Chapter ~ 10

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Jason P.O.V

I felt myself take a deep breath not to lash out on the monkey who has been jumping in bed while blasting 'feeling myself' for the last five minutes.

"I'm feeling myself, I'm feeling myself, I'm feeling my feeling my feeling myself" I groaned again and grabbed his ankle once he stepped foot on the bed, pulling it and making me fall into the bed letting out a not so manly scream.

"Ah!" I put my hand over his mouth and got close to his ear.

"If you don't shut the fuck up and let me sleep, you will regret it, Justin Drew" I whispered but it couldn't be taken as a threat. I was too tired.

Justin took my hand off of his mouth and laughed "Is that the best threat you have? Oh, I'm so scared" He chuckled.

"Just let me sleep!" I whined feeling drained.

"But I have school. I'm not a lazy mofo like you are" I raised an eyebrow and opened one eye to look at him.

"Excuse you? I graduated high school and college, you fatherfucker" Justin laughed again while slapping my arm. Why do I even want to date this kid?

"F-Fatherfu-fucker" He cried "He said fatherfucker" He said laughing. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Obviously I wasn't going back to sleep any time soon.

"Who are you saying that to?" I questioned, actually worried about his wellbeing.

"The air" He stated and got up again to jump on the bed "Get up! You're taking me to school" He said.

"I'm what?" I said sitting up straight.

"Taking me to school. Come on, I want to show you off" He said getting off of bed.

"But you won't even date me. Why would you show me off?" I asked but something inside of me warmed up. He wants to show me off. I thought he'd be ashamed that I'm older than him.

"Who cares? You're hot enough. Plus, who said I'm going to say we're dating? I just want to tell people that you and I are both taken" What kind of logic is that?

"But isn't that the same as saying we are basically dating?" I asked.

"Jason" He said in a warning tone.

"Justin" I repeated until it hit me "Oh my god" I said throwing the blankets off of me and walking over to Justin "you totally want to date me! You're just making me work to piss me off but you totally want to be my boyfriend" I said happily hugging him by the waist and bringing him closer to me.

"You're so slow" He complained "Get off of me, you normal color hulk" I laughed against his neck and kissed it lightly.

"What do you want me to do if you've been making me think that you want nothing to do with me unless I work to call you mine" I was spilling my heart out meanwhile Justin kept pushing me away.

"Me trying to kiss you while you were just my teacher should have gave me away. Now get off!" All I did was hug him tighter.

"It gave away that you liked me and I did catch that message. Loud and clear" I stated.

"I wonder what gave me away" He said sounding annoyed.

"Your jealousy" I said as a matter of fact.

"That's it. Get off, you imbecile" He said pushing me and I let him push me away as I laughed "And for your much needed information, I was not jealous. Jealous your aunt" He huffed walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Away from you and your ways" He opened the door and looked back at me.

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