Chapter ~ 12

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Justin P.O.V

"I haven't kill anyone!" I defended myself.

I won't lie, I have the craving to go hunting at night. For humans. I have the craving to just go into the night and kill somebody. Rip their throat apart and make them bleed to death. Smell their sweet blood hitting my nostrils as I enjoyed their cries of pain.

But I haven't actually kill anyone.

True story is, I have beaten people up. I have sent people into a coma for beating them up badly. The FBI have been called a few times but they have gotten nothing. And I understand where Dahlia was coming from. About her and my parents protecting me but I need no one.

Who would remember who beat them up when they don't know my name, face or the fact that I beat them up? Its just a lot of loose clues.

When I called Jason, I actually wanted to go out there and find someone I could get my hands on to beat up. Yes, I wanted to just go out and for no reason, kill somebody. Someone innocent who never in their live did anything to me. But I just had that infinite craving.

How did I ever find out about Jason being a boxing teacher?

I was in the middle of my blank state. I wanted to murder someone with my own two fists. Jason happened to be walking on the sidewalk when he caught my eye. He was beautiful, no denying. In fact he was so beautiful, that I wanted his blood. I wanted to smell his blood. How does that makes sense? I don't know.

I followed him. My intentions were to beat him up. To kill him with my own two hands and leave his features unrecognizable. Instead what happened? I followed him up until he arrived at the place he teaches boxing at.

There were many people, even though it was really late at night. It doesn't matter how big or old a person is, if I set my eyes on that person to be my next victim, they can't do shit about it. Why? Because it will be unexpected.

They are not expecting to be beat up beyond recognition.

I knew that going in and asking to enter his lessons sounded fishy and even more at those hours so I left... I left only to go back on the early hours of the next morning.

He asked questions about why I wanted to join his class. I didn't want to tell him my punches were deadly. Literally, so I made a shit excuse as to why I wanted to join. What better excuse then me being picked on in school?

Nobody knew about this nightmare I was living aside from my parents and my best friend. Everyone else thought I was a normal teenage guy, trying to build a life but at this point all I was building was my own grave.

"You're not a fucking vampire Justin!" Dahlia hissed bringing me back to the present "You can not just beat people up for your own pleasure. Because you seek seeing and smelling blood. That's sick" She argued.

"Who is arguing with the fact that I'm sick?" I retorted making her groan.

"I love you and you know that, Justin but one day. You're going to get caught and I'm not going to be there to help you, neither are your parents" She explained and I just shrugged.

"I was born alone, I will die alone" I stated.

"You're impossible" She huffed "Goodbye" She said as the bell rang.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out" I yelled after her as the hall started to get packed.

People, yikes.

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