Chapter ~ 20

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Jason P.O.V

Everything started when Justin came to me to actually learn how to box. A week or so after that I got a call from Gabby saying my two years old son needed a heart transplant or otherwise he will not live long than a year or less if he is not lucky enough. I had to act fast.

My son was literally on his death bed and he wasn't even five years old.

That broke my heart.

Knowing that I had to do everything in my power. My target turned out to be my own student. But for that I had to see if he and my son were compatible and I took it in me to do whatever it took to see if they were compatible. Turned out they both were AB+ and so my plan started.

I noticed how Justin would look at me for long periods of time. How he would lick his lips every time my muscles flexed and that was just an indicator that he liked me. Not as his boxing coach, but as in someone he wanted to be with.

Figuring that was my only chance and or way to get him where I wanted, I invented my crush on him and made a move. I had to, I didn't think about the fact that he was a boy, I didn't think at all. I had to act right away.

It took longer than I expected. I tried to make it fast but he was stubborn. He was making me work for something I didn't even want.


What I wanted was his heart. Most people, anybody really, would disagree with what I'm doing, unless you're a parent and your child is dying because of a heart that's never arriving. We were on the waiting list for a heart for the longest time. One arrived yet it wasn't for my son, it was for an elder.

Someone that was going to die sooner than later not mattering if he got a new heart or not. Another heart came to the hospital my child was hospitalized in yet, the heart wasn't for him either. It was for another little girl. More hearts kept coming but none of them was for my baby.

Justice wasn't doing it for me and I had to take it into my own hands.

As a parent. You would do anything for your children and that includes something totally out of mind. Kill someone. Mean harm to anyone and I got to that point. I got to the point where I had to act and forget about the morals I was ever thought or about one of the ten commandments.

Don't kill.

As I laid down in my bed. I stared up at the ceiling, conflicted with everything and anything. I wanted to see my baby boy so bad, yet I couldn't move. I needed to bring Justin home as soon as possible. Or else Jackson will not be able to handle it.

Grabbing my phone from my pocket. I dialed Gabby's number and waited for her to pick it up.

"Hello?" Her voice rang through my ears relaxing me instantly.

"Hey" I whispered "How are you and Jackson?" I asked.

"I'm good and Jackson is holding on. He's been asking for you a lot more lately. We both miss you" She said.

"I miss you two too. Can you put him on the phone?" She hummed and moments later his tiny baby voice rang through my ears.

"Hey, buddy. How are you, champion?" I asked. My vision started blurring with unshed tears.

"I'm tired, dad" He complained making my chest ached powerfully.

"Its going to get better soon, baby, okay? Dad is doing everything to ease the pain. You just have to hold on" Seconds later I heard sobs.

"I don't want it to hurt anymore, dad! It hurts so much. I can't breath and I'm always sleeping. I can never go out and play and I want to play" I choked on my tears and held my chest tightly.

"You will be able to play in no time. Remember you're a champion and champions always win" I said weakly.

"Maybe I'm not a champion, daddy. Champions are not always tired" He said.

"Champions also don't give up, sweetie"

"I want to see you, daddy" He said changing the subject and I still wonder how a two years old can be so smart like him yet, he is dying.

That thought alone made me change my mind about coming home in three weeks. What if he can't handle three weeks? What if... No, no what ifs. I had to do this and I had to do this now.

"I'm coming home tomorrow, sweetie. I will see you tomorrow" He cheered and passed the phone to Gabby.

"Is it true?" She asked right away.

"I'm coming home tomorrow, baby" I stated as a matter of fact.

"I will see you tomorrow then" She said sounding exhausted and just as if she's tired of everything going on.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" She said before hanging up. I put the phone down and laid on my side, closing my eyes and letting the darkness and sleep take over.


The bell ringing woke me up abruptly. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I got up from the bed and walked out of my room and to the door. Opening it, I saw Justin standing there.

"Hey" I said opening the door wider. He stepped in and turned around to look at me as I closed the door behind me.

"I thought you were going to pick me up from school?" He said but it sounded like a question.

"I know, but I fell asleep and lost track of the time. I'm sorry" Why would I pick him up from school and I can't even put my own son in a school?

"It's okay..." He trailed off "Something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head way too quickly but this was my time.

"I just have a proposition for you" I said.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

"Come with me to meet my family tomorrow" I said. Trying to make it sound like there was no space for questioning because there wasn't any room to question it.

"What? But I thought your parents----"

"Not my parents. My sister and her son--- They are the only family I have left. Literally" He looked at me uneasy.

"But I have school tomorrow and---"

"You can skip it... I will bring you back in time for when school ends. Pattie won't suspect a thing" I was desperate and I think he noticed.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes. I just miss her and my nephew and my nephew is sick. I just want to see him" I explained falsely.

"You're such a bad influence" He chuckled "But alright... I'll go with you to meet your family" I smiled and hugged him. I didn't want to hurt him. Justin wasn't a bad person and I honestly don't know why I chose to hurt him, but I did and there's no going back now.

Not even if I wanted, my son was suffering and talking nonsense. That couldn't go on. He was giving up and that cannot happen. Not in a million years.

"Thank you" I whispered "Thank you" I repeated because he didn't know it but I did and that was the fact that...

He was going to give his life up for my son.


Indeed not a dream this time... Sorry.

~ Eli

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