Chapter ~ 25

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Jason P.O.V 

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned deeply and reached out for the phone on the nightstand. Picking it up, I put it to my ear after sliding the green bottom to the right.


"Is this Mr. McCann? Jackson McCann's father?" Just as those questions were asked, my sleepiness went away and I was wide awake. Listening attentively to what was being said.

"This is he" I replied as I sat up on the bed.

"I am calling to inform that a heart has arrived for Jackson. It is a heart of a kid who was in a car accident and died in emergency room. Even though the kid is the same age as your son, there still are risks but we are aiming for the best to happen. If you could, please, make it down to the hospital so we could discuss and sign some papers? We would like to start surgery as soon as possible. There's no time to waste" The doctor explained.

"I'll be right there" I said hurriedly and hung up. I threw the phone in the bed and got up before running into the hallway and into the room Justin was staying "Justin! Justin! Justin!" I called out as I barged into the room.

"What? What happened?" He asked sitting up on the bed looking alarmed.

"They found a heart for my champion, Justin! They finally got a heart for my little baby boy" I exclaimed. Not being able to hold in the emotional tears that started to run down my cheeks. Justin's eyes widened as he got up from the bed and walked up to me.

"Oh my god! That's great" He said happily before throwing his arms around my neck "Your kid is going to be okay. Finally" He mumbled against my neck. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his slim waist.

"Finally" I whispered.


We arrived at the hospital and got out of the car. Locking it, we jogged inside and directly to the receptionist desk. 

"I'm here because I got a call that a heart came in for my son?" I said in form of a question to the lady behind the computer. She looked at me for a moment before nodding.

"What's you son's name, sir?" She questioned.

"Jackson McCann" She typed away in the computer after telling me to wait. I turned around to Justin and looked at him helplessly. He smiled reassuringly at me and stepped forward. Without much a sentence, he wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my chest. Wrapping mines around his shoulder, I placed my head on top of his and closed my eyes. This was just comforting. A boy I was planning on killing, comforting me even after I told him what I was planning to do all along. Ever since I met him and the creepy things I got to do just to take his life away.

What kind of angel is he?

"Mr. McCann?" I let go of Justin and turned around to face the lady.


"Dr. Brown put in the report that little Jackson has received a heart from an infant that died in an accident. He has also left some papers and explanations for you. These papers need to be signed if you agree that Jackson can be in surgery" She said passing me the papers and a pen. Without much of a second thought, I gave every single paper my signature. Handing them back to her, I waited for her to explain what the doctor said "Signed everything?" She asked.

"Yes" I replied.

"Okay, the doctor here is explaining that even if the kid was the same age as your son, there could and will be risks. The main one is the surgery taking a turn for the worst and the kid going into a heart attack. That could be stabilized in some cases but in others, they're are fatal. There could also be the risk of an arterial vein being damaged. The doctor doesn't want to scare you but those are one of the main risks. The good thing is that, the surgery could and most likely will go the right way and your son will be able to live long and healthily. That's what the doctors operating are aiming for. If you agree, even with these risks, please sign these papers as well" The lady explained.

I took the papers and stared at them. In the back of my mind they were screaming at me to sign them. To give my son the heart he needs and deserves. Other part of me was thinking way too much about the risks. About my son not making it out of that surgery room. All odds were against me right now. Time, risks and life itself was something I was racing against and at this point I was so weak that I wasn't so sure I was ahead of them for much.

"Jason?" I hummed and turned my head to see Justin looking at me with that smiled that seemed to keep reassuring me that everything is going to be alright "Think about the positive things. Think about your son being able to run in the park when you take him. Think about him learning how to ride a bike for the first time. Or maybe think about you teaching him how to swim or... Maybe you should think about that day you take him to school for the first time and he is happy to finally be a normal, healthy kid" He reasoned. I stared at Justin, eyes watery at the thought of my champion finally enjoying life.

"As much as I'd love to think like that, I'm a terrible pessimist. I can't stop thinking about him not being able to make it out of that surgery room. I can't stop thinking about his lungs failing him or that machine stopping its work and driving my champion to a cemetery. I can't stop thinking about me burring my own child, Justin. I don't want to risk that much" I mumbled miserably.

"I don't want to rub it, you know but... That was what you were going to do when you did you know what. If you had succeed doing that, your kid would most likely not be here" He whispered "God gave you a second change to do the right thing and that is to sign those papers and pray for your child, Jason. He needs you to think with your brain this time, not your heart. He didn't give up, neither can you" Justin said firmly. 

I swallowed the lump on my throat and nodded hesitantly. Turning around, I signed those damned papers with my eyes closed, basically. Handing them to the lady, she typed some more things on the computer before looking back at me with a smile that the world could just tell was fake but I wasn't here for her fake concerns. 

"Your son will go into surgery in an hour. You cannot go and visit him for now because he is getting prepared for the operation. The surgery will take approximately six to seven hours and we are all hoping for the best" She said before putting the papers away and totally ignoring me.

Turning around with wide astonished eyes, I stared at nothing in specific. My thoughts going completely wild and in different directions. Holy mother of God, it was reality. Nothing can beat reality and my champion finally getting his heart transplant was one of those realities you could just not beat.

"Oh my..." I mumbled, my eyes shifting towards Justin who was looking at me carefully. Like I'm a madman that had to be watched or he would do something totally insane.

"Think of this as the start of a new beginning" He said as he held my hand tightly.

"New beginning" I mumbled. The sound of that sounding bittersweet on my tongue. I knew what I was risking in order to get this 'new beginning' but then again I'd be selfish if I didn't sign those papers. Considering I wanted to kill my champion myself. There was just one thing to do now. Actually two...

... Wait and give cheers for an approaching new beginning.

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