentatively. He sighs heavily, and after a few seconds looks up at me.

"Why? I didn't take you as a druggie."

I nod shyly, "Sometimes I do. And right now, I need some... So how much for 10g?"

"Ooooohhh, my Baby Girl's being so bad and rebellious... I think it's time for a punishment." Connor teases, while smacking my ass, causing me to yelp as he runs to wherever to get the drug. He comes back soon after with a small bag of white powder and I start grabbing for it, but he pulls away every time I reach for the angel dust.

Troye's eyes light up at the sight of the PCP (another word for angel dust) and he immediately goes to grab for it.

"Ahh, ahh, ahh... Pay up first." I say.

Troye frantically searches for money, "H-how much?"

"$60 bucks. I'm giving you a huge discount right now, pay up." I say seriously.

"Uhh... C'mon I only have $40. Can I pay you back or...?" Troye gasps out desperately. This is why I don't do drugs more than once every 3 weeks.
I don't want to become an addict. Troye, on the other hand, probably already is one, based on the way he's acting right now. Wait, I could probably make him do anything right now. Let me just test him to make sure.

"Suck my dick." I smirk as Troye scrambles to the ground, onto his knees prying my belt off and I stop him.

"Here." I toss him the drug and he looks up at me thankfully. Yup, he's an addict.

"Can I just get high here? I can't wait." Troye pleads. I nod and sit on the counter. He spreads out PCP and arranges it in five lines, leaving the rest in the bag. I watch as he snorts the first three lines and then sneezes. Troye lets out a giggle but finishes the rest of the lines.

Less than five minutes later, he's hammered, stumbling towards me as he's giggling.

"You..." Troye points a finger at my chest, "are so fuckin' hot. Oh my god...," he gasps out, lazily, "I have an idea! You should definitely fuck meeeeee!" He giggles again, sticking his tongue out. I shake my head and lightly swing my feet, dangling from the counter.

"B-but I'm a Baby Girl and I need a Daddy Dom, please Daddy?" He sticks out his bottom lip even more than usual and pouts. I say no and Troye slides to his knees. He clambers between my legs and kneels between them, grabbing at my crotch. I pull his hands off my belt and he rolls his eyes. "You're no fun... But I am."

Troye gets up in front of me, turns around, and leans down so his sheer lace panties show from under his skirt. He grabs his own ass from under the white skirt and pulls down his panties. Oh my fucking god. What am I supposed to do with this wreck?

"Why do you seem drunk? High people are just supposed to just chill." I ask.

Troye smirks and pulls out a small empty bottle. "Because I am drunk... And high. TWICE THE FUN!!!"

Troye yells, falling over while I try to pull his panties up awkwardly, while looking away. He tries to buck up into my hands, but I still his hips. Forty five minutes later, I'm still on the ground with Troye, trying to claw his hands off me and preventing him from undressing.

"You know what, fuck it." I get up and open the closet, pulling out some rope. "Put your hands together."

Troye obeys what I say and a smirk paints his face. "Ok Daddy. Didn't know you were kinky..."

I mutter, "Shut the hell up." I tie his wrists together and motion him to follow me out of the kitchen. Unfortunately, drunk/high Troye doesn't like to obey orders.

"No Daddy. You have to carry me." He huffs and throws a tantrum.

"Troye. Get the fuck of the floor and follow me." I yell, getting pissed at his childishness.

"Nooooooo." He bursts out in tears. "I d-don't like w-when people yell at m-meeee!" I roll my eyes and just give in.

"C'mere babe." I kneel down and motion him to fall into my arms... As corny as that is. He wraps his legs around my waist and puts his tied wrists around my neck. I get up, but can't get over how light and fragile he is.

Troye buries his face in my neck, kissing my jawline and giggling. "You know, my offer is still up for grabs. I'll do anything to pay you back." He says in a singsong voice that may or may not have turned me on. "C'mon Daddy, show me who's boss. Show me that when you say 'Pay up', I need to 'pay up'."

"Hmmm... How 'bout we wait till you're sober? So that you could actually remember how I show you who's boss?"

I'm so tired. Follow my Twitter and Tumblr @kingtronler.

BABYGIRL | tronnorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang